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Everything posted by 240260280

  1. Glad to help. Some options: https://www.pegasusautoracing.com/productdetails.asp?RecID=11426 https://www.amazon.com/Five-Oceans-Terminal-Circuit-Breaker/dp/B00JBL43MA?th=1 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Auto-Marine-Race-Rally-Motorsport-Circuit-Breaker-Blade-Fuse-/301069113114
  2. Urea based greases are used in many high-temp applications. Perhaps put a circuit breaker in your dash so that if it overheats again, you can let it cool and re-set the breaker.
  3. 240260280 replied to Zed Head's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    The disease seems to cause clotting in the lungs. The clotting also makes it hard for the heart to pump to the lungs as the "pipe is blocked" causing it to fail. Doctors are now experimenting with anti-clotting drugs. Stats also show that if you have underlying medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes, etc then the chance of survival diminishes. If we assume an obese person has heart disease and/or hypertension, and/or diabetes then these compound and contribute to lower survival rates.
  4. 240260280 replied to Zed Head's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    My Grade 7 history teacher Bob Bhayat RIP. A great man. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/hussain-bhayat-1.5535190
  5. The two bulbs in the back of the speedo need to be swapped.
  6. 240260280 replied to zed2's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
  7. 240260280 replied to Zed Head's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Yup... in Philly they would shoot you.... @Captain Obvious
  8. 240260280 replied to zed2's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Option From FSM:
  9. 240260280 replied to zed2's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    GREAT IDEA! You know, that was one of the earliest options tested on a Z. Here is a photo that maybe from 1968 (note the prototype rollbar, tail lights, and rear panel finisher): Here is one from Q4 1969 in the first Mag with a Z to hit Australia. Here is same cover photo in B&W It was even on very early clay designs to going back to 1966.
  10. 240260280 replied to gotham22's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Enjoy this: http://240260280.com/Tech/General/Front Axle & Suspension/Wheel Bearing/index.html @siteunseen ?
  11. 240260280 replied to Zed Head's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    have some great land in Florida you may be interested in.
  12. 240260280 replied to Zed Head's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Almost all similar virus come from rural/jungle regions... unlike this one popped up in the middle of a City of 11 million. By coincidence, this city has two labs doing research in the same type of bat virus AND China is screwing around with gene editing. They just announced twins in August whose genes were edited to be resistant to AIDS. The Frankenstein scientist was arrested and sentenced in Dec. DO YOU THINK THEY WERE SCREWING AROUND WITH BAT VIRUS AND HIV Virus? I DO.
  13. 240260280 replied to Zed Head's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    We're Fvckd. Just after this man-made virus was released, a research paper was quickly released (Jan 30) then recalled about HIV components added to the Wuhan Coronavirus. https://www.statnews.com/2020/02/03/retraction-faulty-coronavirus-paper-good-moment-for-science/ https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.01.30.927871v1 Well it turns out this aspect of the virus seems to be true: This Mainland Chinese Virus has a HIV component. http://www.waltainfo.com/index.php/health/detail/55223&locale=en&locale=en Did you wonder why Chinese doctors started using aids antiviral drugs since early January. This thing was man-made. DON'T TAKE RISKS. YOU DON'T WANT TO GET AIRBORNE AIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Late Dec. Photo at Wuhan Fish Market....When The Virus was under control and not spread easily: Full Hazmat Suits THEY F'n Knew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. 240260280 replied to Zed Head's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    F**K... will all the countries just copy Taiwan's policies, protocols and procedures! They stopped the virus in its tracks back in January.... they watch China like hawks and don't drink the Kool Aid.
  15. Mmmmm a nice Z I remember well!
  16. It was a club ride a long time ago. Not sure where it is now. The owner sold it. It was beautiful. I thought the light rear finisher would be of interest. I think there is a golden club and a green club happening here on the forum... very organic and natural as Matsuo has stated regarding the early colours. But Tomato, Dijon, and Cucumber also come to mind.
  17. Geoff, we have the same beard ? Nice to see you and the "project" It will be back to its beautiful self one day!
  18. 240260280 replied to JMCPJ 80280's post in a topic in SHOP TALK
    Some ideas here: http://atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/body/bodywork/stand/stands.htm

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