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Everything posted by carnutatthebeach

  1. Here's the serial number engraved on the RHD side of the firewall.
  2. And there ya go...in the RHD side of the car as well. It's the real deal guys. I'm praying to get the missing stuff as OBVIOUSLY that is a big factor in the final value, but I'm starting to lose hope. Like I said, maybe once he's out of the funk from his wife leaving him I can get the stuff. I'll take better pics of the entire car later this morning and post asap.
  3. I've reached out over and over, even offered to drive the guy 3+ hours each way to get the stuff (and he's 7 hours from me!), he's in his 80's and going thru a divorce after 40+ years. That plus health issues I think and he's just not that interested in proceeding. "Maybe" eventually, but I've stopped holding my breath. I need them gone before we move, but I'll get more pics up asap. As for the numbers on the firewall, I'll look today and take a pic if I can read them.
  4. Here's the other ad I was referring to.
  5. And when I posted that a month or so ago I had recently acquired the car and was told I'd be getting the engine, etc but I'm STILL waiting. Since then we've decided to move and I will not have all the storage and space that I currently do. I'm literally getting rid of 12 of my cars and reluctantly moving on.
  6. The package is being sold as is in their current state. IF I get the other items, they'll be sold separately but the buyer of this package will be given first right of refusal and a better price. I'm fairly sure I can get them, just not sure how quickly. They're several hours away from the last owner in storage, he's older, and in no rush. I'll be fair with pricing. I'd love for your friend to come look. Thx
  7. PS...I'll be posting these on eBay this weekend. Wanted to give guys here first dibs.
  8. Also, I thought I put my other ad in the classified section but it ended up in this section I think. Anyway, there are more pics and details in that ad.
  9. I think due to the rarity of the Fairlady, a package deal around $20k seems pretty fair. I really don't want to break the package up, but I'll listen. The 240Z needs some floor work and rockers, but overall it can be saved easily. The Fairlady needs more work and engine/tranny...but when are you going to find another???! I think that's a pretty reasonable number considering the 240Z fixed up is easily a $20-25k car, and the Fairlady if I can get my hands on the original motor and tranny in due time, will be worth $60-90k depending on quality of restoration. Thoughts?
  10. Real deal Fairlady vin S30-01036 with original factory G nose, original owner had converted a few years later to LHD before shipping back to states, project, selling with my '71 240Z that can either be restored or used for donor. Both cars sold with Bill of Sale only. Pretty easy to get titles but I don't have time to fool with since we're moving. Full ad in classifieds on here with more details and pics. Moving and not going to have all my parking space that I currently have. Entertaining serious offers. Call (843) 267-3244 Dan
  11. I had every intention of restoring these but we're selling our river house and moving to the ocean, and I'm losing 90% of my parking areas. This is a true Japanese Fairlady Z, vin# S30-01036. VERY early car! The history I have is it was purchased originally by a GI in Japan, then a few years later he had Nissan or the dealer convert over to Left Hand Drive before shipping back to the states. The original 2 liter engine, tranny, hood and headlight covers are out of the car and in storage (meaning I don't have possession of them yet) but I should be getting them over the next few months. No guarantees though. Long story, but the older man I got the car from was having some personal issues and it's not priority to get them for me (in storage several hours away from him). I'm pretty sure I will get them, just not sure when. If I do get them, I will contact whomever buys these and give them first right of refusal before selling on the open market. The car is missing some things, but that's where the '71 donor comes in (or restore that one and have 2 killer rides!). The '71 is pretty solid, but has been sitting for 20+ years outside. Motor was rebuilt just prior to putting it away years ago. The Fairlady is wearing an authentic Nissan factory G-nose which is in really good shape. The top panel needs 2 small repairs but the other 4 pieces are excellent. Correct original hood hinges as well. What you see is what you get, but it's an incredibly rare and sought after Z! I'm accepting offers, preferably to take both in one deal. Both cars are sold with a Bill of Sale only, but as you may know there are many avenues to get a title issued quite easily. Don't let this once in a lifetime opportunity pass you up! The Fairlady Z could be converted back to RHD, but it's actually a more rare animal being a LHD conversion here in the states. My cell is (843) 267-3244. Please only call with serious questions/realistic offers. Thanks, Dan
