Everything posted by drunkenmaster
Rear bumper 'filler' and gas tank...78 280
Is that some sort of aftermarket rear bumper? Never seen it before :surprised
240z conversion commodore VL turbo HELP!
You will need a new fuel system, bigger brakes, not to mention custom mounts, tailshaft and sump. Its not a small job and far from a cheap one. If you want to learn then I would do a EFI L28 swap from a 280zx to a 260Z. While still mechanically challenging, at least things fit where they are suppose to. These motors can be turbocharged quite well also.
Air-con in a 240
Thanks for the info, yes I had the A/C system that had the large evaporator hanging down in the passenger footwell, the plastic housing is a little cracked from years of use, so since I will be hunting and paying for parts anyway, I wonder whether it is worthwhile to pursue and old style system, try and adapt and evaporator from another car or use a full HVAC replacement like vintageair or hotrodair. Since you are knowledgeable in the field and its been a while since I removed mine, is the way the evaporator plumbs into the vents in regard to the blower typical of most cars or is there anything unique or critical that would decide which alternate evaporator to use? Any photos would be great. Thanks
Info/pics on a Brisbane car (Gee?)
OK, just interested to see some close up pics anyway. Looks like a similar idea to Pete Paraska's rear bumper treatment which looks good in my opinion. Shortening the main bar is no problem, my interest is how to for the rounded off edges. I have a junk rear bar I can play with. On my last Z I smoothed the rear but this time around I am a bit wary of any nudges or shopping trolleys hitting the rear. Thanks guys.
Info/pics on a Brisbane car (Gee?)
Does anyone have more pics of this car, in particular I am interested to see in more detail what was done to the rear bumper. (purple car) Thanks
Air-con in a 240
Reviving an old topic, but does anyone have any photos of their aftermarket air conditioning? (vintageair.com etc) I see now hotrodair.com have fresh air option on their similar looking units. On the other hand, can the dealer option systems ever really be made to perform well?
Sticky? Used Parts Prices
How did you order it?
Hello from JAPAN
do you know http://www.rockyauto.co.jp/ I hope to visit there this week or next week. I am in Toyota-city, Aichi.
Sticky? Used Parts Prices
Are the non-fluted bonnets still available new? Nissan and All Z Parts had them for ~$710 or something a year or two ago didnt they?
Outer Tie Rod Removal Problem
They can sezie though, I struggled with mine for an hour with a propane torch. Had to go to a tyre shop in the end who still struggled for 30minutes with an oxy torch and a huge wrench, they were really glowing by the time they let go.
Gas Prices?
We are looking at around $AUD1.20/L here in Australia which looks to be around $US0.90/0.264gallons, so $US3.42/gallon so you guys arent too bad off? I remember it being half this not too long ago and I am not an old(er) guy (25).
Bombings in London
If you turn a few pages of the history books I am sure it is a bit more deep seeded and controversial then hating someones lifestyle, maybe hating what other countries have done to their own may be a bit closer to the money. It is still inexcusible and terrible, but this is the world that has been created. I couldnt imagine the anger and the pain of being affected by such a tragedy, very sorry to hear it.
Britsh Tourist Kills locals and a Zed.
Other than 20 years worth of chassis design?
Is there such thing as a "smoke bomb"?
I know, I was referring to Australia not having an independance day as was questioned a little earlier. :laugh:
Is there such thing as a "smoke bomb"?
I believe fireworks are only legally sold without a licence in Canberra due to a loop hole in a trade agreement? Independance day? Independant of what?
Is there such thing as a "smoke bomb"?
Even better is 2 or 3 ping pong balls, we used to wrap them in aluminium foil as descirbed but mould a foil chimney up the top, about 10cm tall.
Ball Joint Puller help
Pickle fork would be fine judging from the results had by everyone else on this forum, I couldnt find one the weekend I needed it but i saw this tool instead. The advantage of this tool is your using mechanical energy to seperate the joint rather than bashing it, but the down side is they break like mine did. I ended up shearing the head off the bolt of that tool on the last joint it was used for, but it was nothing manipulating the broken tool (still gripped firmly to the joint) with a big hammer couldnt fix
240z Suspension in Oz
Yep, thats why i recommended having a chat to Barry at toperformance. Even though they are in Melbourne, he is the distributor for koni shocks and also has a targa tasmania 240Z.
which books should i pick up
Thanks for the advice, James
240z Suspension in Oz
speak to barry at toperformance.com.au or alan stean at the QLD Z shop I would imagine.
which books should i pick up
OK, would you recommend it for me as I have already torn down my car. My main interests, I guess, are restoring the interior and where everything goes back together?
New info on Honda Blower
Thats what I would like to know also I have never seen the layout in a LHD car.
which books should i pick up
What kind of topics does the "how to restore your datsun z car" book cover? Is it a guide or a techincal book?
RB conversion parts 4 sale
New info on Honda Blower
Does anyone know the differences if any between RHD and LHD cars?