Hello again guys,
So I followed some of your instructions, although I just realized I haven't checked for leaks yet. But I did add a fuel pressure gauge and I put in a new clear filter in order to better see what's going on, so I hope this gives us a little bit more insight.
Everything went good at first, right after adding all the stuff the car ran properly for a while, as shown in this short video. You can see it's pumping plenty of fuel and the gauge marks between 3 and 4 psi. The car sounds and revs normal.
After a while though, after I drove the car briefly around the parking lot it started loosing power again, as so:
Next thing I'm gonna check for leaks with the carb cleaner spray, as I admit I completely forgot the other day, but I do suspect it will also have something to do with soot in the tank and line, mainly because of the look of the old filter.
I'll let you know once I have checked for leaks, and after that I guess I will have exhausted all possibilities.