Bowling For Columbine
An interesting topic and will always find division on who sides what way with their thoughts and beliefs... Me being someone who likes to talk, with throw in a few words Just thinking aloud here.... I have been lucky in that I have traveled a bit of the world, met people from many interesting and not so interesting cultures... Interesting to me I mean Many people believe banning guns reduces crime!!! I am not one of them, there is much more to it... There were more firearms being used for hunting and sporting purposes prior to the 1970s/80s than there are now. Why is it that crime was lower then than it is now? Obviously there are a lot of other issues there that affect armed crime today...... "Guns were designed as tools of murder"? mmmmmm. Michael Diamond our Games champ may disagree with you there... I think the rat poison has the edge! Yes, we have very strict gun laws here in this country. Are they working to reduce crime, nope! I have a friend at the Bureau of Statistics, he says the real figures are not the same as the Govt enhanced ones and has shown me. Many would be surprised! Crimes involving firearms havenot fallen as the public are lead to believe. In many cases, far from it! just read the papers... Historically the majority of firearms used in armed crime here are unlicensed/black market guns! No surprise there, why would a person committing a crime use a licensed firearm! They wouldn`t unless they are mentally unstable. If they are then it doesn`t matter, they will use anything to complete their task!!! Aussies in general havenot used firearms often for self defence purposes. In West Aust, you as the general public have never been allowed to license a firearm for Self-defence purposes! Try and use a firearm to defend yourself from an armed criminal and see how long you stay out of jail! You could count the minutes. Is a very grey area here - Self defence... Break into my house and you will probably be met by a piece of hickory or a nice piece of walnut. Naturally your finger prints will be on the handle, not mine Yes, in 1996 we saw the banning of semi automatic rifles and shotguns. Banned from the licensed firearm users! Not from the criminals or the black market... It hasn`t proved successful! You are no safer now than you were 5 years ago! We in the West had a State firearms licensing system, where user and firearm are recorded on a Govt database. Prior to the national firearm confiscation, much of the country didn`t! When it came time to hand in your confiscated firearm, who did? West Aussies did, you had no choice, but Many interstate didn`t, that is well known! Did criminals hand in their firearms - I don`t think so! Since the National firearm confiscation we have seen the number of firearms on the black market escalate!!! It is easier now to buy an unlicensed firearm than it was prior to the Gun Confiscation.... Who buys black market firearms? Not your sporting shooter or hunter! I read recently that the state of Victoria has seen armed crime increase 300% [am checking that now] since 1996! As an aside - How did a military assault rifle banned prior to 1996, handed in to Victorian Police for destruction, later end up in Tasmania and used for a most horrific mass murder? Used by a fellow with the IQ of a stone, a guy who was able to shoot better than our elite SAS or U.S Special Forces!!!! We never did get the full investigation into that one...... How does banning firearms reduce crime? No Idea, I have not seen it work! Not to say that everyone should be armed to the teeth, but there is far more to the issue than banning firearms from licensed law abiding shooters!!! cheers from down this way.... ps: a few quotes that stick in my mind. "I am more afraid of the guy who sets out with one round in the magazine, than a guy with 30!!!! "The guy who owns a licensed firearm is not a criminal. The criminal is the same guy who allows his son or daughter to take it to school!!!" pps: Yep, there is a few "A-Holes" in the U.S. I watched an interview last year with a school girl recovering from horrific burns. She was covered in fuel and set alight by a fellow school mate. Where was this - here in Australia!!! We have them here too. Arseholes have no boundaries, neither does crime!!!!
Moving overseas. Selling my baby.
Just heard a Hong Kong business man has been diagnosed with SARS 7-10 days after the 1st symptoms showed. The big Drama was he criss crossed Europe and the U.K on Lufthansa during that time before returning to HK!!! So yes, I would be a little concerned. The Media do tend to blow things up more than somewhat, but in the case of SARs we are seeing much has been hidden from the public [ie: on Chinas mainland]... Might pay to break a leg till this blows over! Hell I can do it for you! 3 meals a day, plenty of rest to decide the fate of your Z car haha just funnin! You are obviously being advised to be very careful, so I willnot harp on it. I do see you have done a lot of work to your car and enjoy it very much. I would be looking as per previous advice - storage with good prep and it will be there for your return.... Just my 2 censt worth... Good Luck! cheers, Cam.....
Thank you President Clinton
Hi Alfadog, Thanks mate, good to be here... cam..........
Thank you President Clinton
Not one to venture into Political talk often. However - Sitting in a far away place, though watching intently all that happens in your country over the years, I cannot say I witnessed the great improvement to the military that Mr C apparently did for your nation... I am very lucky to have 2 good friends Stateside whom are both retired Airforce Colonels... Long talks with them over a few beers, coffees and good meals I gained the opinion your miltary and security forces had been hobbled to a major degree and worse - weakend! I too remember: Rwanda - think it was near 1 million killed/murdered there and still rising... Mr C said no to assistance there of any kind! Somalia - the total disaster left there! A copout to the U.S servicemen who put their lives on the line and the ones who didnot make it when Mr C pulled the plug on them! Try visiting Somalia now for a holiday, think Mogadishu has cheap rates! The country is still in civil war/poverty and starvation. Now being run by a warlords' son whom was educted and military trained in the U.S... Serbian conflict - how many died there before Mr C took action??? Timor conflict - took an arm and a leg to get Mr C to assist us Aussies with the mass murders and terror taking over the country. Even then he wouldn`t send servicemen. To think, all the times we went and assisted him.... Yep, can`t see what to cogratulate him on, but then I am an outsider looking in! cheers, cam...... ps: am planning to become a 1st time Z car owner soon. Great forum....