I haven’t checked my clearance yet; however, I pulled the valve cover and went through the stack of receipts, letters, and post-it notes that were given to me with the car and here’s what I have:
1) receipt from Z Center of Clifton N.J. to PO RS (I'm using the PO's initials) for swapping a cam, valves, etc. dated 5/1986.
2) list of vehicle modifications that indicates the installation within the past year of a High Midrange CAM with anti-float HIPO springs RPM Range 4200-7200 dated 7/1986.
3) receipt from Z Center for installing a customer supplied cam and set geometry dated 5/1988.
4) letter from Motorsport Industries of Orange, CA recommending in response to PO TV (yes, a new owner) inquire to install either a 10-2002 or at the far extreme a 10-2003 camshaft dated 2/1993.
5) Undated specification card and receipt (no purchaser listed) for a Chambers Cam arse 339i with cold clearances of 0.010 and 0.012 for the intake and exhaust.
I've attached an annotated photograph showing the camshaft a a closeup of the Chambers Cams card.
Can anyone identify this camshaft? Also, why would the "Chambers Cams" carb only list old clearances?
I tried looking up Chambers Cam arse 339I but the first and only interesting hit was about Tiffany Chambers's arse. Apparently a porn star.