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Everything posted by duffymahoney

  1. I bought two. The first was this one. https://www.supplyhouse.com/sh/control/product/~product_id=506274 It gets amazing reviews, but the manufacture told me it wouldn't last that long in the vapor environment. I am now using this. It's called a trash pump and this is actually the unit a few vapor cabinet builders are using. Only issue is't pretty big. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000PDU9EY/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 It's not as powerful as my original pump, but it sits in my cabinet and mixes the slurry on it's own, so results are pretty much the same. It's nicer on my hands as well.
  2. Got a new pump. It goes in the cabinet. It’s called a trash pump. It does a much better job of keeping the slurry mixed. It’s designed to pump up to 50% solids and can pump sand and silt. Works awesome. Only issue is it’s not as powerful. So I turned the air up slightly. Honestly man hands like the less pressure. Before vapor blasting for an hour and my hands would be very sore. M brass comes out perfect with vapor.
  3. Copied from another thread. "Nismo" Mikuni / Solex 44 (Type 5). These tend to be known as Nismo colloquially because they were offered through Nismo catalogs in the late 70s, early 80s in North American markets. They have the externally adjustable float with the provision for it to be mounted on either side (dual fuel feed lid), unlike regular s5's. They also came with larger outer venturis too. https://www.viczcar.com/forum/topic/15654-mikuni-carburettor-id-thread-phh/
  4. I luckily don't live in an area that aluminum changes very fast. Most of my stuff even on my daily driver looks fine and clean. Winter road chemicals suck though, but the z will never see those.
  5. Nothing. This is just raw. I guess this lasts longer then just milled or cast. I don't plan on driving my z in the rain or snow, so I assume it will look good for a long while. I found out the slurry pump should be a flexible impeller style pump.
  6. Well traded my harada for a more period correct SK intake. This might be one of my favorite triple intakes. Allows me to run stock linkage. I got all new parts for it through OER. Should look very nice when done.
  7. Well ruined another pump, I need to find something better. Some small that is high pressure and can take the tiny particles on a shaft. I believe they are my issue . I got this Sk intake looking pretty before the pump started to leak:( It looked pretty nice before, so it cleaned easily.
  8. Hung has a rebuilt set. He is in your area.
  9. There is a great facebook group for mikuni guys. Maybe ask there?
  10. Time to start setting up the triple carbs. I smooth ported the intake to 120 grit. Having fun!
  11. My system works fine. I just mix the slurry by spraying it. A bigger cabinet would be nice. Since a L6 Head barely fits.
  12. There are tons of websites for blasting stuff. Very little actually has to do with vapor/ water honing or whatever people call it. I got lucky and the vapor honing guy gave me some secrets. That's why mine works so well. Next best thing would be some sort of slurry pre mix machine. You could go nicer on the pump, but all pumps wear out. Something that could be rebuilt would be nice. The reason I picked this pump, is because it's easier to pull apart then my last one.
  13. I deal with pumps for a living. Any high end aerator style bump would be good. The amazon one I got is about perfect. I have a super high end water one that I could use. It’s just a giant overkill.
  14. My overall goal when going triples is to keep it period correct as possible or at least looking period correct. This is a 73 bracket and a 70-73 Nismo electric fuel pump. I guess it could have been ordered as early as 70. I believe it should bolt right on with zero modifications. Bracket is powder coated and pump is NOS.
  15. Well I killed my first slurry pump. It was a 70$ amazon one that is no longer available. This one looks indentical and has the same stats but I like how easy it is to take apart, I will try to take better care of it and flush it after every use. I had about 20 hours on the first one. Also I have 3 nikki fuel pumps to blast and a FET triple intake. Should be fun!
  16. I will probably continue to use mine. I honestly don't know what nozzle would be the best. Vapor honing technology uses a chinese one you can find on alibaba.
  17. It’s some amazon nozzle for wet blasting with a pressure washer and sand. It’s probably the worst part of my system. I should try and find a better one.
  18. One set of my 11 Mikuni's are coming back from Premo! They are currently setup for my stock 2.4L. These are vapor blasted and they will go on that cnc intake I'm making, I think they will look good next to that. I'm hopeful this makes my motor sound more like what I want, and I don't have to build a motor for my series 1. I have another set of triples that were so nice I didn't want to blast, they will be setup for a stroker build. 45 Pump Nozzle 57.5 Pilots 145 Main Fuel 200 Main Air
  19. Well there’s my problem. I can’t believe it still functioned like this! All better
  20. Old clutch slave decided to leak. It probably didn't like the nice new clean brake fluid:) NOS clutch slave, spring and hose going in today. I hope it this is the last thing that breaks for a while.
  21. Trading most of them for things I want/ need. I will be left with just a set of triple 44s.
  22. I have 11 Mikuni carbs:) I have been hoarding.
  23. All great info. I wish I had a few more intakes to look at as far as linkage, location of arms etc... Next is test cutting it out of a plastic or perhaps aluminum. Im not worried about the holes going through and sealing, but that being said I like your idea of not having them go all the way. That would be easy to do. Cost will be more then current intakes. But this should look like a work of art when done. Customizable. Could be anodized, Racing logos, bores, the cad file could also be used for efi intakes. I don’t have the cad skills, a buddy is helping me and will sell these if anyone is interested. He has two amazing cnc mills. He owns prototype and design company and also his dad owns a super high end auto build shop.
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