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  1. Don't know how interesting this is, but I got my 280Z back in 2013, car had 337k miles on it, the story was the original owner was an air force pilot who drove the car constantly from California to Florida. 1975 280Z California model. Currently has 352k on the clock.
  2. Thanks for checking in, all good in my area!
  3. I have a few items left if anyone needs anything. Fan only (no more relay harness) - $30 280Z engine harness - $50 280Z fuel pressure regulator - $25 Prices do not include shipping.
  4. This fan came on a 240Z parts car. I used it on my 280Z for a while, then switched back to the stock clutch fan. I'm looking to get $60 + shipping
  5. For me, it's not even that, even when the boost kicks in, it still doesn't feel like there's any, maybe if I stretch it to redline, something impressive might happen, but I only got a couple times to try it. Might just pull it all apart to check it before trying again.
  6. I expected spool up to be a little quicker. I started off with a 5psi spring in the wastegate and will put a boost controller to go up little by little, but keeping it at a safe level. Initially it didn't even feel like it was even making boost. I took out an L28 with a mild cam, header, and triple webers. Wasn't the fastest thing on the planet, but I expected a turbo L24 to be a little quicker. I'll check everything over again before I totally give up on it. I'm too determined to give up!
  7. I do plan on getting a heat shield fabbed up for the brake master cylinder. I do have a wideband and took it out for a ride last night. Just on wastegate pressure, it was quite possibly the worst turbo setup I've ever driven. The engine is smooth and afr was in the 11-12:1 range, but the turbo wouldn't start making boost until after 4k rpm, and it would hit 5psi right around 5500rpm, either something isn't right, or this old turbo is terribly inefficient. I'll pull things apart and make sure there's no boost leaks, and track down that noise that I swear is an exhaust leak, even though I don't feel it when putting my hand around all the exhaust flanges.
  8. You can hear the exhaust leak in the video.
  9. The L24 is in, and ready to go! I only get to work on the car a couple hours a night, so it took me about 3 nights from start to finish. Initially the L24 had low compression on a few cylinders (between 30-40psi). I put some Marvel Mystery oil in each cylinder, and after about 4 hours I tried again, and got about 150 across the board, seems promising! It starts and runs, and holds idle great! I have yet to drive it, I think there's a huge exhaust leak somewhere. I can't pin point it yet, but when you rev up the engine, exhaust smoke is coming from the manifold to turbo up pipe. So I'll probably have to pull it all apart and see how the welds are, or if there's a crack. But so far so good. Here's a few pictures from the swap! 20170726_171616 by Serban Gavrilescu, on Flickr 20170726_171623 by Serban Gavrilescu, on Flickr 20170726_171633 by Serban Gavrilescu, on Flickr 20170726_171645 by Serban Gavrilescu, on Flickr 20170726_171657 by Serban Gavrilescu, on Flickr 20170726_171713 by Serban Gavrilescu, on Flickr 20170726_171722 by Serban Gavrilescu, on Flickr 20170726_172011 by Serban Gavrilescu, on Flickr 20170726_215604 by Serban Gavrilescu, on Flickr 20170726_215818 by Serban Gavrilescu, on Flickr 20170727_005921 by Serban Gavrilescu, on Flickr 20170728_174955 by Serban Gavrilescu, on Flickr 20170729_220208 by Serban Gavrilescu, on Flickr 20170729_121122 by Serban Gavrilescu, on Flickr 20170729_220216 by Serban Gavrilescu, on Flickr 20170729_220434 by Serban Gavrilescu, on Flickr
  10. Making some progress! This is the turbo kit on my L28. I'll be pulling this engine out, and putting the L24 that this kit came on in the car. This was for mockup. 20170724_220048 by Serban Gavrilescu, on Flickr Wastegate added. I believe it's a 5psi spring, so that's a good start 20170724_220129 by Serban Gavrilescu, on Flickr
  11. I think the compressor was painted, but there may be some oil in there to help lubricate the outer housing
  12. That looks like the under dash stuff mostly, but maybe it's not all pictured, but let me know, I've got a working compressor I pulled off last year.
  13. Do you still need a compressor and bracket? I've got the dealer option one available. The one that sits on the top passenger side of the engine.
  14. You need to hurry up and get the car back on the road! My turbo wasn't locked up, the car sat for a long time, but the guy did his best to protect the engine, hoses were capped off, carb inlet was covered. Totally sent me some pictures, I'd love to see another one of these setups and how they're run.
  15. Thanks for the heads up, I use a cabinet to clean these parts, I know how nasty the glass beads can be if you breathe them in.
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