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About w3wilkes

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  • Member ID: 32049

  • Rank: MenZor

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  • Joined: 05/08/2017

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w3wilkes last won the day on December 16 2023

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    Layton, Utah
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  • About me and my cars
    2nd owner. Had a '73 bought brand new in '73 which pretty much rusted to death after 20+ years as a daily driver on Utah roads.

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  1. @dutchzcarguy MSA sells Koni's and KYB's for the S30. Motorsport Auto - The Z Store - Koni Motorsport Auto - The Z Store - KYB
  2. I thought it's the plastic domes/lenses in the gauges that are green. Didn't think it's the bulbs.
  3. Thanks for finding that in the wiring diagram! Car has always been a manual tranny. Yes, the wire is green. I guess it was a good thing that my car is a MT so that wire was available for me to repurpose! With that wire being in the engine bay I guess the relay to the K.D. solenoid (if present) would be in the engine bay?
  4. Did you use the white QasimLed's bulbs or the green ones?
  5. As in my sig the car is a 1971, built 12/70 HLS30-17486
  6. @HS30-H I found and used this wire for my electric fan controller. The harness had the "blue tape" (visible in the picture) which seems to be the Datsun factory method of identifying wires for some optional use. The wire is 12v switched power when the ignition is in run and had a female bullet connector. Do you know what the Datsun intended use for this was?
  7. Ah, but does the heating make the needle go up... or down?
  8. Since you've eliminated the starter and it starts fine from using the "hotwire" method. We know that when you turn the key to start you hear a click in the passenger footwell it sounds like it's not between the key switch and the footwell. I'm wondering if it's a bad relay in the footwell?
  9. You mention that you now have an internally regulated alternator. Has the voltage regulator been replaced with one of these? Motorsport Auto - The Z Store - Alternator Upgrade Adaptor, 70-72 240Z
  10. Who did you drive for? I had a good friend who drove for Amtrack before he retired a few years back.
  11. I did the leather from Interior Innovations back in 2018 and would do it again. I also did the matching leather e-brake and shifter boots.
  12. Can't find the member map. This has come up before and it seems like @Mike fixed it, but now it's gone again (or I just can't find it).
  13. Also take a look at ZTherapy's master price list for part ZT128.
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