Everything posted by 240260280
Help with carb sync/disabling front carb engine quits
If you have an air fuel meter after your are able to lift each carb piston to disable*** one-at-a-time, then you can adjust the jet turn out until you get ~29:1 air fuel ratio for running on each. This will accurately balance your jet heights and get an idle a/f of ~14.5:1. Once you get 29:1 on each, re-measure air flow and adjust idle stop screw so that both are balanced then re-do the 29:1 adjustment. Repeat until balanced in air flow & fuel AND idle rpm is ~ 800rpm. Next dial up the rpms to 3000rpm using the fast idle screw at the top of the carb assembly then balance the air of the back carb to match the front using the balance screw where the throttle rods couple. You can also do the front back check of 29AF to see how it checks out at high speed. You may need to adjust jet height to balance a/f at 3000 therefore you will disturb you idle setting as early SU's have only one fuel adjustment for idle and off idle.. *** Lift the piston all the way to the roof of the carb to disable it. Some British tests recommend using a lift pin to lift it just 1/64" then listen to engine. Do not confuse the two. The method I suggest is the American Dragster method (from Norm the SU Dude) where he lifted each piston so that carb was disabled and the other carb ran the engine on its 3 cylinders. This step is further enhanced by the Canadian Scientific Method where you use an Air Fuel meter to set the jet height so that each carb gives the same amount of fuel when running only on each's 3 cylinders.
Help with carb sync/disabling front carb engine quits
Also be sure to check the 2nd and 5th plug colour to see the difference between the front (plug2) and back carb (plug5).
240z NOS Valve Train Rockers, Springs, and Lash Pads
Nissan Parts circa 2000 $500 for all. 12 Rockers 13257-W0300 12 Outer Valve Springs 13203-E4100 12 Inner Valve Springs 13204-23000 12 Lash Pads 99996-M1160
NOS Nissan Braided Rad Hose, Clamps & Fitting
Part 21506-H1101 Looks like it is from a Datsun 1200/ B110 Lower Rad Hose. Came with a pile of stuff. Seems to have early wire hose clamps. Reasonable offer plus shipping.
Calling All SU Experts
Very nice to see real world dynamics of the fuel flow! BIG THANKS! Sorry it is for a problem though. Is this the 72 with the stepped float heights? Maybe try swapping needle valves between front and back bowls to see if problem moves?
[2018] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
Bought a lot that included triple carbs, coil overs and camber plates, NOS Nissan valve springs, rockers and lash pads, NOS front fender and sugar scoop, engine bearings and rings, rear wheel well repair piece, and two rocker panels.
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
Some spring retainers are also deeper than others. Not sure if the lash pad side is hanging up on the circumference at the top of the spring retainer Stock...........................................................Crane.
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
If valve seats were cut to same depth then all lash pads should be same.
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
Check the wipe pattern as a first step. If ok then pull plugs and use remote starter to crank while you watch valves move,
Cataloging 240z factory manufacture paint marks
Caswell Plating
I have been reading about zinc plating. One tip is to use brass wire rather than copper to reduce contamination as it is less reactive. Here is another related to dark patches: Acid zinc plating solutions are sensitive to certain contamination. As little as 2 ppm of lead, cadmium, or chromium can cause no plating in low CD areas. Copper over 10 ppm can cause dark deposit after bright dipping.
Caswell Plating
How is your tumbler coming along? I just bought some trays and bins to make a flat tray with holes that I will run wires on the bottom for plating small hardware w/o having to string up. I may vibrate it or tip it up and down to act as a pseudo barrel. What are your thoughts on trays with wires on bottom?
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
Looks great!
Caswell Plating
The available equipment is what I found interesting. I spent nearly all of July in SA last year, I could have brought back 210lbs of non-hazardous plating hardware in my luggage if I knew.
Caswell Plating
Caswell Plating
1969-Early filter housing and heat shield on Ebay
Early heat shield, early air filter housing, 4 screw carbs are later version as per MikeB's keen observation in post #2. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Datsun-240z-SU-Carburetor-4-screws-Series-1-NO-RESERVE/132514455721?hash=item1eda7a20a9:g:V0IAAOSw05tafN26&vxp=mtr
Interesting Historical Information Indicating Z was for US Market
More data related to Datsun/Nissan early sports car efforts in the 50's. It is interesting in that Mr. K is involved and so are the Americans in Occupied Japan. Here is what he says: "The years after the Second World War were difficult for Japan, and the idea of a sports car, let alone its production, was far from anyone's mind. I was, however, invited by the officers of the sports car club of the US occupation force in Japan to participate, and then to lead, the Sports Car Club of Japan. I soon realised the importance of the sports car to the automobile industry and remembered the intent of Ayukawa (the Chairman of Nissan in the pre-war years) of offering a sports car as Nissan's flagship. "By the time of the first Tokyo Motor Show in 1952, in my role as Nissan's Advertising Manager I arranged for a sports car body to be designed and manufactured by Yuichi Ohta. This body was to be attached to a Datsun truck chassis. This was the first sports model to be produced after the war by any Japanese company. Although this was largely my private project, Nissan agreed to build a production version, and this became officially named the Datsun Sports DC-3. One of the first production models is still proudly shown in the entrance hall of Nissan today."
Interesting Historical Information Indicating Z was for US Market
I'm tired of this. Just re-read the first few posts and consider the data and facts therein. You will find "Interesting Historical Information Indicating Z was for US Market".
Interesting Historical Information Indicating Z was for US Market
Heads in the sand boys...have a look at the big picture...not nit picking the little details that make no difference. Nissan focused on the USA market when making sports cars and the z was a continuation of this focus, as mentioned by many involved at the time and by the design changes made to accommodate the USA market.
- L28 280Z Car engine problems!!!
Interesting Historical Information Indicating Z was for US Market
That was one of the last photos of Goertz' association with Nissan at the 1964 Tokyo Motor Show in October. His employment ended then. The picture description is: " End of the line for Goertz at Nissan: Oct 1964 Tokyo Motor Show (CSP-311 Silva Coupe) Note earliest 240z sketches were ~ 1 year later. " The point is to highlight the time line and to highlight the point that he could not have been involved in the Z development.
Interesting Historical Information Indicating Z was for US Market
The sticking point is that all other sports car manufactures made cars for their domestic market and continued to do so, Nissan did not, they tried, it failed so they went for the USA market. The Z is a significant element in the evolution of this approach that started in 1960 with the SPL212.
Interesting Historical Information Indicating Z was for US Market
The point I am making is that Nissan, its executives, and its future executives witnessed the American automotive need during the occupation and when times changed they went for this market. Boots on the ground in the USA such as Katayama re-affirmed this. When sports cars gained traction in the USA, they went for it. I guess they could have gone after the UK market with their pre-war Austin experiences but they chose not to. They even had a hell of a time getting Z's into the UK for a car show nearly a year after they were released in North America. USA was a path of least resistance and opportunity.
I blame it on legalized pot
These people are volunteering to enable the govt to tax: 1. gas 2. miles traveled (even on vehicles not consuming gas) 3. electricity (needed by vehicles not consuming gas) Which opens the door for double taxing: 1. Miles traveled by electrics 2. Power to charge electrics I think the drugs are affecting people's judgement. Who would want this horrible tax, and who would volunteer for it? https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-economy/trump-signals-open-to-mileage-tax-with-praise-of-oregon-program-idUSKCN1G527O