  12. Well said, dodging monkey poo and all. Hahaha. I can tell you all are an awesome group of guys/gals.
  13. Once again, I wasn't trying to start WWIII. My initial response about "not worthy" was in response to an earlier post that "my car nor I met their membership requirements". Seems like every club has "those guys". Again, I greatly appreciate all the constructive criticism. I admittedly am not well versed on early Japanese versions of the Z, hence coming here. I haven't gotten back to every reply because we're just returning from a two week vacation with the kids. I'll try to snap more pics this week.
  14. Hahaha. My luck it would sink too!
  15. Thank you guys! Hagerty loves me, for sure! Yes, I love my cars and respect ALL car guys. Yes, we live on the Waccamaw River outside of Myrtle Beach, about 10 miles to the ocean. We've flooded 3 times in the past two years (5' under the house, 3' under, and the last was 7' deep under respectively!...see pics), so I'm well versed on moving things quickly to higher ground. It sucks, but it's paradise the other 99% of time. Here are a few before and after pics. FYI the stone columns (not counting the caps are 8' tall!). Just think of the volume of water it takes to raise an entire river an inch, let alone 10' above normal! Crazy!
  16. I definitely won't part it out. I think I'm going with restoring as it sits, leaving the g nose on it as that's how it came over here. And I never got the "not worthy" thing as isn't it supposed to be all about loving common things? I'm a big Porsche collector (but I have many other marques) and that same crap goes on in our forums too. My collection is well into the mid/upper six figures but I never snuff someone because their toys aren't as nice as mine, nor do I worship someone who has nicer toys. It's a lifestyle and passion. I simply came on here looking for advice from those more knowledgeable in the early Japanese stuff, and sharing info I was given from the previous owner of 35 years or so. Here are a few pics of some of my collection and current resto projects...enjoy.
  17. I agree 100%. You never know, but the guy seemed pretty legit, and I'll take it with a grain of salt. Whatever it is, it's cool, desirable, and can be restored. Thanks for everyone's input. This has been very educational.
  18. I believe this is the guy...
  19. And one of the people that supposedly knew this car and raced against it is the guy that drew the technical exploded view (not sure of what it's called) of the 240Z where you kinda look and see thru the car. It was a limited edition poster at some point.
  20. John Csomay I believe is his name. I think it was the Tidewater Z Club in Norfolk/Virginia Beach area. I'm strictly going on what info he gave me. "I" thought the seats looked like the factory sport seats I've seen pictures of (attached, mine look similar minus the black vinyl or leather and grommets) so that's my misinformed claim. Whatever they are, they're vintage, VERY light, and way cool. I'm not trying to cause WWIII here. I'm simply looking for info and advice on this car that I'm not sure how to approach. I do appreciate all the knowledge on this board.
  21. Personally, I never said raced by the factory. I said it was raced in Japan. The previous owner, of 30+ years knew the history of this car pretty well. He was also told by other well known people in the Z community they knew the car and raced against it, both abroad and in the states. I'm only going on what I was told, but he was President of his local Z club and I see no reason for story fabrication. I'm beginning to agree with the consensus to leave the car as a LHD now as it does seem quite complex and pricey to convert back. What I was told was that Nissan converted it over for the GI that owned it before shipping to the states.
  22. Here's a pic of one of the hood hinges...is that the correct one for the g-nose? Hood is off the car in storage. Also, a pic of the bumper piece showing construction and mounting points. Looks original to me.
  23. It's a correct five piece and I believe by the fitment and quality it's an original Nissan piece. The only reason I'm considering selling it is it isn't correct for the car if I restore back to original. I might make the car into a ZG clone. If not, I can put the proceeds towards the resto. I have the plexiglass headlight covers in storage I believe. I know the nose and covers are worth a decent amount. Also, this car has been tucked away for over 35 years, which again only leads me to believe the parts are original Nissan.
  24. Planning a restoration. Just need to know values before I decide the extent of the restoration ie taking back to RHD or not, etc.

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