Intermittent Starting Click
Had the same problem with our 260Z. Turned the ignition click, click (as many as 5-10 times) and then it would fire up. Assumed that it was the starter itself which looked to be the original to the vehicle so swapped that out. Certainly an improvement, but clicking never fully went away. A little reading suggested that the solenoid wasnt getting enough juice which lead me to a relay fix which touch wood, is working great. http://www.ebay.com/itm/162167687783
Mustache bar bushing replacement
Thanks all for posting. Very helpful and prompted me to finally tackle my bushing replacement this weekend I'd done most all the other bushings a few months ago but had chickened out of the mustache bar at the time. That was probably a mistake and would advise doing all the bushings at once while the suspension is in pieces. Anyway, about three or four hours in total and captured the fun bits on video!! The net outcome was very positive. Not a Rolls Royce quite yet, but certainly way tighter with number of noticable clunks having gone away.
1972 240z gas tank hoses available and where??
All fixed. Hoses replaced and smell seems to have gone.
1972 240z gas tank hoses available and where??
All my hoses arrived last weekend and I began the strip down process. Also ordered selection of Unicoils. Thanks sdyck. For the impossible to find connector to filler tube, I found what I think is a very good solution. A tad shorter, but should work. From Pegasus Auto https://www.pegasusautoracing.com/productdetails.asp?RecID=25706
1972 240z gas tank hoses available and where??
Hopefully someone can help. Suggestions for alternative or finding replacement? In an attempt to track down the gas smell I've pulled the gas tank and set about replacing hoses only to find a crack in one of the fittings. Problem is that I cannot find one anywhere . I'm also struggling to find any other link to the attached schematic that shows #14
Driver's side steering rack bushing will ***not*** fit.
Just concluded a fight with the steering bushings on my 260Z. Issue being that my steering appears to be a 240Z piece of kit. Posted video on YouTube showing what to look out for.
1972 240z gas tank hoses available and where??
Have been struggling with a gas smell in and around the vapor tank. Replaced #16 with hose from MSA and learnt a big lesson. Only pull the old one off when the gas tank is EMPTY!!!!! #18 has been a major major challenge though. The ID is 3/4" or 19mm is almost impossible, made worse by it needing to be good for gas. Ive found some that is thin wall, but that kinks. The stuff that does not kink has had wire reinforcement all but impossible to bend. Finally though I came accross this. Its a tight fit but it works http://www.ebay.com/itm/330375714957?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
Experimenting with new Ad publishers
All I seem to see are ads.