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Datsun-240z Vs Fairlady-z432
Hi Alan, Not much info on the part. It appears in a photo of shell HS30-00741 in Australia. The photos were taken a while ago. I saw the application then remembered Kats thread. Here is the Aus info: http://www.viczcar.com/forum/topic/13773-early-girl-bingo-with-photos/?p=192129 https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNl5Dbc6AlAPDlauRJ5eaLA8JMaql4Oee-fzrc9jUBQcg8UYa18piZD58gTZ1jLGQ?key=NVJGLU1oTGZvM1Y2VGx5Ymp2dW9UOGFIR3h4OGNR
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
The First Z...and Last...
Poor Mr. Matsuo had to wait a year to get the car he designed!
Datsun-240z Vs Fairlady-z432
- Hidden kill switches for S30 models
Fake Fusible link to ECU harness?- Thinking about installing an BMW M6 engine in my Z
- Z Mirror with no Day/Night Toggle?
- Z Mirror with no Day/Night Toggle?
- Z Mirror with no Day/Night Toggle?
- Fastener sizes
On the to do list with my delayed 72 restoration. Each fastener will be measured, photographed, and catalogued on line. Below is a somewhat related Nissan fastener document General-Datsun Torque Specifications.pdf- Added to my Garage this weekend!
Fire Engine Red.... go figure- [SOLD] 240z 2400 valve cover
http://www.ebay.com/itm/Datsun-nissan-240z-260z-280z-280zx-RARE-ABS-valve-cover-JDM-1970-1971-1972-1973-/252459745803?hash=item3ac7c6020b:g:H94AAOSwp5JWZ6Qw&vxp=mtr- Thinking about installing an BMW M6 engine in my Z
One of the few Z's that has an engine compartment that looks full!- [SOLD] 240z 2400 valve cover
Looks like $600 is the going price. I think your early one may command more if you can find any casting differences to differentiate it.- Z Mirror with no Day/Night Toggle?
Kats I am like you in the mirror trade.....I just bought the one in the first post. I am hoping it is an early mirror but it could be from a 510 or other Datsun I'm picking it up at Zcon in Texas so hopefully Zup or other experts may console me.- 240Z restoration
I always wondered if one could peel a dash, refresh the foam then fit a dash cap on it to replace the one that was peeled. Just some heated expansion of the tach. and speedo holes to fit these devices in from the front would make it functional . What say ye?- Z Mirror with no Day/Night Toggle?
Kats, that one is on Yahoo Japan Auction for ~ $700 https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/b188580701 How much are the original 432R mirrors selling for?- Z Mirror with no Day/Night Toggle?
I think you are correct. Maybe the racers put them higher for better forward visibility: "It don't matter who's behind you, only who's in front of you."- Z Mirror with no Day/Night Toggle?
The mirror w/o the glare-proof toggle seems to appear in some of the early 432R racers in Japan in spring of 1970. They seem wider at the top too which is like the one in the first post. That crusty grey plastic also seems to agree with the photo below and with other early parts like the ashtray and heater panel. 1970 09 05 Fuji International Golden Race 1970 07 25 All Japan Fuji 1000km- Z Mirror with no Day/Night Toggle?
Thanks Alan! Thanks Jim, I'll have a look at 510 mirrors my friends have. It could be one but this one seems to be more trapezoidal.- Z Mirror with no Day/Night Toggle?
Are there Z mirrors without the toggle switches like the one in the pictures, or are these from a different car?- ZCON 2017 Update
I'll have a rental. Should I bring a helmet?- #187 on BAT
Actually Zedy is a rocket scientist... no BS or leg pulling! He is a smart fellow and has beautiful Datsuns.- ZCON 2017 Update
Mike, was this available in the earlier registration package or was it just added? I thought I had signed up for it so I am a bit mixed up...as usual- #187 on BAT
20mph is correct (built for speed!). The oil pressure gauge also goes to 140psi rather than 90psi. - Hidden kill switches for S30 models
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