To respond to your questions comments.
First, I am not continuing to drive the car. It is parked in Iowa waiting for my buddy to pick up with a trailer.
No white smoke. Water pump looks dry, as does the rest. Lower radiator hose good. By the time I parked it before leaving I did not get a chance to
spin the fan. The most noteable symptom is that after parked and cool it will show 180 on (stock gauge and system) on the gauge and then after a whil (10-20 min) it will slowly
creep up to just under the red zone at ~240. Then is stays. I am hoping just a clogged radiator although there are few miles on it and it looks like new even though the engine is not detailed or clean.
Would a blown head gasket always blow white smoke...There was none. Thanks for the replies so far. Coming home to my tech tomorrow afternoon, so we will see. I will post results.
Yes, this is the BaT car. (btw, it looks just as good as the picts...I think with attending to minor deferred matainence items and a few new bushings here and there that the car will be everything hoped for)