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Racer X

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Everything posted by Racer X

  1. So the gubmint is watching my innernet surfing habits? Guess I’ll be imprisoned or even hanged for browsing titties and cars.
  2. Cliff, I never answer a call from a number I don’t recognize. If it is from someone I need to talk to, they can always leave a message. Most of the scammers and spammers usually never leave a voicemail, and if they do it is a dead giveaway to their game.
  3. Why don’t they just give the boy dogs a vasectomy? Then they would still have the gonads hanging there.
  4. It is called proxy bidding. You place a bid for more than the current bid, and go about your day. You choose an amount higher than needed to be the current highest bidder, but it only bumps up should someone come along and bid while you’re out drinking beer or something. The amount you choose is usually the highest you would pay. If someone else comes along and outbids your proxy bid, you get a notification that you’ve been outbid. You can then go back and up your bid, if you wish to, and the auction isn’t done.
  5. Spaying? Afraid she will get pregnant and deliver a litter of pups? 🙂
  6. For sure. The original finish was acrylic enamel, which can be buffed to the original glossy luster. Just be careful to not buff through it.
  7. I should have mentioned that my machinist always does that too, including the rod bolts and caps. In all the time I’ve been building engines the stock Nissan rods have never required adjustment to get them equal in weight. I forget the tolerance, but if memory serves me, a few tenths of a gram.
  8. Always easier putting in a clean tank than removing a dirty one.
  9. When I build an engine for the race Z I have my machinist balance everything as a unit, damper pulley, crank, flywheel and clutch cover (the disk isn’t done as it will never stay matched to the rest). The damper is keyed, so it doesn’t need to be marked, but the crank, flywheel and clutch cover are marked with a center punch so they can always be reassembled in the position they were in at the time of balancing.
  10. I use regular fender covers, and gaffer’s tape to hold them from slipping. I found the type with magnets would get bits of metal on them, and it would scratch the finish. I also try to avoid leaning on the fenders, as they dent quite easily.
  11. Another interesting difference to note is California doesn’t limit use of the vehicle like Washington. But it does look like you have to renew the license.
  12. California is unique with YOM plate registration. 1969 is currently the last year a passenger vehicle can be registered with YOM plates. In Washington state the laws are a bit less restrictive. I have registered my 72 Z with a YOM plate. Only one plate is required, and the registration never expires. The law does limit the use of the car to driving to and from shows and club functions, for testing purposes, and (I like this one) for pleasure. To me, the last line gives me the ability to drive the car all I choose, as every time I drive it, I do so for my pleasure. My YOM plate:
  13. I don’t think he was suggesting blocking you, but rather pointing out that blocking another member is an option for any member who finds another member bothersome. At this point it might be a good idea to simply move on to other discussions, and let this thread take a rest.
  14. Well when I first saw the title I thought it meant the activity here was slow, Guess not, eh? For me, my innernet connection at home sucks, it is ADSL, which was pretty good 16 years ago, but with today’s web experience that leverages the high speed fiber optic experience that most people have, most web pages are slow for me. The kicker is that Comcast hung brand new fiber in my area a few years ago, but it stops about a mile from my house. They say thee aren’t enough customers on the dead end road we live on to justify the expense to bring it that last mile. Greedy bastards. When I am on my phone, in town, everything is blazing fast. Even in The Big Shed, which is essentially a giant faraday cage, but the company has an AT&T network inside, so great throughput.
  15. For what its worth, I didn’t take the reply as rude. A simple, one word, reply. As far as boasting goes, I didn’t see the sharing of an acquisition such as this anything more than a proud owner sharing his new to him Z. The car is awesome. I am almost envious.
  16. Very nice looking Z, congratulations. Sorry if I missed it, how many miles?
  17. You can covet my Datsuns all you like, just don’t touch them.
  18. Hey, if you leave the windows down they do the inside for free.
  19. I saw this. So much wrong here. Especially the paint. Looks like an Earl Schieb special. They didn’t even fix the dent in the driver’s door. Lipstick on a pig.
  20. First step in heater core removal is learning new swear words. Once removed, separate from the HVAC assembly, then take it to a competent radiator repair shop. They should be able to recore it for you. With the cost of brass these days it won’t be cheap. Good luck.
  21. I have the tape output from the amp connected to an audio input on a front panel thing that is connected to the sound card on the computer. This avoids needing a preamp for the turntable. I have Soundforge software to record the album side, completely. Then I process the wav file to remove any pops, clicks and noise. After that I separate the individual tracks, add song titles, album information, etc. and save it all in folders organized by album and artist. I also snag album artwork off the innerwebs, then burn a CD copy for archival purposes. Finally I copy the music to my iTunes library in mp4. It is tedious and time consuming, but less risk of getting busted for music piracy. So far I have about 7,000 songs.
  22. It was resting that evening.
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