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Everything posted by Radeon

  1. Thank you!:) On with the next two blog posts! Exterior disassembly Couldn’t leave the car left untouched for long and started with the exterior. Just as a side note, I try to combine work of the same topic within a post, doesn’t necessarily mean it was exactly done in that order! At first I removed the cowl panel to clean up inside, as debris of who knows how many years collected inside them and was wet after I power washed her when I brought her home! Next thing where the front and rear bumpers, as well as the side trim which wont get it’s way back onto the car and will be sold. So whoever is interested in the side trim, let me know (in Europe only!)! Stripped both bumpers of the rubber as well as the vertical guards and the bar of the rear bumper. No pictures of the front bumper as of now. The vertical guards and the bar will be sold (in Europe only!). I then stripped the front end and more and more of the unibody saw it’s first sunlight after quite some time I guess! All the metal is in great shape!:) Didn’t get the grill loose yet, two phillips head screws are still stuck, and don’t mind any form of penetrating oil I put on them yet. Heat and this ‘screw extractor’ which you hit with a hammer and it then turns in the loosening direction didn’t work either. The rear had to shed some weight as well as the taillights and panel had to go. Some idiot routed a fuel vapor line through the wiring of the right taillight, so it still sits in the rear of the car. Interior disassembly The interior had to go as well! Most of it was shot, and in ugly beige/blue anyway. The ugliest part though was the blue bathroom carpet someone thought was pretty. The carpet itself was no longer there, but the remains where all over the place! So was the leftover glue on the original vinyl! Together with the dash, the heater components as well as the air condition came out. A/C is for grabs, if someone wants to restore it. Have never seen it working myself (in Europe only!). Quite empty and roomy in here! Sounddeadening in the rear is out already, for the floorpans and tunnel I am going to get some dried ice! You can also see the right taillight still in there, as a fuel vapor line runs through it’s wiring like I mentioned in the exterior disassembly post. Soon to be trash, going to keep it until I have new vinyls! Every bit of plastic is destroyed though. Until tomorrow night!:) All the best! Fabian
  2. Hey Guys! First and foremost a little disclaimer: I own my little Z since April and finally am going to post about her here!:) Since May I posted some posts in my blog already. The blog is and will be the priority from where I most of the time simply copy and paste my posts onto here, so the pictures are hosted on the blog and linked onto here!:) I will however slightly edit stuff for the forum, so everything makes sense!;) To not flood the thread right in the beginning I will delay my post with one or two days in between with the write ups that already accumulated on the blog as of now!:) To whoever prefers to read on the blog itself, or is too curious right from the beginning and wants to read everything that's available right from the get go, there you go: Datsun 240Z 1972 Restomod First a short introduction. I’m a Director of Photographer to be, living in the South of Germany, around Stuttgart right next to Zuffenhausen, for you 911 guys out there!:) 23 (24 now ) years old at the time and quite the car and motorcycle nut. Mostly vintage though! I restored and modified a Honda CB 550F from 1976 to a Café Racer/Brat Style within the last two years, after I’ve owned two Yamaha R6 before, which are only fun at the racetrack, not on public roads. Crashed them both. Here’s a picture of my Honda: As you can read in the next post I recently purchased my next project, a 1972 Datsun 240Z which progress I will post on this blog (forum!:) ) for the next months and year(s) to come! My new to me lady: After months searching for the perfect base I finally found my dream car! Even though I searched throughout Europe and started to think about importing one from the US myself, I found her just 200km away near Munich. Lucky me! After quite the cold ride on my 1976 Honda CB 550 Café Racer one and a half months (now six!) ago I arrived at the old barn where she sat for quite some time already. I liked her, a deal was made and am ‘now’ the proud owner of my own Fairlady! I have to excuse the poor quality of the pictures, the future will bring better ones! She’s a California import and has been imported in 2006, never registered in Germany however. Structurally in great shape, no prior rust repairs and almost no rust. Up until now I only found a small hole in the drivers side door, a hole under the windshield and the battery tray has a tiny area under a square centimetre. I will however remove the sheet metal under the hatch to be thorough! Also mechanically sound, the matching numbers L24 runs great as well as the 4 speed manual transmission. The suspension components are shot, as one would expect. As well as every single piece of rubber and pretty much the whole interior which was in awful beige and has been covered with a blue bathroom rug as it seemed some time ago:D. Bringing her home: Exactly one week later my parents joined me to get her back to my garage. Had to wash her thoroughly first however! And sadly the battery was shot after the ride home on the trailer, so we had to push her into her new home. Previous owner and me That's it for tonight (in Germany), will post the next chapter tomorrow evening, if the demand is not higher!:P All the best to you guys! Fabian

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