Z's on BAT and other places collection
Odd thing happened. About Christmas the daily Bring A Trailer email notifications of things I was interested and/or following suddenly stopped. I went to the site, checked all the settings and found nothing had changed. Then this weekend I started getting notifications again. Weird.
1973 Rebuild
Thanks. It has indeed been a journey. Life is a journey, enjoy the ride.
1973 Rebuild
Been nearly 10 years since you began this journey. It will be very nice when it is finished. Just think, when these cars were built they rolled off a moving assembly line at a rate around one every few minutes.
Sourcing a L24 engine for rebuild in Pacific Northwest area
Thanks man. I remain optimistic. Everyday I wake up on the green side of the grass is a good one.
Sourcing a L24 engine for rebuild in Pacific Northwest area
Asleep. Seriously, life has been a bit crazy. Mom was diagnosed with late stage Alzheimer's so I have guardianship and conservatorship duties, then Covid hit. Then the timing belt broke in my 2005 Legacy Goon. Then Mrs. Racer 2.0 fell and broke her ankle. Then she fell and broke her wrist. Then our oldest grandson was killed in a head on collision a couple years ago last November. He was in the Army, stationed at Ft. Bragg, the 82nd Airborne. He was out with some buddies on a Sunday evening and some guy got on the freeway going the wrong way. Killed the other guy, my grandson, a kid and girl in the backseat of his car and the kid riding shotgun lived with serious injuries. No alcohol or drugs were found in any of the victims. As if life wasn't dealing me enough bad cards, Mrs. Racer 2.0 passed away last February. I came home and found her on the couch, looking like she had laid down to rest. She died in her sleep, the coroner said atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (hardening of the arteries) with WHO Class 2 obesity as a contributing factor. Tuesday after Memorial Day I came home from work to find a water line had broken in the wet bar upstairs. Half my house was flooded. The contractor just finished up last week and now I am moving back into the house that I built 16 years ago. Last October I had my right hip replaced. The left one was done 13 years ago, and it took that long to get the right one as worn out. I did get up to Alaska for the holidays. Saw psychedelic skies and shot a bunch of pretty cool guns. So yeah, here we are. Regarding an engine, Ollie is the guy to ask. In fact I need to ring him up myself, I'm considering using one of the non EGR fuel injection manifolds on a build I'm planning. Stay tuned.
Z Cars In The Wild
Z Cars In The Wild
Next time I see him I’ll ask to get a picture of the doorjamb tag, and the engine bay plate.
Z Cars In The Wild
And maybe some weed to eat!
Z Cars In The Wild
The Lake Stevens Les Schwab store parking lot. I guess it’s a thing now. There were about two dozen cars, pickups, even a pretty slick Peterbilt tractor. And yes a car with excessive use of carbon fiber that isn’t painted and will look like crap after the sun bakes the resin to that ugly yellow crazed mess.
Z Cars In The Wild
Went to town Saturday for groceries and saw this in the parking lot of a tire shop near the store. A nice looking 72 with custom paint, Watanabe wheels, adjustable coil overs, nicely detailed engine bay. I talked with the owner, he assured me that he has air filters for the intakes, he just likes the look of open velocity stacks.
Very Early 69/70 L24 240Z Engine Blocks need a New Home
I also wonder why the subterfuge regarding the serial numbers. I have a low number first year Z that doesn’t have the original engine and I would love to find it.
- 240ZBUILTBYME 1971 240z HS-001063 Project Georgia
I thought I was done with Z cars
So the aftermarket is reproducing the original fiberglass headlight buckets?
Z's on BAT and other places collection
The statement by the 240Z Guild is clear. A known criminal, stating that “only a few” of his customers can attest to his “good” customer service. As for the car bringing such a high number, well, lipstick on a pig, and a sucker is born every minute.
Z's on BAT and other places collection
Of course.