Everything posted by 240260280
Here is what happens when you have an effeminate leader, a minister of health who has no health experience and chief public health officer who lies: Go CANADA! Catch Sweden (who is taking very few steps to contain the disease) .... ****! what a stupid situation because of bad leaders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pumpkin Progress Pics
Pumpkin Progress Pics
Looks out of sight!
Bats, dogs, cats, tigers, lions, MINK, humans. Next up, birds, pigs, and cattle. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-netherlands-mink/mink-found-to-have-coronavirus-on-two-dutch-farms-ministry-idUSKCN2280FZ?il=0
It is more complicated. Many infected will not have immunity and immunity will not last for many others so this thing will be with us like AIDS.... except you catch it by simply breathing. And I don't compare to AIDS lightly as the T cells that are attacked by the Wuhan virus just like in AIDS. The only difference seems to be that the infected T cells do not hatch more virus to attack more T cells like in AIDS. https://www.scmp.com/news/china/society/article/3079443/coronavirus-could-target-immune-system-targeting-protective https://www.bbc.com/news/world-52425825
If a quarantined population reduces its current measures, the transmission of the virus will just take off again. The only way to go forward with reduction of quarantine is if Everyone uses PPE and if Everyone is routinely tested. If not, the upcoming reductions of quarantine measures is going to exterminate a lot of people. Warehouses filled with Darwin awards are awaiting to be posthumously awarded.
Mainland Chinese Lies:
ZCON 2020 Hotel Impact?
I don't think we (humans) will be traveling anytime soon. People continue to be positive for months and possibly permanently (like AIDS). They do not seem to shake the disease (read link below). If such a person was sitting beside you on a plane.... tag! you got it. We will not get out of this unless a vaccine is found, and that may be a year or more. Also we may need to permanently isolate people with or, who had the virus. This is not the flu but airborne aids-like communicable disease that causes the blood in your lungs to clot and kill you. https://nationalpost.com/news/world/covid-19-china-recovered-patients-continue-to-test-positive-for-virus-months-after-contraction
Ignition Timing Mechanical Advance
Pro way: hook a wide band mic ( piezo based) to your's engine car and run it through this software: https://www.vb-audio.com/Spectralissime/ get the car to knock and note the dominant frequency. Build a piezo sensor cavity tuned to this knock frequency done. Enthusiast Ways: If you want to do it in digital, use a general purpose piezo sensor and run the signal into a processor where you filter the knock frequency If you want to do analogue processing, send the sensor signal to a graphic EQ in your glove box and have only the knock frequency band raised. Send this to your retarding device..
- Ignition Timing Mechanical Advance
- COVID-19
Yes it is just the flu and a natural virus,,,, you'll be sick for just a few days: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8237475/Chinese-doctors-critically-ill-COVID-19-wake-darkened-skin.html- weber fed ZEDS please read this
Thanks Zed, Ed and I have been corresponding. Ed is in Portland area like you and @Mark Maras- The blue 510
- Weber selection and initial jet tuning
Yes they seem fine for plugs. You can check ignition in dark to see if wires are arcing. I had brand new Bosch wires do this on my Rav.... Made in China of course. Some spray salt water mist on wires but that is not nice on a non-beater engine.- Weber selection and initial jet tuning
It could possibly be a noisy alternator or Vreg exhibiting +12V bus problems at higher rpms.- saturday night music thread
This guy has not aged! Amazing!- 1976 280Z Restoration Project
- Yellow Zinc plating
- 240z - fabbing new front rails
- Rerouting spark plugs wire
THANKS FOR THE LAUGH ?- 240z - fabbing new front rails
- Ignition Timing Mechanical Advance
I wanted to have high advance at idle (say 20) but the problem is that it is too much to crank. Cars start up nicely with 0 to 5 degrees of advance. My solution was to run the choke cable to where the (removed) vac advance was and use this to retard the timing to 5 at start then move the choke lever to off to bring the advance to 20 after it started.- Ignition Timing Mechanical Advance
_- Ignition Timing Mechanical Advance
Many parts are non-magnetic due to the magnetic sensors.... or for lower cost. CO has a basement full of goodies! - Ignition Timing Mechanical Advance
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