Another 280 wiper motor conversion question
Thanks Dave, Working on this today....What does the amplifier do....other than possible amplify the current....and is it necessary for the wiper system to operate properly.?
Another 280 wiper motor conversion question
Thanks. I sent Zs on the brain a message a few minutes ago.....Hopefully, he has a suggestion. We have it working now but only on one speed.
Dogariffic started following Another 280 wiper motor conversion question , How To: Use Dry Ice to Remove Tar Insulation , 4bbl 280z swap fuel pump issues. and 4 others
How To: Use Dry Ice to Remove Tar Insulation
I used dry ice and had ok results. I had not seen the video where they mixed the alcohol and dry ice first though....I will say the areas where I used dry ice came off easier than the areas where I did not, but if I had to do it over again....the process they used in the video is the way to go.....
4bbl 280z swap fuel pump issues.
I just completed the carb conversion on a 78 280. Used the Arizona intake and Holley 390. Running a Holley fuel pressure regulator and the fuel pressure gauge reads 3.5. TIming was a bit of an issue at first as it was advanced a bit with my fuel injection. It was hard to get her to idle properly.... Retarded it some and she ran well after that.....getting good gas mileage to, but she lagged badly on hard acceleration. Went back and slightly advanced the timing to find a middle ground and she took off like a scalded dog.......but still had a bit of lag on acceleration....so I changed plugs from the NGK BPR5ES-11 to the NGK ZFR6F-11. That combination did the trick for me....
Me & My Z - 45th Anniversary
Really enjoyed the read. Thanks for sharing! My son (16) now has his 280Z that we have been working on.....looking forward to him writing a similar story in 45 years, and me being around to read it!
Recommended car cover
The Beverly Hills cover looks nice.... That is the best I have seen so far....for the money. ONce I pull the trigger and get one I will circle back and pass along how it works.
Recommended car cover
Searched and could not find this topic but who has a car cover for a 280z that is s great fit protects from weather mostly heat and rain only a little snow. Felt is important. thoughts?
Recommended car cover
Searched and could not find this topic but who has a car cover for a 280z that is s great fit protects from weather mostly heat and rain only a little snow. Felt is important. thoughts?
Headlight Gremlins
My lights went out a couple of months ago after I clicked the dimmer switch. Ended up opening up the the switch mechanism and cleaning everything.... once I put it back together they worked great. Just a dirty connection.
Another 280 wiper motor conversion question
Hey Everyone, i know there are several threads on the wiper motor conversation but I am stumped. Also I have looked at the FSM but electrical diagrams are beyond me. ok enough of the disclaimers and I appreciate your assistance. We have a 2000 civic motor that works and want to use it to replace the motor on my 78 280z. The original motor worked two months ago but has now frozen up. I have gotten the new motor to run in either high or low but not high and low at the same time. By that I mean with the same wiring set up. The Z has the following wires: blue/red, black, yellow/black, blue/yellow, yellow and yellow/green. The motor has the following wires: black, blue/white, green/black, blue/yellow and blue. Any thoughts on the hook up I can use to get low/high and hopefully intermittent at the same time? Also what role does the wiper amphlifer play in all this. I hear mine clicking as I turn the wipers on and with the amplifier attached the motor surges a bit. I took it off and the surges went away with no other effect. Appreciate any suggestions or thoughts. Thanks in advance....
Im not sure what z car to get for my first car
240,260,280 are all fine and my preference over a ZX....I have a very late model 280Z Others have mentioned rust and based on my experience whatever you see will be deeper.....but...with some sanding and grinding rust goes away. Behind wheel wells, in front of wheel wells, the spare tire area, under the panel that covers the windshield wiper motor, under the front fenders and behind the headlights. Basically all of it! If you have a few holes but nothing too major there are replacement panels you can buy online to patch and repair these areas, and if you do most of the clean and prep having a professional install the panels won't cost too much in the big picture...at least that has been my experience. Mechanically the EFI can be a bear. If you want to keep it get/download the factory service manual online. Ther are fairly inexpensive options to replace the EFI with modern components now and you could even install a carb on a 280 if you like to make it more reliable. All doable with time and $. This guy has a really nice video series on YouTube I have enjoyed watching recently...Wish I had seen it a year ago! This is his first video in the series.
78 280 Z stock EFI
Starfix just sent you an email.
78 280 Z stock EFI
Yes Starfox it is. Do you have any questions about the EFI?
78 280 Z stock EFI
Thanks. Great car!! I just sent you a PM...
78 280 Z stock EFI
Possibly Consigli. I have a line on a guy who may simply buy the whole system, but if that does not happen in the next couple of weeks I promise to get back with you. I will close the loop even if he buys everything so you will know. Appreciate your interest!