1978 datsun 280z......for sale CHEAP!!
1978 datsun 280z......for sale CHEAP!!
pics sent......any offers? thanx alot Andrew R
1978 datsun 280z......for sale CHEAP!!
ok, i have a 1978 dastun 280z 5sp FI. its up for sale. actually its been up for sale for a long time, and i need to get rid of it by this weekend. (i bought another car). if the car isnt sold by then , im junking it .i really dont want to! i really loved this car but i need the space. heres the deal: the car hasnt run since december. before that it ran almost everyday, i drove it to work over the summer and cruised around in hte Z all the time. it probably needs a new battery by now. the car has 141,000 miles on it. the body is straight. light rust, light light structural rust, seriously nothing major. has a new dash cap, new center console with cup holders. exterior color is pale yellow and interior is black. might need a radiator soon and the rear knocks when u get on it. its the top if the differential case hittin the body. i ahd a couple of offers earlier in the winter, but i didnt think it was enough so iu kept it. now im kicking myself in the arse b/c in need the money NOW. it will need to be towed out. great project or parts car. BEST OFFER TAKES IT. NEEDS TO BE OUT BY THE END OF THIS WEEKEND. o have pics on request, i will email them to u. thanks alot ANDREW R ****car must go by the end of this week, i need the money and the space**** taking any and all offers!!!!!
1978 datsun 280z for sale
i'm selling my 78 datsun 280z, with 144,xxx miles, i hate to see her go, but i really need the money. its located in central jeersey, near the shore. pale yellow exterior, black interior. its a 5sp. manuel tranny. needs work on the rear, it knocks when u accelerate, i checked the u-joints, they are fine, the top of the diff case is hittin the body. may need a new radiator soon, it leaks sometimes. minimal rust, body is straight. she starts up everytimeadn runs smooth after being warmed up. i put a new dash cap on and recarpeted it. pics can be sent upon receiving email addresses. thanks alot Andrew P.S. took the insurance off, just 2 days ago
1978 280z 5sp for sale
hey guys, thanks for the replies. if u send me your emails, i'll be glad to send u pics of my 280. i was hopin to get $2200 for her, but will settle for 1600. Thanx alot Andrew
1978 280z 5sp for sale
Hey guys. I have to sell my 1978 280z 5sp.. Its got 144xxx miles on it. Its was resprayed pale yellow at Maaco, in ok condition. The car was recarpeted and has a new dash cap. The car starts up everytime, idles a little rough when cold though. It has minimal rust, a couple spots on lower parts of door and underneath the back bumper. And the only other problem, is the rear knocks of the mount, b/c missing rubber bushing i think, but she still drives strong. Im really gonna miss her, ive only had her for a year, but i REALLY need the money Thanx Andrew
78 280z for sale
hey guys, i might be selling my 78 280 z 5sp 104k miles., already. i love the car, but i need money for college. i picked it up before the summer, in march. it runs strong, starts every time, i always put premium in it. its got a new dash cap, new center console with cup holders, new thermostat, new exhaust and new bumper ends(not installed yet). It needs front differential insulator ($58 in VB), the clock doesnt work but all other gauges do, and it doesnt blow hot air. AC works, clutch is good , tranny is smooth. it has a couple rust spots but nothing major at all, some on the passenger side under the door and some under the back bumper on the passenger side. the back tires have 80% tread , the fronts should be changed soon. the car was painted yellow before i got it, originally black. any offers for trade or purchased will be considered and greatly appreciated. thanx alot Andrew Reynolds
78 280z
hey guys, i might be selling my 78 280 z 5sp 104k miles., already. i love the car, but i need money for college. i picked it up before the summer, in march. it runs strong, starts every time, i always put premium in it. its got a new dash cap, new center console with cup holders, new thermostat, new exhaust and new bumper ends(not installed yet). It needs front differential insulator ($58 in VB), the clock doesnt work but all other gauges do, and it doesnt blow hot air. AC works, clutch is good , tranny is smooth. it has a couple rust spots but nothing major at all, some on the passenger side under the door and some under the back bumper on the passenger side. the back tires have 80% tread , the fronts should be changed soon. the car was painted yellow before i got it, originally black. any offers for trade or purchased will be considered and greatly appreciated. thanx alot Andrew Reynolds
p79 head
thanx z-ya, i was hoping to get the car into the mid or low 14s N/A and suspension work, but if i can get the money of course i will be looking for some turbo ideas. thanx for the info on the p79 head Andrew
p79 head
hey i got a 78280z, and i want more power out of the engine. im lookin to rebuild the engine maybe bore it, im not sure yet. i was wondering if i would get better compression from a p79 head than my n47. wut model and year z is the p79 head from. thanx alot Andrew
question bout R200
hey, i got a 78 280z 5sp and im lookin to make her fast. i found a R200 4.11 rear in the diffy, for like $200. i think my baby has an R180. i was wondering if the swap would be a direct bolt-on or would i have to change the driveshaft or the halfshafts? And do the R200 4.11 come LSD, thats wut i really want either a 3.90 LSD or better Thanx Andrew
wierd sounds???
alright, i'll check all that stuff out, thanx alot guys. u thin i should maybe replace all the rear bushings and mounts anyway, b/c im goin to be doin the struts very shortly??? LOVE MY Z Andrew
wierd sounds???
Hey guys, Drivin around in my new 280z, theres a klunk or a knock sound in the rear of the car when i shft fairly hard. Suspenion?? like a u-joint?? the rear??? what??? Thanx Andrew
engine or turbo??
Thanx Ivan! I could still use a couple other Z owners opinions about anything havin to do wit moddin up my 280z. I'm not sure if this is correct but i found these numbers for a 1978 280z coupe on www.zhome.com. are these numbers reliable?? 78 Z (5 spd) 0-60 8.0 16.6@84 --- top speed-121 Bhp149@5600 Ft/lbs163@4400 curb weight=2780lbs please give me ur guys popinions on the mods and the numbers Thanx alot Andrew
New Z owner
hey, thats sweet that ur an enthusiast. i am really serious about gettin some hps in to my Z. Are u very knowledgeable about modding them up? if u are that would be awesome, u could give me some tips! and the i could really get started on my Z:stupid: !!!!!!!!!! Thanx p-ce