Everything posted by 240260280
Parts for Sale: Service Manuals
View Advert Service Manuals A guy in our car club has many Nissan/Datsun service manuals for sale. If interested in any, let me know and I'll pass along his contact info. Advertiser 240260280 Date 05/25/2019 Price $0.01 Category Parts for Sale
Do NOT buy a 123ignition distributor.
Cap seems to be problem:
Exhaust/fuel smell in cabin?
There is a hole under the antenna area for a water drain. Often the drain hose separates leaving a hole between the interior and muffler area.
Do NOT buy a 123ignition distributor.
You may also consider an oil change and magnet sweep.
Steering wheel restoration.
Steering wheel restoration.
Upper left "Natural" looks like factory.
Steering wheel restoration.
It still looks beautiful! Great work!
Number 4
Very cool. (and unique) Looks like a RHD to LHD conversion happened? If so,could you take some pics of the engine compartment and firewall? It would be great to see what was done!
280z Intermittently Engine Wont start
OK, if you have crank and spark but no injectors then the problem is in the ECU or wiring to/from ECU.
Datsun-240z Vs Fairlady-z432
With respect to the early Red Z in the first FSM. Some of the unique parts were photographed and documented. Here is that fuel return part that was first on the fuel bowl then moved to the rail. I wonder if the design and/or part was taken from the twin SU roadster or 510 SS? The different fuel pump routing is also captured in the FSM:
Steering wheel restoration.
The Phoenix Thread! I love it!
Steering wheel restoration.
That shift knob looks like it will go to the correct light straw colour with a clear coat or slight tint.
Datsun-240z Vs Fairlady-z432
Hi @kats & @Carl Beck, I do think the red car is HLS30-00003. Here are two interesting images from the first FSM with the red car. Do you see a number written in two locations? ?
Do NOT buy a 123ignition distributor.
Don't feel special: https://www.tr-register.co.uk/forums/index.php?/topic/54044-123-distributor-catastrophic-rotor-failure/
Steering wheel restoration.
It seems the darker reddish-brown colour is from material aging (UV, hand oil/dirt). All early pictures I have seen indicate a light straw coloured wheel.
Steering wheel restoration.
Do NOT buy a 123ignition distributor.
Sorry about it destroying your exhaust and piston! Could be fake distributor caps that got into the supply chain as you both had the same failure of a robust part that is ubiquitous and easily well made. Thanks for the warning... if the electronics go, I imagine something similar will happen. I would worry cheap/fake Chinese electronic components exposed to all the heat will fail fast just like in Korean cars with Chinese electrics.
AutoZone and crap from China
Honey, False Flags, Antibiotics.... good old China https://www.theglobeandmail.com/technology/science/honey-laundering-the-sour-side-of-natures-golden-sweetener/article562759/
AutoZone and crap from China
Ozone hole re-fueling from China https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-48353341
Replacing S30 Rear Wheel Bearings
I first used a dremel tool to cut away the peened/staked part of the nut, but having changed many wheel bearings since, I just get a very small cold chisel and wedge it between the bolt and the nut to push the deformed part outward. Works great. Tip... use a grinder to keep the cold chisel tip in good form.
280z Intermittently Engine Wont start
I had a similar problem. It was due to the ignition switch in the steering column "carboning up". When turning the key fully Clockwise (100%) to Crank/Start, only the electrical contact in the switch for the starter would make, the EFI/ignition contact was kaput and would not give spark. The mystery was that this was intermittent... but becoming worse. I found that if I turned the key to crank only ~ 80% to 90% of the way (where the electrical contacts would all make, it would start fine. Changing out the switch cured the problem.
Home Built Z 'Full video build'
The car looks great on the road!
RIP John Coffey
Ditto. Been thinking of John often lately and realized it has been over 3 years. RIP.
Webber Carburetors
popping out front is usually due to timing or lean mixture.
73 Z brings $52,500 on BaT
The 240Z Guild (Facebook Wankers Hiding behind the great wall?)