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Everything posted by Ed

  1. Ed replied to MrZ's post in a topic in Introductions
    Welcome to the club, nice looking car. Those seats look original with the "Z" on the headrest. Those limegreen suspension components sure do stand out!
  2. Ed replied to george71z's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    There is no reason for the hole. Get it welded shut!
  3. Ed posted a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  4. Ed replied to astrohog's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    Hey Bruce (BD280Z), Is that your car in those two pics??? You HAVE got to post some pictures in your gallery. That is a very nice looking engine bay. I would love to see more. Ed
  5. Ed replied to Ed's post in a topic in Interior
    Thanks Will, Here is a link to what I was looking at. I want to stay Sony since that is what my head unit is and my speakers. The color is right to. You know me It's gotta match the rest of the car:). What do you think? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Sony-Xplod-Amplifier-1000w_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ38638QQihZ005QQitemZ150050134349QQrdZ1
  6. Ed replied to astrohog's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    I think someone has the paint available. Can't remember who though. Chrome is a personal preference thing. It can look good. But what about the back of the air box? The part that faces the engine. There are lots of hose fittings and small tight areas that are hard if not impossible to do by machine so the chrome shop will have to do it by hand $$$$$. BTDT http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/data/500/medium/IMGP1039.JPG
  7. Ed replied to Ed's post in a topic in Interior
    IIRC the head unit is 4 x 25w. Wouldn't I need to pick an amp the won't overpower the speakers? Since each speaker is rated at 300W rms shouldn't the amp be at most a 600w?
  8. Ed replied to Zak's Z's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Zak For the POR-15 to cure properly it needs to be applied when the temperature is atleast 70F-21C. You can heat your garage like you mentioned just be careful. If you heat the garage too quick the cold metal of your car will condense the moisture in the warm air. Kind of like what a cold can of beer does when you take it out of the fridge. If you haven't done so already the winter is a great time to redo all your suspension components in the basement. You can sandblast and POR them this winter then when spring comes around you can get back to work on the body.
  9. Ohh boy, I was hoping it woudn't come this year (yea right). I'm hoping to get one more ride out of her before she take's the nap. Come on, just one day of sun, please . This way I can fill the tank, adjust the valves, tune carbs, set timing, change oil and, and anything else I can do to prolong the senstion. Just one more day. Santa please....
  10. Ed replied to agemeansnothing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Harbor freight sells sand blasters for about $60-80. And as far as pulling the harness and laying it over the fender, don't. Pull that sucker through the firewall and seal off as much as you can before you begin blasting. That sand gets EVERYWHERE!
  11. Ed replied to ktm's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I might be thinking of the wrong thing here but, don't you tighten the nut to a certain torque then back it off like 1/2-3/4 of a turn? Sorry, I'm going from memory here. The service manual explains it a heck of a lot better. Are we talking about the same nut?
  12. Ed posted a post in a topic in Interior
    I'm working on upgrading the stereo in my car and have made a custom speaker box that fits behind the seats in front of the shock towers. I put in a pair of brand new Sony Xplod 10" subwoofers with 300W rms and 1200W max output. What size amp should I use with these speakers? Is there a particular wire I should use to go from the amp to the speakers? Guage, construction etc..? I currently have a Sony CD player with 5" speakers in the front and 6X9's in the rear. Should I use some type of electronic crossover even if the 5" & 6X9's won't be going through the amp? Thanks
  13. Ed replied to agemeansnothing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Do it right, do it once.
  14. Check it out, I finally got another one done. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=008&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&viewitem=&item=180040993855&rd=1&rd=1
  15. Ed replied to mmagnus's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Hey Mark, Congratulations on getting a fair price for your car. She's definately worth it. Good luck in your new endevours. Ed
  16. Ed replied to madkaw's post in a topic in Interior
    Another solution to plugging the hole is to paint it closed. Lay some masking tape on the opposite side when you get ready to paint with your POR-15. This will leave a small "skin" of paint in place of the hole. Add several coats to make it a bit thicker. Gently peel off the masking tape. If you do this on both sides you will have a sealed hole. No plug rubber or metal.
  17. Ed replied to troubledz's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Hey Dean, Sounds like a fuel delivery problem, filter, float, pump. Does this mean there will be a delay in delivery? Change filter, check timing, check float, replace pump. Ed

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