Everything posted by 240260280
A book for Nissan Racing History Buffs
All-new Z car (code-named Z35) will honor the legendary Datsun
It ain't 50 years yet.... fall 2019 is the time to look. Maybe a west coast memorial drive from LA to Edmonton in order for '19
Sato Wins!
I'm wondering what celebrations are going on in Japan. How does car racing compare to baseball in Japan? In Canada only a very small number would know who won Indy, most people are Facebooking these days and events around the world are ignored unless they can raise the interest more than legalized pot or the Kardasians.
ZCON Austin roll call
Of course I owe you dinner with the family!
So I have the original 69,561 mile L24 out of my 71 240Z
Kind of looks like the original Silvia https://seattle.craigslist.org/see/ctd/6115722731.html
ZCON Austin roll call
Sounds good! Janet and I are in an air B&B with kitchen so we may cook and entertain
1969 & up 240Z seat belt tags - Reproduction
ZCON Austin roll call
That BBQ has me drooling for Texas! Can't get there. Janet and I'll be heading out to the County Line restaurant (lake) one evening if anyone is interested. http://www.countyline.com/CountyLineLake.html https://www.google.com/maps/@30.3569996,-97.7857747,3a,75y,190.94h,85.76t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1syUYYToMvtDYAAAQJOIRyYw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
So I have the original 69,561 mile L24 out of my 71 240Z
So I have the original 69,561 mile L24 out of my 71 240Z
Zedyone's affinity is genetic. He just needs guidance on which Italian car. For me, I am from Newfoundland and have the genetic affinity to club seals.
ZCON Austin roll call
If anyone wants SU's or Triples tuned, I can bring instruments. Just let me know.
So I have the original 69,561 mile L24 out of my 71 240Z
Give up on the GTV....they are only 4cyl. and not as fast as Datsuns.... it is proven: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5XAP4pCRps You really need to look at Ferrari or Lamborghini or Lancia
Sato Wins!
Poor Alonso. Honda Engine failed him again.
ZCON Austin roll call
WOW Janet and I loved Fredericksburg. Very cool town. We are looking forward to homemade peach ice cream at a small vegetable stand on the eastern outskirts. We will be down on the Saturday.... probably head to San Antonio on Sunday and Fburg on Monday. Looking forward to seeing y'all!
Datsun-240z Vs Fairlady-z432
I agree. As well there is a heck of a lot of adjustment in the linkage. On some cars I repaired with loose linkage, I shortened rods and re-threaded to allow the nylon sockets to screw further in. A few important steps for adjustment that may be missed: 0. As Zup says, clean and lubricate all joints. 1. Do not use the fast idle setting screw as a stop (this screw is only used for tuning). 2. Adjust all rods to take up slack (shorten and cut new threads if needed) 3. Adjust maximum-throw stop and lock nut behind gas pedal 4. Make sure choke wires are not holding jets down at idle. A bit of slack is needed.
Series-1 Hatch Vent Duct Clips & Restoration Info Needed
only $500 http://www.ebay.com/itm/240Z-Series-1-Datsun-OEM-Factory-NOS-90820-E4100-Nissan-FRESH-AIR-VENT-SET-of-2-/162527544140?hash=item25d765834c:g:vx8AAOSwurZZJZ8k&vxp=mtr
Alan... you may be interested in this racer suff on ebay
http://www.ebay.com/itm/Oct-1969-Fuji-Japan-Grand-Prix-Race-Speedway-Supple-Regulations-Brochure-ww1445-/291841803607?hash=item43f3208557:g:dHYAAOSwdzVXqkSo http://www.ebay.com/itm/May-1969-Fuji-Japan-Grand-Prix-Race-Speedway-Supple-Regulations-ww1446-/371706458166?hash=item568b6e7036:g:7mQAAOSwIgNXqkSw
black metal tube under and between su carbs? could it be removed?
black metal tube under and between su carbs? could it be removed?
No it will not affect choke time.
black metal tube under and between su carbs? could it be removed?
That system is to put hot manifold air into your intake to stop the carbs from freezing. I would say you can safely remove it in Panama
Nissan Drivers Circa 1970
Sounds logical. If we could see the nose on that car it may help define "post Gnose era".
Nissan Drivers Circa 1970
Thanks again Alan! I am guessing it was taken near the end of the first S30 racing season in Q4 of 1970. Would you have any insight? Here is the 2nd Revision. I can add more annotations or make corrections in the future if needed.
Nissan Drivers Circa 1970
Nissan Drivers Circa 1970
Many Thanks!
Nissan Drivers Circa 1970