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Everything posted by 240260280

  1. Just bought one on Ebay. They are out there. ?
  2. Found this: https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&rurl=translate.google.ca&sl=ja&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u=https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/4862795056/ref%3Das_li_tl%3Fie%3DUTF8%26camp%3D247%26creative%3D1211%26creativeASIN%3D4862795056%26linkCode%3Das2%26tag%3Dmotormagazi0b-22%26linkId%3D3c194472f747228e0e35cbcc97cd9794&xid=17259,15700021,15700186,15700190,15700256,15700259,15700262,15700265,15700271&usg=ALkJrhi5lWGE7obheexlYWXzVOydzdspow
  3. Ditto! btw do you have any photos of the export S30 underside from the Oct 24 Tokyo Motor Show? I'm trying to see if it has a splash pan.
  4. 50

    240260280 posted a post in a topic in HISTORY
  5. Do us all a big favour and loan it to Zup for 2020 ZCON!
  6. 4L I8 or V12 would be very cool and breaking the mold.
  7. Thanks Mike! I thought they all were from the LA Hilton. I'll update the above post. btw Happy 50th Birthday to all your Oct 1969 Z's!!! OCT 23, 1969 USA Article Detroit OCT 26, 1969 USA Article Phoenix
  8. October 22, 1969 NYC International Preview at the Pierre Hotel. @kats Colourized photograph of unveiling HLS30-00006 in NYC on Oct 22, 1969 Also on same day, Nissan Motor Corporation issued the press release below:
  9. Arrival of 3 promotion cars in USA: Date unknown but Pre-Oct 22, 1969 HLS30-00006 (green) (became Bob Sharp's 33) HLS30-00007 (red) HLS30-00008 (silver) These cars were used in the USA for promotional photos and car shows. #6 was damaged in Jan 1970 and given to Sharp. Thanks to @26th-Z for the photo of #6 at the Boston Auto Show in 1969. #7 in 1969 #8 in 1969
  10. 1. Fast idle screw is fine. You only need it to hold the rpms ~ 2000 to 3000 when tuning. It saves you from getting a friend to sit with foot on pedal. 2. Balance screw should be adjusted when the above #1 is 2000 to 3000 and the engine is hot. Look up tuning procedure (The only time when you use this screw) 3. Opener adjuster should have ~1mm gap when car is tuned and hot. Leave it where it is for now. More helpful info. Plug the PCV input or connect it to the crank case vent pipe. Leaving it open will cause a very fast idle. Make sure the throttle plates are resting on the throttle screw stops at idle. The push rod between the carbs should exert NO force on the throttle plates at idle. You leave a little slop in the linkage by changing the length of the adjustable long push rod that runs along the firewall near the wiper water hose.
  11. 1. Click on you photo in your post to go to your profile 2. Click on "See their activity" It is not your fault. Most modern software sucks. It is usually written by contractors for the lowest price by people who never use it or have a clue about the software's intent. My cell phone lights up the whole @@#$$ room when I hit the snooze button... obviously the programmer know **** all about sleeping.
  12. Even the painted paper looks better than most cars.
  13. @Mike W
  14. I hope all is well to all our friends in Dallas. It ran 2 blocks south of @jfa.series1 Keep him and his better half in your prayers.
  15. Oct 20th, 1969 First ad for 432 in Japanese newspaper, thanks to @HS30-H: Later that same day: Oct. 20th, 1969....Big Loop!
  16. Sounds like air leaks in the intake manifold somewhere and maybe floats or fuel needle valves sticking.
  17. Oct. 18. Press Preview in Ginza, Tokyo, Japan. thanks to @HS30-H
  18. 240260280 posted a post in a topic in HISTORY
  19. Some of the early Z's did have plastic fan blades but they said FairladyZ on the side. ? The line worker's had hats in the early photos but helmets later.
  20. Testing Begins! Another Video from @kats. Music: 1969 Iggy Pop and the Stooges RoadTestingInUSA.mp4
  21. Meanwhile, back in the factory, production is in full swing. 100Z's made in Oct. 1969:

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