Everything posted by jeffhop
Well thanks for the info on the headroom issue becasue i had just realized that and had to make sure it wasnt gonna ruin my "Z dreams":classic: On the gas milage issue, I wasn't really worried that much about that because of how little I was paying for the car in the first place. What would you all suggest be done first? I know search and destroy rust, but would you suggest a resanding and repainting? I would like the car to look great (ladies...:classic: ) but I also want it to run well and handel (spelling?) well. Also if you guys have the prices of what you would sugest that would be great! -Jeff
there are a few more things I need to know now after thinking everything over. 1. how much head/leg room does a Z have? I fit in it just fine becasue I am currently 5' 11", but my mom is fairly tall for a woman and my dad is 6' 5" and i want to make sure i will fit if i end up as tall as him. 2. What is the aprox. gas milage on a 240z manual? Thats all I can think of now but when i think of more ill add the -Jeff
USCC shootout
For all you Sport Compact car subscribers and readers, I was wondering what cars you guys voted into the Ultimate Sports Car Challange! (or if you didnt end up voting, which are your favorites) There arn't any classic Z's besides 6 300zx's but there are many other really kick @$$ cars out there including this prime Subaru Impreza 2.5rs (#61). The mod list didn't get printed very well so here is the full list! http://www.i-club.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=20560 Its not my car but the guy needs your votes and in the world of subaru... that car is probably one of the finest ones in the US! Please vote for him! -Jeff Oh yeah, the ones I voted was 1, 11, 43, 56, 57, 61, 65, 66, 73, and 79!
993 brakes...
More questions... I have heard of at least one Z using the 993 twin turbo brakes with the stock Porsche Brembo rotors. I have a very very good deal I can get on this set up (let me just say VERY GOOD DEAL again) and I need to know if it would work and if it would how hard would the install would be and what brake lines you would use on them. Thanks! -Jeff P.S.: I will be putting in 17" wheels soon so the rotor size (333mm) will not be a problem.
How much have many of you paid for the engine and exterior sandblasted and painted? I will be doing this sometime in the next 6 months and I need to know how many pretty pennys I need to save in order to do it:D Any info would be great! -Jeff
Ok, I havnt updated in a while... Well the Z is go! I have found out it will be about $900 per 6 months to insure it, which though is a lot is better than my other friends cars (thanks to good grades). I will also be able to earn enough money this summer to buy a better Z than I was expecting by august. I am so excited! I havnt been on these boards for a little while but slowly I have been learning tons of stuff about the Z. Anyways, I will update sometime later on the state of the whole thing. -Jeff
Questions, questions and more questions...
Well, heres whats going on... I do not currently own a Z but I will (hopfully!) by late august. What I am trying to learn is 1. What are the major faults with the engine and what is most likely to go wrong. 2. What is the engine code? 3. What should I look for (engine wise) when I am looking for a Z? 4. What mods/restoration things would you suggest first? This will be my first car as some of you know just from my other posts so I am looking for a car that I can take to the track, drive to school and take up to the mountains as I go up there very often. I was planning on a 240sx but decided on the Z after seeing and riding in one and I was in love:love: I will be buying a Z somewhere in the 3500-4000 dollar range so it wont be perfect but it will be in fairly good conditions. I am not looking for a very fast car at all and I am more interested in handling than anything but I want to know what engine mods would be a very good idea/needed to make it great. Also I would like to know how hard these are to perform because though I have gotten a pretty good idea of how all the Z's engine compartment is set up, my expertise right now is in subarus as my entire familly owns them and I work on a bunch. Any help would be great! -Jeff P.S.: , if this makes no sense just tell me because I am REALLY tired now (Damn finals) so I am not really with it now!
Yeah, I've seen that site but not lately. Talk about OUCH! -Jeff
73 240z For Sale
Very interested... price and pics please~!!
JAP Datsun Pictures 56k warning
very highly good looking... :love:
SilverBullet240Z Heart
Z Graveyard 8
'71 240Z with 15x7 Revolution Wheels 1 of 2
'71 240Z with 15x7 Revolution Wheels 2 of 2
- Imola GP
Check this out
Thats quite the story Pretty nice Z though! -Jeff
XYZ, I am in lakewood. The factor of getting a clean Z instead of a fixer upper that I will end up spending tons of money into is also a reason I have decided to wait so I can find a clean one. Jeff
Well then the classic insurannce probably wont work because I am planing to use it as a daily driver and you know the weather in Colorado... One day it is 85 degrees and sunny and the next it is 20 degrees and snowing. One thing I did find is that my perents policy could support me and my car and that would not be very expensive (well, compared to having my own policy.) So, thats probably what I will end up doing (unless when I call it shows me otherwise) and I think I am gonna go with the Z. It is such a better looking car and I like the simplicity of it and the fact I can fix a lot of things on my own. One setback though... The Z I was looking at (1972 240Z) was sold so I am looking for another too look into. I am thinking of either buying it before the summer and start work on it or buy it after summer when I have more money to put into it (also because I am going to be gone a lot of the summer so it basically would sit the entire time and I would get little work into it) I also can try one out and decide wether I want a 240, 260, or 280. The only thing is I dont know if I can stand waiting that long. I guess I'll try and in the meantime I will earn money and get more knowledge about the car, how to fix it and what the problems are. Thanks everyone for their help though! I know some people think the 240sx is more practicle (spelling?) but I have fallen in love with the Z :love: !!! Once again, I cant say how great this site is! Good job 'all! Jeff
71 240z
Very nice looking 240. -Jeff
Your Home Page?
www.madblast.com tons of funny crap including bunches of $^!# making fun of "Dubya" and saddam. Jeff
"yeah, that's easy for you to say, you drive a...
We should get Zsama to be our leader in this holy Zihad against the Luxury car powers... We must srop these "shield" crusaders before Zislam is overtaken! Down with the Shield~! Ok, maybe not.... thats probably just a bit overboard. I have to say that Its a fairly good show over all though, but i didnt see that episode. Jeff
first kill
Great Job! Gotta love the Z for that! Put another Domestic in its place. :classic: Jeff :classic:
FastLane - 350Z vs Z8
Man, the Z8 is such a awesome car :love: ! Too bad its like 120k:cry: Thats a nice Z none the less. Jeff