Everything posted by gotham22
Loss of acceleration when hitting gas hard
Good info thanks. Going to get a gauge and report back to the thread
Loss of acceleration when hitting gas hard
Thanks. It is stock fuel injection. I will try the suggestions
Loss of acceleration when hitting gas hard
I own a 1978 280Z that runs well when I press the gas pedal smoothly. However, if I try to accelerate quickly or shift faster while pressing the pedal aggressively, it feels like the fuel flow cuts off. The RPMs remain steady, but the car loses power. If I ease off the pedal, the issue resolves. The car runs fine as long as I’m not too abrupt with the accelerator—it only happens when I press it quickly. Any ideas as to what is going on?
1978 280z High Beam Switch
Its the nubbin that makes contact when you use the hi/lo switch.
1978 280z High Beam Switch
I was sanding the contact of the high beam switch today and I am such an arse. I dropped the metal piece that goes in the white clicker part. I am so mad, I cant find it in the garage. Anyone know if it is even possible to get one of these? Or does anyone have one? I am so screwed. A replacement switch is like $700.
78z Fuel Gauge is not working
I found the issue. It was the gauge. When I tried the new gauge the first time it must have not been plugged in fully. Thank you guys for the help. I really appreciate you helping a newbie.
78z Fuel Gauge is not working
I have not bench tested the gauge yet
78z Fuel Gauge is not working
Key was in the on position
78z Fuel Gauge is not working
So I jumped black to yellow and then black to yellow/blue. The gauge did not move. I tried this with two different gauges. I guess thats good news that it is not the gauge or the sending unit. Where should I look next?
78z low beams not working
I have an issue where I can not get my low beams to work. When I turn the switch to the little dot the parking lights come on. When I turn the switch to the big dot then nothing happens. With the switch in this mode if I turn on the high beams they work. High beams off, no lights. I do not know where/how to start troubleshooting.
78z Fuel Gauge is not working
Ok so I will test it with the gauge connected in the car. How do I ground the sending unit to the gauge? Sorry for the dumb question. I am not a wiring guy and I don't want to mess anything up.
78z Fuel Gauge is not working
I did a bunch of searches but I am still unsure how to test the system properly. My fuel gauge is not moving. It had previously worked. So I have a few questions: 1- How can I test the gauge on the bench to make sure it is not an issue with gauge itself? 3-When the wires are disconnected from the fuel sender is there a way to test and see if the gauge moves? 2-Anything else I should know? I attached the two pictures, the wires at the sender and the gauge Thanks in advance for your help.
1978 280z Speedo Troubleshooting
I will conduct a test in a few days and see if it spins as a first step. Thanks for the quick repsonses
1978 280z Speedo Troubleshooting
Hey Guys, I replaced my speedometer cable and it worked fine for about two weeks. Now the needle doesn't move. I checked the connection underneath the car and also at the back of the gauge. It looks good. If I remove the cable from the gauge and drive is that a good way to see if it is spinning? I have a dash cap and no easy way to remove the speedo unless I remove the dash which is not what I want to do. So I am looking for an alternate way to test it before I go down that route. I had similar issues with my other gauges and the fix was to take them apart and use fine sandpaper on the internal connections. Could that possibly be an issue here?
1978 280z Antenna Switch
Has anyone tried to restore the antenna switch? Assuming you need to drill it open? My down position works but not the up.
New clutch issue 280z
I do have some play in the clutch pedal. Seems like I only have one choice now, remove the transmission and check throwout bearing collar
New clutch issue 280z
When you say play do you mean loose and squishy. My clutch pedal does not feel like that. Is there an adjustment I should try. Sorry for the novice questions
New clutch issue 280z
New clutch issue 280z
Going to gather more info this weekend when I get a chance to work on it again
New clutch issue 280z
to be honest I cant remember if it came with the sleeve. I did all the work in early 2000 but just got the car back on the road a few months ago.
New clutch issue 280z
I have a 1978 280z 5 speed. I installed a transmission service kit from Z Car Source of Arizona a while ago. Attached is the order form. Yesterday was the first time I was able to take the car for a long drive. When I get to 2500rpm the clutch slips in 2nd and 3rd gear and I can get no more power until I change gears. Has anyone had issues with this kit. I am a novice in working on cars so any advice on troubleshooting would be greatly appreciated. SO-100005509.pdf
Headlight switch problem- 1978 280z
@aland The depth is 4mm. I found springs at Lee Spring Part LCM050AA 02 M LCM050AA 02 M
Mount for power antenna - 280z
I found something that will work. I had a brain fart and forgot about the fastener on top. For some reason I thought I needed a heavy duty mount inside the car.
Headlight switch problem- 1978 280z
Mount for power antenna - 280z
I have a 1978 280z. Does anyone know where I can get a mount for my power antenna? I read the thread below which appears to show the original mount. I can't find it on-line though. Anyone have an alternative solution to mount it?