Everything posted by Ed
Dero, first off there is no such thing as a reliable car. You might have a car that is more reliable than another but the bottom line is a car is only as reliable as the maintanance that was put onto it. Most people pay 200-500 bucks a month for a new a car payment. Imagine if you spent the same amount on your Z for maintanance. To me my 73 Z is more reliable than my wifes new truck.
Screen Names - Where Do They Come From?
Carl you never mentioned the story behind your name "BambiKiller240"? Since I really don't have much of an imagination or a nick-name I used my first name. I know kind of sad:cry: .
87 octane fuel
Hot Rod Magazine did an article on this a while back. In a nutshell; You are wasting your money on high octane fuel. The higher the octane rating the more anti-knock additives are present in the fuel. So If you have a high compression engine and you notice that the engine "knocks or pings" with 87 octane then move up to a higher octane. And the myth that the higher octane fuel gives more power than the lower octane was up for debate. It all depends on your engine set-up. I've never heard that stations only have 2 tanks and that they mix the fuel.
Here's a little something for all you F1 fans....and Carl S.
I agree with you guys. That was the best race in a while. I think the last time it was this exciting was back in France a couple of years ago when it was raining. The new qualifying will take a bit getting used to but it definately alters the starting field. I was really impressed by Kimi's driving he came from 14th to finish 3rd. With a penalty! He did remind me of Hakinen at the press conferance. No emotion and you can barely understand him.
New issue of SportZ magazine...
Well I'm on there list. Thanks guys.
New issue of SportZ magazine...
How would one of us U.S. residents go about subscribing? Is there a phone #?
Need opinions on whether to restore resto/modify my 70 240
This is just my opinion and I'm sure your going to get a few! You have a pretty early Z and I believe she's one of the more desirable ones. Something you don't see too often. Especially ones that have been left stock. If I had one that was as "young" as yours I'd try to keep it as original as I could. Now you could always do a little here and a little there for performance. Like a cam or urathane bushings in the suspension. But basically I'd leave her alone she deserves to be left original. Unfortunately there are alot of butch jobs out there that end up ruining a car. When it comes to your ID plates I do remember a post here about a company that will make new ones. Not sure maybe someone else remembers. How about some pics? And welcome to the club.
Side moulding
So the moldings were a dealer add on?
What do you think this car is worth.
Looks pretty nice. But I would like to see more. If it's as good as it sounds it should fetch the opening bid. I too would like to see the engine compartment and the interior.
History on this Z?
Thanks for the lesson. :classic:
fuel problem
Unfortunately it is from memory. My Zed hasn't tasted pavement since November:cry:
History on this Z?
That's the one. Now you have to tell my how to attach a picture.
History on this Z?
Sorry 2many, I'm trying, its the one on the home page. The orange one with the black hood. Meanwhile I'll keep trying. (never done this) I think I got it (kind of) on the first post.
History on this Z?
Can someone enlighten me as to the significance behind this body scheme. I see them every now and then and I feel like there is a history behind this. http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=3551 I'm not really sure how to do this properly but the pic is in there somewhere.
fuel problem
I have something like this too. Whenever I make a hard U turn to the left, I mean squealing the tires U turn. My car wants to quit, rpm's drop and a few seconds later she comes back to normal. ???? I never thought much of it. I just quit making those quick U turns.
Rebuilding an L24....
I think they meant some type of sealant. I used a little bit (real little) of black RTV. After you torque down the cap bolts take a rag and wipe the excess that will squeeze out into the block.
is 100 a good price on a 280zx tranny?
Yup, yup, and yup.:classic:
is 100 a good price on a 280zx tranny?
100 is good. You could find a more expensive one if you want. To see if it is in good condition tilt the tranny on it's side and remove the drain plug. It has a magnet attached to it. Inspect the magnet it should have a real fine metallic powder on it, small amounts are normal. Unusually large pieces of metal is not good. This will only tell you if the tranny has been abused. The real test is to install it and run it. To check if it's a five speed - attach the gear shift lever and go through the gears.
newbie Z help
Welcome to the Z world. Looks like a decent car. What does the interior look like? In regards to having a 280 engine vs a 240 well, a 280 has a little more power (a good thing). Keep your current carburators as I see they are the round top SU's (stock for your year). I can also tell the original color was the lime green. What is the coke bottle looking thing over by the fuel pump (passenger side of the engine bay)? To help you with a gas tank you must tell us where you are. Once again Welcome!
2003 F1 calendar
Some good points made. I agree with you 2many that the drivers in F1 just seem to be there for the ride. I too would like to see less driver aids. What ever happened to the good old gear shifter? Another thing I would like to see is restricting how much money these teams can spend. It seem that the big buck teams are at the front and the budget teams are always sucking fumes. How about the "One engine one race rule"? Carl is that one of the changes to this year. You said that after quals the car gets locked up. Can they change engines? The best races of last season were when some of the big dogs at the front had a mis start and had to start from the rear of the pack. Then watching them come from the rear sliceing and diceing there way up to the front of the pack. YEA!! Well it should be fun to hear that V10 again. Next week!!!
Not an emergency - but I need help IDing these parts...
The first one i believe is part of the venting system to the fuel tank. The vapors from the tank and the engine get circulated back into the air intake. The exposed nipple on the top goes to the air box (which it doesn't look like you have). The second picture I'm wondering myself. And the third is your voltage regulator. Wish I could help more. I'm sure someone here knows.:classic:
2003 F1 calendar
Those ABC guys really got to me.:sick: :sick:
2003 F1 calendar
Jerry, Thanks for the schedule. I can't wait for the season to start. This year I hope Rubens gives Michel a run for his money. I just hope this season is more exciting than last year. Ferrari can't stay on top forever (or can it).
Head specs
Thanks, the head I have has already been milled .010" and it looks like it's going to need atleast another .020" to get it cleaned up. I was going to try to find another head in better condition but in case I can't I wanted to be ready for this one.
Raising compression
I thought the reason for shaving the top of the head was to maintain true allignment of the cam. If the top of the head is warped then cam tower allignment will off thus resulting in a cam that is binding. And speaking of shims where could you even get those things anymore? Do shims come in different thicknesses? And couldn't you compensate shaving the head by a thicker gasket?