I've Seen The Future
If it can get through L.A. then I imagine it can get through any city. Maybe It'll cut down on some of the road rage shootings..
1978 280Z - Won't restart when hot, all interior gauges, fan motor, backlighting not working
The fact that it will not stall out as you increase throttle strikes me as odd. My experience with engines that are running way too rich is that at some point during the throttle range they stall due to too much fuel, but yours is staying at a constant peak RPM until full release back to idle. If the plugs are black(sooty)then there's no denying that it's running rich i guess. I forgot if you mentioned if you have a catalytic converter installed? Or did your car ever have a catalytic converter? I totally forgot when they started putting cats on the Z.
1978 280Z - Won't restart when hot, all interior gauges, fan motor, backlighting not working
I have had this inline fuel pressure gauge on my car for 3 years. It seems to be functioning as it should https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07V583TP7/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B072M33C5F/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I have a Glow Shift fuel pressure gauge on my Civic and it works great.
Nice Beepers!
Good stuff! I haven't had a horn since 2017. I've been yelling like a crazy person out the window in lieu of a working horn.
1978 280Z - Won't restart when hot, all interior gauges, fan motor, backlighting not working
Definitely not the cure for the dash components, but in case your problem is a compound problem, I recently went through a no start when hot problem with my '91 civic. It ended up being that the spade connector to the starter solenoid had vibrated loose enough to make contact when cold, but as heat built up in the engine bay, I guess it would expand enough to not make contact. Or something to that effect. I replaced it with a better spade connector and it fired right up hot or cold. Zed Head, Steve J and others commented on this recent thread where the OP had an intermittent no start situation. Picture of spade connector from that thread:
Z's on BAT and other places collection
Sorry for the delay, went out into the mountains for a bit. I can't see how many bids or anything on OfferUp. Months ago I noticed that they implemented a feature which allowed you to see how many people had made offers, or messaged the seller. I can't remember. But after about a week or so, that info was no longer available. Perhaps if you're a premium member it's there. But you're right, that moss or whatever isn't the end of the world to get off. As mentioned, It's not totally original, but it is an early car. Hopefully it ends up in the right hands, but with the experience that DC871F had, sounds like it'll sit in that field for a few more decades.
Z's on BAT and other places collection
Yeah surely more than I can handle. My guess is that it's been sitting out in the damp Puget Sound lowland marshes for some time and is hiding even more rust than is seen. My ZX is a local Seattle car and has seen it's fair share of rust repair having only spent time in the city, not the woods.
Z's on BAT and other places collection
A rusty '70 for sale Marysville,WA. It was posted 10 hours ago as of writing this. The Craigslist ad does not have a picture attached, but the seller has it listed on OfferUp as well. I understand those not in the continental U.S. can't view links to OfferUp so I saved the pictures and loaded them here. The craigslist ad appears to be the same os the OfferUp ad. https://seattle.craigslist.org/sno/cto/d/marysville-1970-datsun-240z/7653825977.html
saturday night music thread
Hey, do we have any of that Plutonian Nyborg left?
Ran across this Advertisement on Amazon today
I wonder if Amazon is using AI that generates images and ads based on your internet browsing history. If not yet I'm sure it's not far off. They have it making videos of Elon Musk eating toilets haha.
- L20b Cody's Goon
Image upload not working this evening?
I like how they've damaged the A/C unit by backing into stuff.
Help identifying Nissan turbo parts
Having spent zero time around turbo Z's, EFI or blow through, I'd like to ask the community to help me identify this Nissan turbo I was given by someone who knows even less about it than me. They told me it was for a Mazda Miata. I didn't mention to them that it says Nissan on it. Maybe someone had it on a Miata at some point? Anyway it has a Hitachi crank sensor that if you do a search seems to come up with a cam position sensor for the RB motors. Also an oil cooler. I appreciate any info and as always, your time and input.
Age & Wisdom Datsun Style
Try my hand at painting a car I don't really care about instead of trying it on my beloved Z haha
Wanted ECU?ECCS for Euro 1983 280zx Turbo (and diff between those from EU and USA model!)
Yeah you seem like someone who knows the difference between a turbo car and an injector fan haha. It is my understanding that the Haltech 550 series will run the L28ET. There's a 2 part video of it being installed and run on YouTube. My phone seems to be too antiquated to insert a working link for it, but if you search "280zx L28 TURBO Haltech 550 install" you'll find it. If anything it's good to watch with a nice tall Pilsener in your hand.