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  1. Sorry, I never responded with the results of this issue. I finally got the tank cleaned and recoated. Also after a lot of frustration with the carburetors I finally managed to contact Eddie Radatz and brought the car to him. It took a few months for him to start working on it cause he was still recovering and I was traveling a lot, but when he finally did his magic the car started running fine. I only feel a bit of problem on high revs. Not sure what he did, but among other things he had to change the needle on the second carburetor. And he was really fair with the price! So far so good. Now the car is with him again to mount a new set of KYB shocks with Eibach springs. Thanks guys for all the recommendations you made! Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  2. Thanks SteveJ! Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  3. That's the thing, I wish I had more time and a good place to do it myself, but I'm really tied up at work right now. I'm just itching to drive the thing.
  4. Hi guys, Sorry it took me so long to update you on this. After lots of trying I finally gave up on trying to fix it myself. I ended up taking it to a shop near my place that fixes old Porsches and the guys is apparently pretty good with carbs. One of his employees conveniently helped me out when I was stranded once again trying out new changes. In the end there were several things that they tried out. First of all, he said the fuel line was all wrong, cause it had the set up for fuel injection, with fuel return line. But since the car was retrofitted with carbs by the PO it did not need a fuel return. One of the things that was happening was that most of the fuel was actually going to the return line and not enough gas was getting to the carbs. Another thing was apparently that the fuel pump was weak, as it was one of those cheap Napa pumps and it's placed in the engine compartment. The thing is, that the car runs fine when it's hooked to an external fuel tank, but when they hooked it up to the actual tank, it stops getting enough fuel after 5 or 10 minutes because all of the rust and crud. So that is hopefully the last item on the list now. Now I'm going to try and find out if I can find someone to refurbish mine or a non-rusted tank that is not too expensive. I think Siteunseen already gave some tips about that in this forum. @SteveJ Do you know anybody local that can do the tank? Thanks!
  5. Thanks SteveJ, I'm in away the complete next week, so I won't get anything done soon anyway. But I'll get in touch when I'm back. Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  6. I wasn't sure if it was an offer or wishful thinking [emoji28]. SteveJ, I will take you up on the offer. The moment I trust the car to move far enough to reach you we can meet. Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  7. Thanks siteunseen, I think I will have to do that. Right now I want to clean it enough to be able to get it out of the parking place where it is and take it somewhere where I can work on it properly. I'm guessing this might be my main problem right now. Still have to check for leaks though, haven't been able to do that yet, mostly for fear of hitting something that can catch fire without having a fire extinguisher closeby [emoji28] Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  8. I started draining the tank through the screw at the bottom in order to blow through the line and remove any possible blocking. This is what came out with a gallon of gas. Also, I saw these cables down there. Yiu think that might be the wiring for the pump? Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  9. Hello again guys, So I followed some of your instructions, although I just realized I haven't checked for leaks yet. But I did add a fuel pressure gauge and I put in a new clear filter in order to better see what's going on, so I hope this gives us a little bit more insight. Everything went good at first, right after adding all the stuff the car ran properly for a while, as shown in this short video. You can see it's pumping plenty of fuel and the gauge marks between 3 and 4 psi. The car sounds and revs normal. After a while though, after I drove the car briefly around the parking lot it started loosing power again, as so: Next thing I'm gonna check for leaks with the carb cleaner spray, as I admit I completely forgot the other day, but I do suspect it will also have something to do with soot in the tank and line, mainly because of the look of the old filter. I'll let you know once I have checked for leaks, and after that I guess I will have exhausted all possibilities.
  10. Thanks SteveJ, that is great help. I haven't quite gotten to the point when I'm giving up yet, although I admit I'm getting close. But this car is supposed to teach me a lot in mechanics and it certainly is doing so, together with you guys, of course . I'm going to try the fuel pressure gauge and also I'm going to check for vacuum leaks. If I have no new findings after that, then perhaps I will start considering contacting you about referrals.
  11. Thanks Steve, I will try that then and see if I find any leaks. Looking forward to finally solve this issue and get the car on the road again.
  12. I didn't rev it up completely because I didn't want to damage anything if it was not working correctly. But it does respond instantly. It's not easy to see in the video, but I step on the gas and it revs up, but without letting go of the pedal, the engine starts loosing power and you see the rpm going down even though I'm still stepping on it.
  13. Thanks ZedHead, yes, I will turn up the idle and try the carb cleaner thing. Although I always wondered how that works exactly. I imagine the idea is that the carb cleaner will get sucked in if there is a leak? Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  14. Hi guys, The other day I had a little time and I cleaned the float bowls, adjusted the floats (at between 3,5 and 4 mm), changed the filters and changed the gaskets at the float chamber. Unfortunately I have no change in the behavior of the engine. It still sounds like it doesn't get enough gas. I'm going to put a clear filter on the line to see when it stops getting there, because in the beginning it always seems to run ok, but after it heats up a little it starts running bad again. Here is a brief video of the issue I'm having, it actually sounds worse now than before the first time I opened the float chambers: I will check the spark plugs again just in case it's just not firing correctly anymore, but last time they were fine and It has not run that much since either. Any other ideas?
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