Everything posted by 240260280
Quiz Of The Day
Coil turns and Coil effective turns? What is this?
Early vs. Late Series I 240Z's
@Carl Beck Thanks for the ammo for teasing my wife (the assistant) and the laughs: Nissan recommends speeding and has made provisions for it:
North Korea has 1 case. Just as believable as anything from China. Italy has their crematoriums burning 24/7. China has done this and also brought in additional portable incinerators to help out... but here are the numbers: China has 1.40B people and 3,200 deaths. Italy has 0.06B people and 2,500 deaths. China probably had >60,000 deaths.
Very little information is getting past China's great internet wall since they started really ramping up the blockade but this Chinese billionaire who defected to the USA has connections and posts daily on you tube. Here are a few insights on what is happening in China for the past 24 hours: btw Miles Guo is a bit eccentric but has the typical single-child "Prince" attitude of so many males from mainland China.
I have some land in Florida I can sell you for a good price.
OEM L-series Plastic Resin Valve Cover?
From Tony D : If it's been missed, remember that in TROPICAL environments the FIRST step is to put a 160F thermostat in there. That drops underhood temperatures SIGNIFICANTLY! I have recorded over 40-50F drop in some cases. Almost everything else after this point seeks to contain heat away from the injector bodies, or remove it from that area... But the FIRST step was to USE THE RIGHT THERMOSTAT FOR THE CONDITIONS PRESENT. The later S30's vented the hood to let heat out. The next step was more heat shielding and the WEBBED INTAKE MANIFOLD. (Along with a vented hood.) The third step was the Fuel Prime (concurrent with the heat shielding and webbed manifold.) The last step was blower fan, on SOME installations, where all prior steps were already taken save for hood venting on Cedrics, Glorias, Leopards, Laurels, etc.... The cars with unvented hoods got fans, some cars with vented hoods got fans (S130) On many of the UNVENTED HOOD applications, a PLASTIC VALVE COVER was used to suppress heat radiation above shielding in the unvented void, and to suppress noise.
Good catch on the use of words! btw The death rate is shrinking in Italy so this is good news ?
Nova Scotia Snow
The testing in Canada in 1969 revealed what you say ? The rear vents would ice shut. Photo thanks to @kats video!
OEM L-series Plastic Resin Valve Cover?
? I am serious.... you know more than anyone...it deserves respect.
Nova Scotia Snow
Korea's excellent data shows ~ 1% death rate so 3 dead means ~ 300 with the virus even though the limited testing only tested 13 of the 300.
OEM L-series Plastic Resin Valve Cover?
Alan is the S30 Guru.... probably the most knowledgeable person on the planet.
OEM L-series Plastic Resin Valve Cover?
@HS30-H, @kats
L28 full rebuild assembly
Maybe we should have a "Mr Nasty" sub-forum where the requirement is to be offensive in your post. It would be funny for non-members to stumble across the content while browsing.
Our great leader just fell on his sword in the Wuhan Virus battle. His wife has it and he is in quarantine. In Canada it's all about how you feel... unicorns and rainbows.
Leadership in Canada is BS.... Flights are still coming in from China!!!! Just landed in Toronto moments ago....,,,, we have many airports. But when you have this for a leader:
Vaccine trials start today in USA North West. WOW.
Well spring will be soon so lots of leaves too.
Things that made me go "OH $hit!!!!!" - full hazmat suits goggles and masks worn in China in Jan when this "first started".... when did you ever see these PPE for a new "flu"? China knew this was bad $hit right from the start AND they have the excellent digitized patient records and facial recognition to follow the paths of the early victims (which currently go back into November). - China fumigating streets! What kind of flu virus needs to be cleaned outside? Some serious $hit going down. - China steeling Ebola virus from a Canadian Level 4 lab and sending it to the Wuhan Lab just a year ago.... not an act of good will. What were they doing? - The masses of dead in China and Iran. - People catching it twice in such short time... this is not a flu!!!! - Uncertainty if mankind will ever gain immunity to this virus.
- Finally Got My Garage Mahal!!!
A few more details for in-floor radiant: 2" of foam under slab thermal break between wall and slab A skirt of 4X8 2" insulation flat 1' under ground around outer perimeter of the walls, helps reduce heat loss and prevents frost heave on unheated slabs.- COVID-19
One must look at the details. Analysis is showing that using steroids, acetaminophen, acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) acid and ibuprofen during the fever stage have detrimental effect on recovery. It is better to let your body fight the infection naturally. Some also recommend not taking acetaminophen,(Tylenol, paracetamol). This illness has an incredible infection rate that occurs in the early stages of the disease. This makes it differ from MERS, SARS, Ebola, Flu, etc. Usually with these, the carrier has symptoms so you know to stay away. This virus is not like that. It goes though the population like wild fire as spreaders show no symptoms. It also does not kill like MERS or EBOLA so more spreaders are alive longer to continue spreading. This disease has only been with us for ~ 2 months (neglecting the hiding and lies 2 month period from mainland China that gave us this plague) so we still know very little about it. Recent evidence from Japan shows you can be cured then get reinfected. From leaked data, it seems like China has given up fighting the disease and has closed many hospitals.... I wonder if they now realize fighting it is impossible so everyone must face it individually and head on.... people are still welded in their apartments in Wuhan and factories have not ramped up.- COVID-19
Korea seems to have the most accurate stats. ~ 0.7% death rate is not as bad as feared. Not sure why Italy and Iran are higher. Different strain of virus or more people with underlying ailments.- Which carb(s) to choose?
- Hitachi 280ZX Distributors
We now have 3 presumptives in Nova Scotia. Fortunately the last province standing but it is here. A coworker of a colleague in Italy lost his mom and no funeral allowed.... very sad. 中国是世界上的邪恶诅咒 - Finally Got My Garage Mahal!!!
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