Everything posted by Ed
smog test again
If you have to go through this every year you might consider installing a catalyctic converter (spelling?). Make sure she is well warmed up before the test.
MSA Header Coating
The headers I got from MSA are coated by Jet Hot. I don't know if they changed suppliers (this was 3+ years ago). I did have a small problem with the header begining to rust by the collector. Called MSA and they refered me directly to Jet Hot. Who told me that as long as I purchased the headers within two years that the warranty would cover it. If it was over two years there would be a 50% re-coating fee. All I did was pay for shipping and they re-coated the headers. I'm really happy with their product. It looks good and it reduces underhood temps.
PPG paint
Finished paint job
I bolted it up where the bumper support brackets for a 73 are. Not sure if earlier Z's have the same.
- Side view of finished paint job.
- Rear view of finished paint.
Finished paint job
Powder Coated 240Z Suspension Finished
Looks good! Question, how well does the powdercoat cut when you retap the threaded holes?
Valvetrain adjustment
A factory service manual is also a good source of info.
Removing old brake hoses
I've had a snap-on for 5 years. No problems.
My Intro
If that's a bullet hole it would be close to a 12ga. slug. :dead:
Parting a running 240Z (motor/tranny and drivetrain)
I agree with guycali, take your old starter to your local auto parts store and get a remanufactured one, cheap.
Should i buy this 240z?
I've got a salt belt example sitting on my trailer. I would take pictures of her but I don't want to make people cry. The only thing holding her together is the tar paper. My advice would be to look around first. There are several members here from the great state of Tejas that could steer (moo) you in the direction of a nice car. Oh yea, post some pictures here and the Z police will disect her .
This could be fun.
Gone Toasted
MSA exhaust
Derk, weren't you the lucky individual that found that Z in your avatar in a barn after sitting for a couple of decades? If it is how's she going?
Dan, On the main page under your avatar there is a list of links. Click the "photo gallery" link. Once there there is a toolbar at the top. On the right hand side there is a "upload photo" button. Follow the prompts after that. If you get an "error" then the picture is too big. Good luck. Edit, you can also add pictures to your post. At the bottom of post screen you will see a "manage attachements" button.
Removing old brake hoses
PB Blaster (available at the local automotive supply store) and a flare nut wrench. Spend the money, get the wrench.
steering assist
Dan, I hate to break it to you but the 240 does not have steering assist. It will be difficult at a stand still but once the car is moving steering should be pretty easy. Check your tire pressure that might help a little. Otherwise it's all muscle.
Speedo pinion gear keeps wearing out.
I would venture to guess that either the allignment of the cog was off somehow. Or there is something binding, maybe the cable is kinked? Dunno.
might be the one!
Did you get it????
Z Car On History Channel November 7
Bump to the top. Don't forget to set your VCR's.
Hot Rods
I can see how you can get away with it when you customize an old car, you have a title. But on a brand new custom car they would have to apply for a title.
- Paint Question
Hot Rods
I was watching the show "Hot Rod" on the discovery channel. They built an all aluminum car from the ground up. Pretty nice. I was talking about it with my wife and the subject came up as to "Why, if this car is built in 2004 does it not have to meet the DOT safety requirements?" For example, bumpers, seat belts, or air bags. Any hot rodders out there????
Tan Interior
That licence plate hanging like that IS just the excuse a cop needs to pull you over.