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  1. It's been awhile for me, but the restoration is off and running. Windshield is out, rear hatch glass is out, both for rust to be mitigated. Engine is overhauled and complete, transmission is overhauled, front suspension is back in (shocks, rotors, calipers, boots, etc.). Next is the rear suspension, fuel tank flush, and start of rust mitigation. I'm hoping for completion by late summer.
  2. dutchzcarguy, I live in SoCal, and this summer has been damn hot. Impossible to get any work done. I'll ramp up in the fall when temperatures are more to my liking.
  3. I read your comments and replies to the mods you made, and points to be lost. I have no intention of going to Branson or any serious show. I'[m just interested to bring it up the standard you have set, and enjoy it as long as possible. I printed all your photos on 11 x 17 for reference. The body is in good shape except for rust around the windshield and one corner of the hatch. It used to be just covered, but now its inside a Harbor Freight tent. My valve cover is polished, the transmission was overhauled and had them clear coat it, and fuel rail looks like gold, so I'm loosing points already. As I did with the plane, I'm trying to as much work myself as possible, but age is creeping up. Thank you for all your insightful comments.
  4. CAR54280ZX, thanks for the info on the fuel rail. I have already done than to mine by a plating shop here in LA. I believe the process is to zinc plate first, then polish that to a high shine, and dip in heated sodium dichromate. I paid $150. It looks like its gold plated. Waiting for improved weather to clear coat the intake manifold, and then begin the assembly. I also set up a plating line in the hanger to do the small stuff. Yes, the plane has been a labor of love, and as you might expect, when it came into my life 32 years ago, the ZX took second fiddle, and now I must pay the price for that. The plane is an Oshkosh award winner, and has been extensively improved. I cruise 210 mph at 8500' burning 14.5 gph. You can take a look at www.hdneubert.com.
  5. Thank you for your response. I too have a wife, but not quite as much encouragement. Also, I have a Piper Twin Comanche that occasionally needs attention, but is at least in good shape.
  6. The cap was badly corroded in place. I went to Motorsport and bought a new one. Took it apart to see how it worked. I drilled holes in the black plastic at the 5 screw locations. Using a channel lock, I pried it off. The keylock center mechanism lifts right out. Had to buy a pricey #9 easy out. Stuck it into the remaining formed steel cap, and with a large crescent torqued it off. Photo attached.
  7. My gas cap is stuck. Previously, I lubed the lock and had a new key made. The Lock/Unlock function was fine, but the cap felt like it was stuck/corroded in-place. When the cap is locked, I know it spins. So, I locked the cap and with a small piece of wood using a hammer, I got it to spin. Unlocked the cap, and it still was stuck. It would rotated about 45 degrees and then stop. I used the piece of wood and hammer, and now it will rotated grudgingly but not un-thread. Has anyone else had this problem, and what was the remedy? I am prepared to buy another cap. I have gone back 10 years in this forum without finding a similar situation.
  8. In another thread, car54280zx posted pictures of a fabulous restoration. The cost of this restoration was not stated, but another member posted that a friend paid $140,000 Cdn for a similar restoration. This 280ZX is now better than new. When this much is spent, is it legal and ethical to reset the odometer? I have gone back 10 years of posts, and this question has not been asked previously.
  9. Zup and dutchzcarguy - Thank you for your input. It is appreciated. The quotes I have are twice the funds available to me ($30K). Obviously, I will need to perform as much work as possible myself. I already have most of the parts that are needed (new, rebuilt, or overhauled). The amount of labor needed will be enormous. But, it has to be done. As I proceed, I may need further advice, and will be looking forward to quality info.
  10. I'm starting the restoration on my 280zx AE. I have received some quotes on the process, and I have sticker shock. May I ask what you spent. Car54280zx, the restoration is absolutely fantastic, and has set the standard I will try to match.
  11. I am new to this forum, and desire to get the collective wisdom from the group. This is my 4th ZX. I purchased a 1980ZX Annv. Edition back in 1993, my number is 577. I started to proceed with a limited refurbishment in 1997, but work commitments, and cash flow stalled my progress. Now I have sufficient funds to finish the job. But a good friend advised that I could easily be underwater as the job progresses due to unforeseen circumstances, thus leading to the question. Current status: On jacks in the side yard. Engine at the long block level sitting in the garage and preserved. Transmission was previously worked on, and is good. Differential needs overhaul/replacement with a serviceable unit. No marks on the body, but the paint is obviously bad. There was some rust at the roof/windshield line which I mitigated chemically and treated with aircraft zinc-chromate. I have been busy purchasing new/re-manufactured/rebuilt/serviceable parts. Meanwhile, have been bead-blasting and painting parts. It will need a complete exterior paint and new interior. The car has been sitting the side yard for 10 years I have made contact with a known 280ZX expert/mechanic to put it back together again. I am next in line. I have estimates for the assembly work, complete 1st class paint, and a complete new interior. I also have been to Hemmings.com and have an idea what it would be worth when completed. I do not have any idea of its worth as-is, or what it is worth parted out. I do have the new gold hood medallion purchased in 1997, which is now unobtainable. My desire is to return the car to its original glory, but with caution and knowledge. I would like to hear from others in the group.
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