Everything posted by 240260280
Z Proto: The next z reveal
I think they want to hide the 370z-ness 😞
Float level advice, please.
It's "Slosh". When the car accelerates, the fuel sloshes to the back side of the bowl, when the car decelerates, the fuel sloshes to the front. This causes the float to change its height slightly. The acceleration also affects the float. If acceleration of water places more at the back wall of the bowl, the water pressure will push the float towards the front of the bowl (put a rubber duck in a bucket of water then spin it on a turntable. The Duck will be forced towards the centre|). It is a very complex physics problem and the key is that it affects both carbs in the opposite way due to hinge location asymmetry.
Float level advice, please.
I don't think the shape of the float that is submerged is an issue unless part of it binds. It is all about height of fuel below the bridge in the throat of the carb. Is there a problem with binding that needs the weights? Denser fuel will cause the float to sit higher.
- COVID-19
I think that pyramid chart is skewed... the centre should be the left side lol. BBC and NPR have gone that way long ago.... CBC is a cesspool.- Cleaning fuel injectors in seafoam
better way- Cleaning fuel injectors in seafoam
- Cleaning fuel injectors in seafoam
10 to 20 ohms should be fine. You can go straight on to a 9V battery for short busts of a few seconds then let the injector cool. Just keep the switch and battery far enough away from the spay as a spark would be no fun. BACK FLOW IS KEY- Cleaning fuel injectors in seafoam
open them with a 9v battery through a resistor then shoot carb cleaner backwards through them.- COVID-19
- saturday night music thread
- saturday night music thread
- Float level advice, please.
For quick and dirty float level setting, I just blow into the fuel passage and tilt the float until the air is blocked. I then just adjust the float tab so that this stop point occurs when the float is perpendicular to the float tower. The only delta from in use is if my air flow is ~3psi. The nice thing about this process is that it is independent of tower type.... and this is the confusing part as a long tower will have less fuel in the bowl than a short tower. 72 Carbs are just too crazy for my brain to understand. The design could be for dealing with acceleration/deceleration and float swing/fuel slosh but it could also be some weird way to deal with the problem of vapour lock and having less fuel to soak up the heat.... my head spins! Remember those copper crush washers in the rear hub to cure noise?- COVID-19
The media are just parrots with agendas. Investigative reporting is long gone. Journalists are mostly poorly educated these days and filled with poisonous ideas. They also have time machines that cherry pick the good from now and apply it to the past with no understanding. News and journalism is $^!#.- COVID-19
Earliest report on outbreak that I could find (Dec.30 2019): Reuters: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-health-pneumonia-idUSKBN1YZ0GP Associated Press: https://apnews.com/article/health-international-news-china-severe-acute-respiratory-syndrome-epidemics-00c78d1974410d96fe031f67edbd86ec- COVID-19
Look at PPE they are wearing and at the same time saying it is not transmissible to humans? BS Here is Ebola PPE and "non-transmissible Wuhan Dec 2019 PPE" EBOLA WUHAN DEC 2019 First video of outbreak on Youtube Jan 4 2020- COVID-19
over 1 yer ago.... just say'n- COVID-19
I know for a fact that Fauci pushed Remdesiver when its limited trails showed no benefits. He made it part of the standard treatment in the early days Q2, 2020. I knew he was with with big Pharma then... he is evil.- COVID-19
CAN YOU HANDLE THE TRUTH? It is slowly revealing itself!!!!- Groan
- COVID-19
- Technically, I bought another Zed....
You two look great together... you are following Grannyknot's lead Red & Silver is spot on! @grannyknot- COVID-19
Some people were fearful of Jenner and Pasture when they first "invented" vaccines. Some people were fearful of telephones spreading germs when they first were invented. It is normal for some people in society to be more cautious... a survival instinct.- COVID-19
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