Everything posted by 240260280
New Mazda Technology... Gas Engine that acts like Diesel
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
It is like the air affects the low end of the Etube and the top end... VERY interesting
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
blodi is an excellent tester!
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
Once you get the mains sorted did you want to circle back to accelerator circuit?
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
Excellent data! Nice to see a crowbar at work and the high end raise! I agree 165/225 should flatten it and give ~12.5 +/- 0.5. You could then try 160 fuel if you want a tic leaner. There also seems to be a big change in the low end of the latest plot. It does not dive rich like it has done but instead it jumps lean. What is your A/F when you cruise at 60mph now? We may have to keep an eye on this region.
Nedonna, Oregon Aug 15-30 Anyone around?
I can head over to Portland!
Nedonna, Oregon Aug 15-30 Anyone around?
rats 6hr drive... if it was at end of my work I could do it.
Nedonna, Oregon Aug 15-30 Anyone around?
I'll be working in Nedonna, Oregon for a couple of weeks, I may have some time off to travel within a few hours so if anyone wants to meet up, turn wrenches, eat food, I'm game. Philip
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
This should be interesting~ Hopefully the high end will rise nicely.
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
Looks like it dropped a bit richer or tester is offset. In previous run posted on July 9 you are peaking ~ 13.5. The last plot is the same shape but peaking ~13.1. Try drilling out unused air correctors with 3/32" bit and give it a run at 165/238. We need a crowbar to straighten that top end!
Hybridz.org is "For Sale"
What are the head details? BMC did one with 3 sections of a KA24 head sandwiched together to make DOHC head for an L28. That was not enough so he bored and stroked it to 3.1... but that was not enough so he added two turbos. One of the most impressive engineering efforts ever by one person... I think he may have been in his early 20's when he did it.
I have Fairlady S30-01036...need some advice
Looks like the mirror has the day/night knob so the S30 is probably the L version. The steering column reinforcement metal plate is easy to see on the firewall.
I have Fairlady S30-01036...need some advice
Your collection is missing this one:
I have Fairlady S30-01036...need some advice
I love the silence Incredible collection! I only saw a Jag E coupe once around here. Beautiful car! My fav of your collection after the Z of course!
I have Fairlady S30-01036...need some advice
An S30 in the USA is rare. An S30 converted to LHD in the USA is even rarer. Just fix it up the way it is or sell it complete to someone who will. Parting would be a shame.
I have Fairlady S30-01036...need some advice
Seems more unique the way it is!
I have Fairlady S30-01036...need some advice
Can you please take a couple of photos of the rear view mirror? I would be grateful. Thanks
Helmoltz resonator for drone
Helmholtz resonator has been around for over 150 years and it inspired Bell to invent the phone. They were used a in the late 19th century to tame acoustics in churches. A dyno would be the place to literally tune your car. Ever see this?
Hybridz.org is "For Sale"
I like Tony D... not the moderators and owners.
Drove Chapman's Peak
One of the best driving experiences of my life. Difficult place to get to and RHD:
Hybridz.org is "For Sale"
I dislike the site and the admin. They are too arrogant and obviously bad at managing a web site and money. I had a very bad experience there that I'll never forget. I hope the site burns up or the IRS chase the admin for the money people flow to them. Totally unaccountable bunch in my experiences.
Original Z was never supposed to happen
- Datsun-240z Vs Fairlady-z432
Nice work CO! A friend showed me that Volvo do something similar: : and Porsche:- Let's show vintage racing pictures. I'll start.
Nice win John! Thanks for the ride!!!- MARRS #6 at Summit Point, WV
How did the 300zx fare? - Datsun-240z Vs Fairlady-z432
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