Fuel pump not working
So I got it working fine again i hooked it all back up and tried hitting the fuel dampener the thing after the pump and it seam to fix the problem and shes running again.
Fuel pump not working
I took the hose off after the filter and there was no pressure. I had almost 12v back at the tank. I took the pump out and put it to a battery and it works. I didnt check to see if there was 12v at the tank before taking out the pump.
SeanT started following FI enrichment effects on idle and vacuum. , Fuel pump not working and 1976 280Z Wont Start
Fuel pump not working
I went to start up my 1976 280z and it didnt fire up, so i checked the spark and it was fine. So i took off the cover of the air flow sensor to check the fuel pump and i heard the relay click but not the fuel pump. So i took the pump out and it works then checked the power to it and had 11.8 or 11.3 volts or something. I plain to re hook up the pump to the connectors to see if it works now, and there was just something in it that i shook lose when i took it out. Is there anything else i should check or another shut off for the pump. -Thank You
- 1976 280Z Wont Start
- Every thing was fine till the next day.
- Every thing was fine till the next day.
Every thing was fine till the next day.
I switched out the pick ups and it sill didnt fire so i when to the tests for the module and i found that it only had 11.33 volts and the battery had 12.05 or something. Ill try charging the battery and see if the voltage changes. Will the module not getting 12 volts be the problem. I took the other module out but havent put it in yet, it had two cross threaded screws so ill have to switch out the thermal block to try the other one.
Every thing was fine till the next day.
Im not intimidated by it I already took it out and cleand the contacts, I also opened up the plate and looked inside and it all looked really clean and sprayed the whole inside down with terminal cleaner. Im just making my way down the list. If this doesnt fix the problem the module will be the next thing on the list.
- Every thing was fine till the next day.
Every thing was fine till the next day.
Hey, so today i found that one of the pick-ups had no resitance the other had about 700 so i am switching them with two from a spare distruptor that came with 2+2. they both have good resitance. I also found that the condencer's blue male wire was brocken and just shoved into the hole and it didnt have a good ground so i put the one from the 2+2 in. The coil also read 1.3 oms so it sould be good.
- Every thing was fine till the next day.
Every thing was fine till the next day.
Ill look in to the pick up in the distriutor i noiced that the tach doesnt move when its turning over i cant remember if it did before or not. I was looking on page EE-33 and noticed mine looked differentI also noticed that on my 1976 parts car it was diffent then the one on my car. the parts car one looks the same as the manual. This is what mine looks like.
- Every thing was fine till the next day.
Every thing was fine till the next day.
I cleaned the battery connecters and every thing and every thing is working again but there is still no spark. I was going through the wiring diagram and he believes that the problem is the transistor ignition unit under the dash. I was reading that some one disconnected the the condencer and his car ran again. There is a thing that kind of looks like a condencer by the coil. but it has a wire going it to it then comming out out of it that goes to the air flow meter. then there is a nother thing that look like a condencer with one wire going in to it on the altinator. does any one know about disconnecting the condencer and where it is. I havent had any smells or fizzes but ill keep looking. - Thank you
- Every thing was fine till the next day.