How is it I'm breathing in CO2 wearing a cloth mask? The air we breathe in and out passes quite freely. Any exhaled CO2 that might linger in the fabric will be very small compared to the volume we respirate with each breath. Shouldn't be any different than wearing a respirator all day like a painter.
I have to wear a mask at all times at The Big Shed, 8, 9, 10 hours a day, since last March year. Haven't noticed any ill effects.
The only issue I have noticed is the wearing of a face covering all day is annoying.
Makes me shake my head. Windows rolled up. All alone. Who are they protecting?
In my personal space I never mask up. Car, home, outside away from people. The car is my refuge each day at end of shift.
I prefer a cloth mask, and it must be clean each day, so I have quite q few now. It started with a few off of eBay, 7 or 8, now I have about 30.
All wash 'n' wear. Once a month I toss them all in the sink with warm soapy water, wash them up, and lay them out to dry.
Hot tip: Don't use fabric softener or scented detergent. You won't like that "spring fresh scent" after about, um, 5 minutes.