Everything posted by 240260280
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
If the tube is too rich ~ 3000-4000 then reducing main will lean across whole band. Reducing air should enrich across the whole band but less at 5000- 7000. Just trying to figure out how to deal with your findings. Lets wait to see a plot.
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
Smaller mains and smaller air will help. Sounds like a significant change! Great! Now to tame it ?
Stroker Crank
A racer in our club jumped on it. Sorry it is gone ?
Stroker Crank
Will do. It is buried in my garage. I've had it since ~ 2006.
- Stroker Crank
ZCON 2018 Roll Call
Sadly Janet and I have to bow out ? New job and we just bought 5 acres in the country for a new home so it is a busy time.
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
You could also lower the air corrector. It does seem strange for the large jump as the tube design seems to promote more air than fuel.
- DIY Home Built Vapor Blasting/ Honing Cabinet , wetblasting
Lash pad fell off top of valve spring
One member had a valve seat drop out of the head. This caused the loose lash pad.
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
Wow that is significant. Don't go too high in rpms if it starts to lean out.
My Rockers seem to be a little off, or I'm off my Rocker(s)
An optimistic spin would be: the craters hold more oil ? You helped me with a problem with Delta ground cam and rockers that ate each other on Dr 240z's 240z
7" brake booster repair and restoration
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
Great. This one is worth waiting for! It should hopefully shed light on the elusive E tube workings.
Holy $^!# I bought a turd
With a second look it seems the "intake" is a re-purposed 2 into 1 exhaust collector.... there may be a backwards turbo out of the shot.
240Z - All done and ready to...
Holy $^!# I bought a turd
unique intake piping
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
Use a 165 main to be safe. That will give a ball park. If a/f starts to go over 14 then stop run and go bigger on main. Good luck! Fingers crossed this will change the shape!!
Thank you Classic Z Car Club
The advice on this forum will save you even much more when you start turning wrenches.
[2018] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
Don't go the other way! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2782095/Now-THAT-S-hairy-ride-Woman-spends-150-hours-covering-car-entirely-human-hair-s-worth-staggering-60-000.html
Home Built Z 'Full video build'
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
R.I.P Burt Reynolds
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
6 X F19 tubes have been shipped from carb.deals on Ebay. They are shipping from the Czech Republic. I highly recommend Carb.Deals. Great service, selection, pricing, and quick shipping: Here is their store front: https://www.ebay.com/str/CarbDeal?_trksid=p2047675.l2563
Not a Z but similar 2003 Honda S2000 $12,000 USD
- Who are these guest's
I would guess mostly bot. Anyone can buy the software: https://webmasters.stackexchange.com/questions/3588/how-do-spambots-work - Who are these guest's
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