Now days the 4 on the floor is also a theft deterrent. Not that many youngsters know how to drive them. 😁 Our youngest is in his mid 40's so we're now looking at grandkids that are coming up on driving age, oldest is 13 and goes down to the youngest of 8. These kids really have no interest in cars other than a way for mom, dad and grandparents to take them somewhere. The 8 and 11 year old think it's cool to ride in the bed of grandma's truck in the parade at one of the local car shows, but that's it. By the time they're grown into their 20's and 30's I think they'll have an app where they summon a self driving car to take them wherever and about anything they buy will be over the airwaves and delivered so shopping as it has been when we grew up will no longer exist. Most people will not own or drive cars and it will probably require a special permit to drive your own vehicle. Our niece in Germany is in her 30's and has never owned a car. Europe is way ahead of the USA on public transportation, but they also really don't have the distances we do. When she's been over here visiting my wife and I talked about going to St George, UT from our home in Layton, UT for the winter and our niece asked how far it was to St George. Her dad said "It's about a Germany south from here". This was somewhat of a revelation to her on how big geographically the USA is compared to Europe.