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Everything posted by 240260280

  1. http://www.classiczcars.com/topic/51593-measurements-for-stock-su-jet-needles/
  2. 240260280 replied to 2fourtyzee's post in a topic in For Sale
    Short story: I gave one to a good friend. He gave it back...
  3. I think Captain Obvious characterized some needles on this site. FYI Now that I have a lathe, I am catching up on ideas I have pooled. I am am currently building a needle fabrication machine for making customized needles. I may offer customized needles eventually.
  4. 240260280 replied to 70 Fairlady Z's post in a topic in S30 Fairlady
    I hope to see the owner tomorrow. I'll put him in touch with you.
  5. early 280zx can look nice lowered with zg flares
  6. You have to look everything over closely in the store these days. So much junk and poorly made parts. A check in the store or in the parking lot before leaving saves you having to drive back the next day. Buyer Beware used to apply to suspect purchases.... now it applies to ALL purchases.
  7. Made in USA. Trump likes you.
  8. 240260280 replied to 1969fairladyz's post in a topic in For Sale
    FYI: Kat's Date Stamp Thread: http://www.classiczcars.com/topic/15396-discover-various-dateuse-cross-reference-method/ MikeB's finding of door latch components may be an easy spot to check first. Also some Nikki fuel pumps have date codes on top.
  9. 240260280 replied to 70 Fairlady Z's post in a topic in S30 Fairlady
    I have a friend in our club with a 2000 Valve Cover. It's on an engine on a stand in our Z hoard (below). I'll ask this weekend.
  10. You are now an official pillar of the Z community! Thanks!
  11. 240260280 replied to 7tooZ's post in a topic in For Sale
    Does the knob adjustment from the front still work?
  12. Abstract tic tac toe
  13. 240260280 replied to JLPurcell's post in a topic in Parts Swapping
    Mrs. Dash
  14. 240260280 replied to sweatybetty's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Here's a tip: Well, no.
  15. 240260280 replied to sweatybetty's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Strange for 4 plugs to work and two not to work. Never saw that except for a cracked insulator.
  16. 240260280 replied to sweatybetty's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Its all on the NGK website dude: https://www.google.ca/search?q=fake+site:www.ngk-sparkplugs.jp&num=100&newwindow=1&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjcvZ7x56zTAhWFilQKHejnBYQQ_AUICCgB&biw=2049&bih=1008&dpr=0.67 On their top page: http://www.ngk-sparkplugs.jp/english/index.html Who buys their plugs on Alibaba? I triple dog dare anyone.
  17. 240260280 replied to sweatybetty's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    You could have fake sh!t from mainland China. They are experts at making fake junk. Nothing is beyond their greed and ignorance of ethics and safety. Someone on Garage Journal got burned: http://www.garagejournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=270816&showall=1 Have a look at what NGK has had to post because of fake Chinese NGK plugs http://www.ngk-sparkplugs.jp/english/techinfo/fake/
  18. 240260280 replied to sweatybetty's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    That does not make sense. finer points spark at lower voltages? Maybe you have two bad plugs?
  19. I think I got it figured out:
  20. 240260280 replied to sweatybetty's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Maybe electronics are set for 4 cylinder rather than 6?
  21. I keep forgetting this Z has PS and German Engine! btw I am watching F1 and I see your colour... HAAS Grey
  22. 240260280 replied to sweatybetty's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Seems like it would be the distributor that has a problem. Wobble, bad points gap w worn cam?
  23. 240260280 replied to kats's post in a topic in 432 & 432-R
    Always nice to get hands dirty!
  24. This early LHD Z has the weirdest mirrors: 3

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