Im pretty certain that this is an R230 diff, with a 230mm ring gear, which I doubt will fit into an R200 (200 mm carrier assmbly) but you could make custom flanges for the datsun axels to line up... have you tried to line up a datsun axel? My guess is you could grind off the extruded area of the axel flange, and hold up the datsun axels and redrill them to fit and bolt them up, and mounting wouldnt be too difficult, you could welt a L flange onto the mustach bar to allow mounting.... I have seen some of the newer infinity LSD's and this looks alot like those (R230's) maybe they are made by Fuji Heavy Industries, the company that makes R200's for Nissan (also R's in Suburu's too, R160's) Anyways hope these Ideas help.... it would be totally slick and envious if you could use this Supra LSD on your Z! Dan