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Everything posted by 240260280

  1. 240260280 posted a post in a topic in 240K Skyline
  2. Map can melt aluminum.. propane not
  3. In line In Line Off Line The Yellow car changed lines. It started following the Daytona and the white car but then changed lines to behind the Mustang.... all under braking. Cold brakes or no brake pedal applied could have also factored but not keeping the line under braking seems to be the first error.
  4. OK I hear you now. I'm in NS but don't start the Z's in the winter. For sure a choke assembly will help in your case where a winter start is needed.
  5. 56mm "dowel" as a guide with a 62mm hole saw fastened to it. https://www.amazon.ca/62mm-Carbide-Metal-Cutter-Hole/dp/B00L0N0M2W Sort of like this but with a 56mm dowel in the centre to act as a guide
  6. 240260280 replied to 718Miata's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I agree with ZH... you should run away from the Auction House and hit BAT in the spring when people are hunting for cars.
  7. The two cars leading the yellow car had cars to their right. They both left room for these cars and seemed to have "situational awareness" into and out of the corner. The yellow car was, at first, following them then suddenly switched lanes going into the corner.... I would understand if it was F1 and two Ferraris that hit each other.
  8. Low rpm highway cruise would be wonderful! Light 240z with >2.8l pushing it along ?
  9. 240260280 replied to Dodd23's post in a topic in Introductions
    Nice Z !!!
  10. You can remove the oil filter and push a hose in the galley that goes to the front of the engine above the alternator then pump oil into the hose. IV style prime:
  11. yes prime the pump
  12. 240260280 replied to 240260280's post in a topic in HISTORY
    Looks like they made atleast a few shark gill Z's that moved: 3 Gill no drip rail 4 Gill with curved drip rail AND ROLL Bar! Chris you have helped connect some of the pieces!
  13. 240260280 replied to 240260280's post in a topic in HISTORY
    Hi Chris, First. WOW.... you are great to see those "shark gills"! I thought it was just wrinkles from a first attempt at a vinyl top. That my help narrow the time of the wind tunnel and dust resilience test videos. (Sorry I ran out of "likes" for today but "LIKE" to you!!!!) Here is where I stumbled across the early testing video. The later part shows the neat stuff: https://global.nissannews.com/ja-JP/videos/video-e3f77bf0445dce99ca6040492d01a69c-240z_s30_heritage Some of the pictures above are from frame captures and tweaking of resolution and lighting to bring out points of interest I dug a bit more and found a few shots here: https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&rurl=translate.google.ca&sl=ja&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u=https://nissangallery.jp/ghq/mikoukai_201401/&xid=17259,15700021,15700186,15700190,15700256,15700259,15700262,15700265,15700271,15700283&usg=ALkJrhif64yf2GBxy6LKqyizt2dI9P0rSQ I believe the first Shark Gill car above is a plastic static model however the wind tunnel car seems like the one driven by Mr. Takei in the video. The drip rail also curves in the wind tunnel car! 4 Gill 3 Gill with curved drip rail, and very early spoiler design
  14. It is interesting to see the roof chop. Thanks! I noted a similar approach here: SITE: https://news.goo.ne.jp/article/clicccar/trend/clicccar-20170314-452093.html
  15. 240260280 replied to 240260280's post in a topic in HISTORY
    Here is a good frame with the front grill. The bulge in the hood does not seem as pointy too.... but it could be lighting. Perhaps rubber in front centre of bumper too.
  16. 240260280 replied to 240260280's post in a topic in HISTORY
    @kats Yes! It looks like rubber is in centre! Great observation!
  17. 240260280 replied to 240260280's post in a topic in HISTORY
    Kats, I am glad you see this. I too thought it looked like rubber in middle but I guessed it was just a strange reflection. I think you are correct though. I'll look at video again and see if I can find a better frame to capture. 1 sec.
  18. @HS30-H Here is web site for above photo: https://clicccar.com/2017/11/07/528886/
  19. The problem is that the cable works by pushing to front but the Webers chokes need to be pulled to fire wall. A directional change is needed. A mechanical lever does this: https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/42913-the-old-weberchoke-question/ Chokes are not really needed when running at temps between 5C and 40C. Three pushes on gas pedal will have the accelerator squirt raw fuel into the manifold to prime the engine.
  20. No problem Alan. For searching Z content in Japan, here is my approach: Searching Google's Japanese web site. Searching only web content in Japan by IP correlation Searching using Japanese text and expressions The results are nearly always from Japan. For anyone interested in this, here is a direct link to the configured search site. Just pop in your Japanese text and you will have the 3 filters above working for you: https://www.google.co.jp/search?q=ロールバー+S30&lr=&cr=countryJP&hl=en&tbs=ctr:countryJP&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi_kpCgzrfmAhXRs1kKHSaACFAQ_AUoAXoECAwQAw&biw=2049&bih=1007&dpr=0.67 I do some searching for research and some for fun. The strange sun worshiper Z came out of one of the searches as an artifact. I'll try and dig it up again and post the web site. I'd be grateful if you could translate and explain more about this unique finding!
  21. 240260280 replied to 240260280's post in a topic in HISTORY
    Thanks Kats! I tried to get the video a few years ago but no luck. I'll try again. From just looking at the minute of testing video on the Nissan web site, there are many interesting details to investigate. That early roll bar is one for sure. If you look closely, it seems to have the side mount points (but not on wheel well) and the two vertical bars to the hatch floor like the production roll bar. Mr. Miyazaki is a true Nostalgic Hero; just like all of the others involved in the project! It is nice when you can identify the person in these old videos and make all of the connections. I am guessing the testing of the silver car may be spring 1968?

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