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About lefty7126

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  • Member ID: 32278

  • Rank: RooZkie

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  • Joined: 08/06/2017

  • Been With Us For: 2763 Days

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    Lilburn, Ga

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  1. Sent from my LGLS770 using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  2. I am selling a complete dash for a Datsun 280zx, it came with a 280zx I purchased so I could swap out the older non functional dash that was already in it however I sold the 280zx and kept this dash Incase I ever purchased another 280zx. I don't need it anymore since I purchased a 74 Datsun 260z so if anyone out there is looking for one feel free to message me. Asking for $400. Sent from my LGLS770 using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  3. Yeah this wasn't recent I joined the forum to get better insight on what the problem might be that way I don't mess it up any worst. Sent from my LGLS770 using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  4. And then a buddy off mine who actually knows some what about cars helped me assemble these but that didn't make a difference. Sent from my LGLS770 using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  5. These were the original cables that were on it, the split ones were just tied together. Sent from my LGLS770 using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  6. Thank you Dave and Steve I'm definitely down for the offer and I greatly appreciate, I know a couple Mexican spots as for BBQ spots in lilburn I only know about one spot called The Barn but that place is always empty so who knows if it's good, I'll message you with the info you need Sent from my LGLS770 using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  7. I purchased a 74 Datsun 260z recently and when I went to go check it out it was running after jump starting it, I couldn't really take it out for a test drive due to the fact that the previous owner had switched the dash board and could never get it back up, after I towed it home that night I couldn't get it to start up, only the head lights and tail lights would light up, the following day I had no response whatsoever his time not even the lights would turn on, so I took the battery to auto zone hoping maybe charging it would help but they couldn't pick up a signal on the charger so couldn't charge it, they suggested I get a new battery but luckily a friend off mine had a spare, after charging that one we went ahead and set it up and the car and this time I had no response again only the box I circled began to spark and smoke, I'm not sure exactly why but any time I have tried that always seems to happen so if any one can help me determine what the issue could be I'd greatly appreciate it. Sent from my LGLS770 using Classic Zcar Club mobile
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