Everything posted by 260DET
Good Luck to the Z Racers at the Solo Nationals!
Shocks. The track cars that I see with teeth rattling suspension going over ripple strips makes me wonder when with my custom stuff I hardly notice them. It can be surprising how compliant a suspension can be with relatively heavy springs if the shocks are valved and adjusted right. The more compliant the suspension, within reason, the more the tyre maintains 100% road contact.
spin at Texas World Speedway
Someone yakking in my ear would be most distracting but you did well, love those US speedway circuits
280ZX Suspension conversions?
As Jon said, there is a choice as to what other non semi trailing arm subframe mounted suspension may be fitted, all will involve structural work though eg Nissan Z32, S14. I believe that the STA Z31 suspension was an improvement on what you have, some have five stud hubs too. It should be easier too fit than others. All depends on how much work you can do, nothing is a straight bolt in.
280ZX Suspension conversions?
Car looks great so far There is nothing terribly wrong with semi trailing arm suspension, BMW used it well and I think they used it on a late model too. But for racing they changed the angles the arms operate at to reduce camber change, Frank over at HybridZ details those changes in a great post. Look also at using a Z31 rear end.
Not Z related but the Skyline guys...
For AU grey imports are not crash tested but must (be made to) comply with the current design rules, lights etc. Crash testing would in effect ban most imports and so operate as back door protectionism.
Not Z related but the Skyline guys...
Despite what it may claim, the US is in effect very protectionist in this era of supposed world trade. Its not the only one of course but it does stand out. This action against Skyline owners seems rough, surely some sort of statute of limitations or similar applies.
Fastest Car You Have Ridden In?
My 280ZXT, avatar car. zTNQ7Ao_AEU
Australian Floods
Premier Bligh is a PITA, its her party's govmint that has allowed high density residential development in flood prone areas, has failed to build more dams and implement other flood minimumisation measures.It just goes to show the power of TV if people elsewhere think she is good, style over substance as usual.
Australian Floods
You would not be out of work in AU thats for sure. Tradesmen aka tradies here can do quite well for themselves although that as usual depends on the individual.
Australian Floods
Before anyone jumps on the global warming bandwagon, Brisbane has had bigger floods before. Problem is that residential developemnt has been allowed to expand in flood prone areas, housing developers 'donate' heavily to politicians for a reason. The flash floods that occurred elsewhere like in Toowoomba came on top of days of soaking rain, thats one reason why they rose so quickly and were so devestating. Some of the poor buggers caught in them had no chance
Mine explosion
On the NZ tragedy, it seems that the first explosion would have killed everyone then or they would have died soon after. But noone apparently was prepared to come out with the bad news immediately and consequently the media, in AU anyway, dragged the story out. Pretty cruel on the relatives and friends
- Vir
The Z Car's Nemesis?
"But by then, the 240Z had begun its metamorphosis into a bloated and smog-conforming GT, resulting in the sports-car insult that was the 280ZX." Amusing comment. Actually in stock form around a race circuit where handling was important a 280ZX at the time was faster than a 240Z, comparable drivers, comparable everything.
Testing 260z on track
Draggers should refer to their's as a "strip day"
Our ChumpCar/LeMons BRE 260Z
Those two spot lights up front will slow you down plus there should be a front spoiler and other aero things which can be done to reduce drag at virtually no cost. See eg http://forums.hybridz.org/index.php/topic/93927-my-front-end-modifications-pics/
Cricket, Cricket, Cricket
From the little first hand information available to me a stock 280ZX 2+2 was quicker around a race circuit than the equivalent S30 2+0 back in the day. If you read the Nissan book on the development of the S130 its not hard to see why, Nissan developed one from the other while taking into account changes in the market and additional safety requirements. I have owned and modified both although my S130 is an import 2+0 and a lot better looking car than the 2+2 and prefer the S130 mainly because it is structurally, dynamically and aero wise a superior car, plus with some mods looks great. Pics below.
Once thought of a simple way to cool diff oil by using gravity to run the oil through an external cooler. Basically have a collector mounted high inside the diff to catch oil thrown about and then direct it to the cooler, which may be just something simple like a piece of finned tube. Probably would not flow enough, still........ Yes Jeff, I could imagine it would be fun to build a LeMons car, the legitimate use of cheap fixes that look dodgy but will still do the job
It would seem appropriate for LeMons that a backyard fix be considered, maybe weld a finned extension onto the cover to increase oil capacity and run some air ducting to help cooling. There is no reason I can think of why a R200 would run cooler except it has more oil capacity plus a bit more metal to act as a heat soak and dispersant.
240Z Competition Parts Catalogue
Contact made, thanks
240Z Competition Parts Catalogue
This thread was just getting interesting, does anyone have Alan Thomas' email address? PM may be best, its required so that I may as a club appointed representative seek to retain assistance in settling the question of using sports option parts in AU historic type events, once and for all. If you are reading this Alan, mine is r_greenup@yahoo.com.
Arizona Z type front brakes
Could be axle flex, machine spacers to fit between the inner and outer bearings. That has to be done accurately of course because then bearing adjustment will no longer be available by adjusting the nut. Which has to be done up tight to lock the spacer against both bearings.
How would you build a DSP AUTO-X Z
Stiffer chassis than the S30? I have no idea but if the ZX is the bastard child then it would be fun to get one competitive, put some noses out of joint.
Need a good laugh? Read this
They go faster on five cylinders than on six, something to do with the more efficient use of fuel and spark. Either that or it just seems that way when you are on street corner drugs
any know why the z31's are usally never looked at
The Z31 and S130 are similar in that they are more solid car than the S30 without the weight and complexity of the Z32. Both have similar suspension too which, with some work, performs very well. People seem to forget that BMW used a similar type of suspension with excellent results. Its just that BM specced theirs to be more sporty in feel and performance.
any know why the z31's are usally never looked at
They were set up to be a cruiser, comfortable but boring, what the American market wanted apparently Like with the S130, few people now appear to be prepared to spend money on them to transform them into a sports car, which is what they are underneath anyway.