Everything posted by gotham22
Thermostat/Oil gauge
I should be getting the one I bought in a couple of days. I can compare the two. I barely “bent” it so hopefully I didnt mess it up too bad. As long as the temp is not pegged and the oil pressure doesnt read zero its a win!
Thermostat/Oil gauge
Good news! It is fixed. I used 1000 grit sandpaper on the contacts and slightly bent the metal arm. Works as expected. I knew there had to be a way to fix it. Thanks for all the help guys. Keep knocking the finishing tasks off the list.
1973 Rebuild
If you need more pics let me know. I had to remove the compressor to fix the front frame rail. Now I am debating if I go back to R12 or upgrade. One more thing on the list
1973 Rebuild
Thermostat/Oil gauge
Thanks Steve, I bought one on ebay. I know nothing about how these work but I am extremely curious so I opened it up. It seems pretty straight forward though. How can I tell which part failed? Is there a way to bench test it? Like I said, I am just curious and love to see how things work. So it's all I can think about right now! ha!
Thermostat/Oil gauge
I pulled the gauge and I do have power from the dash harness. Since the issues resides at the gauge is there a way to fix the voltage regulator? Or wire a new one into the circuit. Or do I need to replace the gauge?
Thermostat/Oil gauge
Last night I was driving and the gauges started working again - sort of. They weren't consistent as they moved back and forth. Do you think it still has something to do with the regulator and I have to pull the gauge?
Rear tail light panels
which one of the test samples did you finally choose?
Rear tail light panels
I know this has been covered many times. However, I thought I would post to help others. I repainted my tail light rear panels this weekend - 1978 280z. I am very happy with the outcome. I know this may not suffice for the purists. I did an awful sanding job and I will have to go back and re-do it at some point. Here is what I used SEM 39033 Charcoal Trim SEM 13023 Low Luster Clear Color Krylon K01010A07 Premium Metallic Spray
Headlight switch problem- 1978 280z
Headlight switch problem- 1978 280z
Got my nubbins!! They look good. Have a major issue though. My wife threw away my springs. WTF!!!!!????? I have no words. Anyone know where I can get these or do I need to find someone to manufacture springs. I found this company - https://www.jamesspring.com/our-capabilities/compression-springs/
Thermostat/Oil gauge
Those come from the c6 block right?
Thermostat/Oil gauge
Hi guys, I have a 78 280z. About a month ago the temp/oil gauges were drift back and forth together in unison from left to right. Now they do not work at all. What would have caused this? Before I start ripping out gauges I want a better understanding of what I am looking for. IMG_4406 (1).mp4
Headlight switch problem- 1978 280z
I am picking up the part this week. If it works are there a lot of people who could use them
Headlight switch problem- 1978 280z
never mind on the washer button. I forgot to put a piece back. Could not get the brass nubbin today. Most likely friday
Headlight switch problem- 1978 280z
The machine shop made me a sample. Going to pick it up today! Stupid question? How do you keep the washer button from falling out? I cant see how it connects in other than that little tab.
Headlight switch problem- 1978 280z
I just sent over pics and dimensions to a machine shop. Do you think brass is the best metal to use? For reference here are measurements.
Headlight switch problem- 1978 280z
@Captain Obvious Ha! Nubbin business! I will message you directly. I am also talking to a machine shop today to see what they can do
Headlight switch problem- 1978 280z
Wondering if I try and find a machine shop
Headlight switch problem- 1978 280z
what about using some epoxy on the bad one to reform the top? Do you think that could work?
Headlight switch problem- 1978 280z
i have access to a 3d printer. Do you think that might work?
Headlight switch problem- 1978 280z
OD 3.8mm H 5.1mm
Headlight switch problem- 1978 280z
@SteveJ I have digital calipers
Headlight switch problem- 1978 280z
I was having issues with my headlights where they would only turn on if I played with the knob and moved it back and forth in small increments. I took apart the switch and cleaned up the corrosion. One of my springs with the plastic tips that push the rockers looks melted or worn. I am assuming this is no longer a part I can get. Do I need the plastic piece on top of the spring or can I use the spring without it? Is there anything I can swap the plastic piece with that could work as a fix?
Turn Signals - Stumped
Sounds like I have more fun ahead of me! I think I need start with the headlight switch. It is a little flaky. I have to turn it using slight adjustments to get the headlights to turn on.