I have a love/hate relationship with MSA.
Many years ago I ordered crankshaft and rod bearings. They were shipped loose in a box of packing peanuts. When they arrived every bearing shell had damage. I contacted them and they were incredulous, even told me it would be OK to install them and run them.
So I sent them back, paying shipping both ways.
Fast forward to early this year.
Started getting my 72 back into driving condition. Ordered a bunch of stuff, clutch, clutch cover, thermostat and housing, cam cover gaskets, head gaskets, and a dozen other items.
Like you, the order was delayed, with no communications. I called them, they said they sent an email. Never got one. Turns out there is some problem with their email that they can’t work out, and other customers also have had that problem.
So they said there were some items on my order that were on back order. I asked that they send what they had and send the rest later.
The head gaskets and cam cover gaskets showed up, packed loosely with the heavy clutch and pressure plate. The gaskets were destroyed from the clutch cover bouncing around in the box. They sent it FedEx Ground, an 800 mile trip, from LA to Seattle, that actually had the package go through Las Vegas, Salt Lake City, Boise, Portland then Seattle.
Took two weeks,
The gaskets were destroyed. The box had the beginning of a hole in it from the clutch cover, and was one toss away from being ripped open.
To their credit, they sent replacement gaskets, no charge.
A month or so later the pan gaskets and a harmonic balancer arrived. They had wrapped the pan gaskets around the box the balancer was in, rather than packing the gaskets in a flat package. Again, the gaskets are not in good shape.
I give up on them. Don’t care if they have all the Z stuff, and good prices.
They do have a guy who is a member here, maybe you can reach out to him.
Or not.