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About christoffel

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  • Member ID: 32040

  • Rank: ContribuZor

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  • Joined: 05/05/2017

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    HLS30-47337 US 904 Unrestored
    HLS30-81689 US 110 Unrestored
    HLS30-93555 US 918 Unrestored

    HLS30-39734 EU 907 restoration in progress
    HLS30-122310 EU 110 restoration in progress

Zcar VIN Registry

  • Zcar 1 VIN
    HLS30-00023 US 903 restoration in progress
  • Zcar 2 VIN
    HLS30-00057 CAN 905 restoration in progress
  • Zcar 3 VIN
    HLS30-00105 US 907 restoration in progress
  • Zcar 4 VIN
    HLS30-08386 US 919 Unrestored
  • Zcar 5 VIN
    HLS30-19769 US 705 Unrestored

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  1. Hello Mike, I’m aware of some mistakes that needs to be corrected. I sent you an e-mail! Thanks chris
  2. @w3wilkes @madkawThanks for your feedback. It is just from wich perspective you look at it. We restore several 1969 production US cars and European cars, These cars come with tanks that have the connections like the tanks we produce. Also the cars produced for the Japanese market (including the Z432), the UK , Australia and the rest of the world came in this configuraton (without the vapor connections) A lot of people I know in the US said that this configuration would fit them also, because they delete the vapor system. For the US market cars we restore to a "as it left the factory"level, after the tanks are produced, we simply ad the connections and we have the tank the car came with when new. Till now most orders came from the US, but also Japan (for a Z432) and the rest of the world. I have a 1970 919 color 240Z I use as a daly driver, and this car I run with triple Mikuni's so I don't need the emission and vapor stuff at all on this car.
  3. Actually I am doing the reproduction. We have every type FUEL Tank as an example available. But it was a though choice! Besides we are restoring many US-cars we are also restoring and will restore some US 1969, some European cars, the last 2 came without vapor tank, so that is why we decided to produce without the vapor tank connection. Also because a lot of people in the US told me that they delete the vapor parts anyway. To be honest, the white car in the pictures with VIN HLS30-15642 is a US one, we are restoring it as it came out of the factory and for that car we added the connections to the tank after production.
  4. These are Dutch license plates of that period of time. A friend of mine has the letter fromRob Jansen to Nissan Japan about the stability.
  5. The car can be of the 9th month I suppose, or maybe 10th
  6. Your welcome Sir! But I’m still curious if there is a production date on your seatrails. Till now I inspected very early cars. Can you take a look? What is your VIN?
  7. There should be a production date on it like 9 - 10 or so.See the last picture if you want to discus a complete restoration of your car, we can do it for you.. There are so many details you have to fix! The seat bottom was a first try-out, the frame is not painted in this picture. But all materials are correct. We have about 5 original first paint cars as an example and restored about 45 S30’s. please contact me at christoffel2369@gmail.com
  8. Hello, wat production date is on the frame rail?
  9. I have to measure, I remember 12 mm, but not 100% sure now!
  10. Great, than this is solved! Same as on my #672 is #187 drivable now??
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