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Everything posted by PrOxLaMuS©

  1. PrOxLaMuS© replied to Gee's post in a topic in Introductions
    I went on a date with a girl few months back, and she says.... Is that a GREMLIN! .. oh wait... looks like a PINTO! Haven't seen her since
  2. PrOxLaMuS© replied to viparz's post in a topic in Interior
    Summit racing has a set of beautiful European Style Leather or Vinyl seats that look identical to the Sparco Milano seats.... and are only $200 each! and look damn good! Especially the vinyl or simulated leather
  3. PrOxLaMuS© replied to matopete's post in a topic in Aftermarket
    wasn't your car featured in SuperStreet or Import Tuner? I remember seeing it going... oohhhh sexy
  4. PrOxLaMuS© replied to woodzcar's post in a topic in Interior
    if you gonna re-upholster the Sparco seats or you want very nice seats, and you get them re-upholstered.... buy some APC seats. I know I know.. but if you take off the fabric and put on your own, or a custom fabric the seats are very nice, and look good too. Very cheap
  5. After watching your video's, and spinning out so much, I would recommend some things... (sorry don't want to dog on you but.. helpful suggestions) - You are countersteering too late which resuts in your not being able to keep up with your rear end, so you spin out. - Also try giving the Z less gas once you feel the Z start to spin out. Once the rear end has lost traction BLIP the throttle, and kinda "pump" the gas to keep the rear end under control. So while drifting, let up on the throttle when you feel the rear end really coming out and then when you feel the car coming back, use a little gas, and don't floor it. - Z's and stock suspensions are very hard to drift, and using the feint, is well, a bit difficult especially due to the springs. Try a small grab of the e-brake or power-over drifts. Much easier for me. Also tryn the Clutch Kick or brake transfer would help. I have noticed that Z's have bad understeer when turning too sharply at about 40-50 mph. Just remember, even the professional drifters usually only go a maximum of only a 45* degree drift out. So they are not literally sideway's and only have maybe a 45* drift. When I frist started drifting I tried to get as sideways as I could... until I realized, it was too much and caused too many spin outs. I have been sliding around and drifting with my stock 280Z with an AUTOMATIC transmission! Bad idea, and difficult to do, but is possible.
  6. um... If I were you, I would go for some coil-overs with a stiffer spring rate for about $400 and trust me you will be sliding around alot easier. www.modern-motorsports.com sells them for your 280Z
  7. OMG EricB... that is the sexiest Z picture I have ever seen! I love it!
  8. what kind of wiring diagram?? I have the service manual, and can scan it for ya if you want....
  9. Well GOOD NEWS I checked everything out, and replaced ALL the fuses in the fuse bus. Even though some of them did not look blown, except 2 of em, some actually were. So I got everything back up, and the voltage guage was reading an inaccurate reading because of the blown fuses. My only problem was I couldn't find out why the headlight's were not working or the turn signals... The headlight's didn't work because of a broken fusable link.. which I checked, but I must have overlooked it too much... As for the turn signals, the turn signal assembly was fried and actually melted together. I took my 280Z to an Automotive electronics shop and got it diagnosed and repaired for only $107.82. Not too bad, saved me several more hours of agony in my car upside down, and I got it professionally fixed. The guy even mended and repaired the turn signal assmbly but he said it may not last forever, so a new one up ahead is a good idea. Cool, thanks everyone for your help, that's why I LOVE CLASSICZCARS .COM!! You guys are the best, Ryan
  10. Driving a 1978 280Z with a 3-speed automatic driving the car very rough, with quick acceleration and an occational full throttle... I get the following... City : 19 MPG! Highway : 23 MPG! *Don't forget I am a MILE HIGH in Denver Colorado with this thin air* I just recently made my own custom cold air intake, and it definatly helps and get's all that fresh air coming into the grill of the front of the Z. Before I was getting like 14 MPG city and maybe 18 MPG on the highway.
  11. So if I zapped a ground, how would I be able to fix this? *Sorry guys my electrical knowledge is very limited * Today i'll be back in my car checking all the wires again, and the fuses and fusable links. Would I have to re-ground some wires, or what?
