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Everything posted by 240260280

  1. Termites?
  2. Rubber to prop hood/bonnet up and show S20 lurking underneath...comes with toy in box ?
  3. Cutie:
  4. @HS30-H Alan, can you help explain the wheel weight material and adhesion? It certainly looks unique!
  5. Thanks Alan! Great shot! Sean... some related great art in France... a gift from Hoover ? https://cars-art.fr/datsun-nissan-240z-s30-fairladyz/ And a biggie in Colour https://dattosankureiji.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/nissan-fairlady-z432r-at-suzuka-1970.jpg
  6. Here are convenient links to the JAF site for further researching the two races above: June https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=site%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.jaf.or.jp+"1970%2F06%2F06" https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=site%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.jaf.or.jp+"1970%2F06%2F07" Jan: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=site%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.jaf.or.jp+"1970%2F01%2F17" https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=site%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.jaf.or.jp+"1970%2F01%2F18" Here is where one can submit queries and corrections: https://secure.okbiz.okwave.jp/faq-jaf/helpdesk?site_domain=default&category_id=198
  7. Errr what about the names and data that are correct? 2 sides to everything. Some correct data always beats no data in science, exploration, and research
  8. For the archives:
  9. Alan, are there details of this that are published. It sure would make a nice read! After seeing the roll bars and the vinyl roof cover on a test car that seems to be from 67/68, they certainly had a lot going on long before the factory started production!
  10. They had the 432R and the spoiler at the Tokyo Motor Show...plus the banked racing display so the gauntlet was being thrown ? It is interesting they swapped out the Blue 240z for the 432R as the show progressed.
  11. I think it is great to track all of these historical events! The test track work in 69 helped gather data leading to the racing in Jan. so it is part of the full picture.
  12. Fuji was 6.0km circuit in 1970. Z production started rolling in Oct. 1969 It was on the Murayama track in Nov (also previewed to world in late Oct/early Nov). 1969 It's first race was Jan 17.1970 So ~3.5 months (max) from production to racing.... pretty darn good!
  13. The first S30 to formally race was in Jan 1970. The car was most likely tested before the race but I have no details yet. Here are results of the June 6-7 1970 races from the JAF site: Heat 1 11:30AM 100Miles B 13:40 Qualifying and Score of 2 Heats: Final Another race from same weekend event:
  14. @kats showed a 432 on the Murayama test track in Nov 1969 so that counts as lapping in my books.... next best thing to racing ? https://translate.google.ca/translate?hl=&sl=ja&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fmotor-fan.jp%2Ftech%2F10005253
  15. 240260280 replied to 240260280's post in a topic in HISTORY
    I finally was able to get the magazine. Image quality is about the same as the digitized version on CD. It is interesting that HLS30-00006 has the non-day/night mirror:
  16. I recall the drone in my MSA "Turbo" 2.5" exhaust to be max ~ 2400 rpm. The straight pipe from the header to the bend at the rear axle would be ~ 2.1m. This would be ~ 60Hz from 6 sources at an average exhaust gas temp of 300C
  17. This may help:
  18. You can disassemble and inspect the contacts and functioning. Most just replace the whole starter.
  19. https://www.healthline.com/health/erectile-dysfunction/zinc#zinc-deficiency
  20. 240260280 posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Where did Nissan stamp the part number for the dash on NA USA S30's ? I see they seem to have 4: 1970 -1972 1973-1976 1977 1978
  21. Nice product!
  22. 240260280 replied to 240260280's post in a topic in RACING
    btw it will be proudly displayed on a shelf my Zeroids and Major Matt Masons!
  23. 240260280 posted a post in a topic in RACING
    This just arrived in the mail.... no guilty party in the shipping documents. It came from Amazon. BIG THANKS to SANTA!

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