Everything posted by 240260280
Video of Jet Drop When "Choke" Applied
I'll flow test the differences of fuel flow vs. jet height and fuel bowl height when I get a chance. I just checked some modelling figures against measurements when tuning an L28 yesterday: SK Synchrometer shows 10kg/hr of air flow at 800rpm for 3 cylinders (4.8cfm) An old model gives ~10cfm at 800rpm for 6 cylinders (~5.0cfm for 3 cylinders) Flow per cylinder at idle would be ~1.6cfm Can't find any formulas for a rectangular venturi (like the bridge/Piston space on an SU).... maybe the flow has to be sliced into sections along the width and only the slice of flow above the exposed annular ring pulls the fuel.
- Field-Find 3 Datsun 240Zs
Video of Jet Drop When "Choke" Applied
I used to think it made little difference but it sure does on triple Webers. Maybe the fact our SU's are flowing for 3 cylinders (3X weber flow), makes the fuel height differential less significant.
Purchase Questions for Canadians
Hi Gang, Just have a few questions: 1. Anyone know of a supplier of Champion Aluminum Radiators in Canada? 2. Can anyone comment on 2 row or 3 row Champion Rad differences and make a recommendation? 3. Anyone know of a supplier of dense car sound proofing in Canada? (Ideally for inside doors, floors, and roof.
[2018] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
Springs installed. Just ran it for 20min. Timing, coolant, oil all working fine. The only problem is that the key does not crank the starter. I'll have to look around. I used a Facet pump rated 3.5 to 4psi. Rear carb began to overflow so I connected a Mr Gasket fuel pressure regulator and of course it leaked.... made in China. I'll have to get a real FPR. I'd like to install a mechanical pump but the head would need the pump port drilled open, not an "on-the-car" job. I'll get back at it tomorrow. Drain tank, change oil etc. The road to Atlanta.....
Turbo Conversion Set-Up
280zx Turbo Oil Pan 280zx Turbo Exhaust Manifold Audi External Wastegate ARC Recirculating Blow Off Valve Palnet Fuel Rail and Pressure Gauge Supra Injectors Boost Gauge (similar in style to Z interior) Cosmo Intercooler $500
[2018] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
Blue started on the first crank! But I forgot to install Throttle return springs so it raced quite quickly with an amazing front fire blast of flame. It seemed angry. Off to the hardware store to get springs.
- Z Barn
SU Hitachi 2.0mm Needle Valve Assembly
You are correct. These carbs are 4 screw but with fuel bowl drains so I guess late 70 or 71. I thought it was neat to see original needle valves. Here is an aftermarket with a rubber tip:
Stage 4 cam, use it or sell?
Thanks. I have lots of parts. Please send your needs in an email as I am not on Facebook. btw I'm in N.S.
Stage 4 cam, use it or sell?
@Elliott000 Just checked. Cam for trade has an 8mm intake lobe delta which translates to 0.46" of Cam lift. No markings on the end. I think it is a Delta Cam regrind, not a Schneider. It is internally oiled. It would be similar to a Schneider 260F grind.
Video of Jet Drop When "Choke" Applied
Jet Drop.mp4
SU Hitachi 2.0mm Needle Valve Assembly
Stock Hitachi Needle Valve Assembly: To set the preliminary fuel level, blow in the inlet and rotate the float. Adjust the tab by bending so that the valve shuts (can't blow) when the float beam is parallel to the lid.
Putting SU Carbs on L28 EFI
Just fitted SU's to my 77 280z. Figure 1. Some notes: 1. The 77 shepherd's hook rod fits the early SU balance tube with no modifications (See Figure 2). The later SU balance tube has the connection point closer to the firewall so the shepherd's hook rod may need to be shortened. 2. The firewall rotation point on the 280z is closer to the drivers side by 21.5mm. For the rod to align properly with the SU manifold, it needs to be moved inboard by 21.5mm (See Figure 3). After carefully using a dowel to find the new rotation point on the firewall and drilling a hole for the bracket, I noticed the bracket has a third hole in the middle. By using this hole, you can attach the bracket to the firewall (using one of the original holes) in a near perfect location. A second hole can then be drilled through the firewall to attach the bracket securely. A nut-sert needs to be used for the new bolt hole as the firewall is thin....or a nut can be attached on the back (if you remove the dash and heater assembly). Figure 2. Figure 3.
[2018] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
SS Bumpers from Vietnam
Captain Obvious is a Genius!
Thanks Bruce for the clever trick of using rubber around an SU needle to gently hold it in a vise to remove (when stuck)!!! Worked like a charm... I just used the fuel hose as the rubber buffer. @Captain Obvious
[2018] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
Looks nice on a silver car!
Stage 4 cam, use it or sell?
I have a gentler Schneider NOS if interested in a trade. I'll post specs tomorrow.
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
Good luck! I heard of some people stacking two together. It may need more research. You may wish to check side of head and manifold surfaces for bumps that could prevent sealing as well as flatness.
Imagine that!
Home Built Z 'Full video build'
You need a vacation to a place with no cars to decompress: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/11/08/places-with-no-cars_n_4847466.html
Stage 4 cam, use it or sell?
How much for thew cam?
240Z Vintage Rubber Floor Mats AMCO
SU carbs will not sustain Heavy load
I thought it was 1.7mm .... getting too old.