  12. I put the positive RED test probe on the wire for the RIGHT turn signal, and I think that my BLACK negative test probe, hit the steering column, and that's what caused everything to short out. But how would that affect my VOLTAGE meter and ruin my headlights?
  13. Well i replaced the flasher units for both the hazards and the turn signals... nothing changed. SO I used my voltometer and tried to check the resistance flowing in and out of the wires to the turn signals.... All of a sudden, everything went out... my voltage guage on my dash is f*cked up and reads at like -10, my hazards don't work, my headlights don't work, and my turn signals don't work. But the parking lights work?!?! I checked all of the fuses and they are fine, I have no idea on where to begin. Fuse bus and inwire fuses are fine. Ohh help help!
  14. Today when I was driving I turned on my turn signal and i heard a spark... and a few seconds later, I saw smoke coming out of my steering column.. I took it home and investigated that everything works fine except the turn signals.... However, the hazards work and so does the parking lights and the headlight "brights" switch. So I know it's not a fuse or the bulbs. But the turn signals don't work, and I looked at the wires and couldnt see any damage from a fire, although I had to use my fire extinguisher to put it out.... Do you think it could be the wires somewhere where I can't see or can it be the actuall turn signal assembly in the column>?
  15. Hahaha.... Nope.. smoke bombs!! I love the 4th of July hehehe .99 $ and didnt ruin my tires Looks kinda real right?
  16. Just some cool pictures... Wagnan Midnight 240Z banner and 280Z burnout real* Well decided to mess around with my 280Z and do a burnout... Also anyone ever see the game Wagnan Midnight in arcades? The main banner title thing has a 240Z to advertise the game!! Sweet!
  17. I have an extra set of headers lying around.. :devious: some MSA 3-2 headers and I wanted to finally install them. Now in order to install them do I have to remove the intake manifold or can I go from underneath? I called Midas and Mienike's muffler and exhuast shops as well as a few local shops, and on average... if I PROVIDE the twicepipes exhuast setup and the header's for them, they will charge $400 on average to install it!!! So obviously it would be easier to install it myself and I wasn't sure exactly how to install the headers... i tried a search and not alot of luck
  18. PrOxLaMuS© replied to kmack's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    they have individual throttle body kits for EFI Z's so why not get the intake manifolds from them.. take off the throttle bodies and put on some carbs? It'll work.. but tuning will be a bit difficult
  19. PrOxLaMuS© replied to matopete's post in a topic in Aftermarket
    Um.. Welcome to Classiczcars.com but honestly.. please do a SEARCH for this topic... it's been covered numerous times and there is a member in the galleries who has one installed in his Z.
  20. alot better than I ever thought it would actually... I went for a Kenwood FM modulator for a "guaranteed" good quality sound. I like it.
  21. .. actually I got the copy of 2 Fast 2 Furious for FREE from work.. as a promotion.. and I work at a grocery store.. hehe
  22. PrOxLaMuS© replied to Fun_in_my_z's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    .. this will be an interesting thread... for me.. 8th grade :stupid: i don't remember how old.. but like 13-14ish.
  23. Here is a new thread I started for full pictures and descriptions about my setup How to : Install a DVD setup in your 240Z and 280Z
  24. Glove Box closed and car put together Glove box open.. with the LCD inside DVD player from behind the passenger seat CLose up of DVD player under pass. seat.. notice how I have room to open and close the CD/DVD tray Not bad for under $300!!! It works
  25. How to : Install a functional DVD theater system in your 240Z or 280Z!!! This is a small documentary/how to : install for a cheap arse.. ghetto DVD setup for your vehicle. Total cost : $290 bux What do I get? : -7" Widescreen LCD monitor -Mobile DVD player that plays DVD's, CD's, MP3's, VCD's, SVCD's and has a BUILT IN TV TUNER! To watch TV on the road -FM Modulator What is an FM Modulator? Let's say you have a CD player or a stock radio and you don't have the option to plug in RCA audio or video wires into the back of the radio/cd reciever. What an FM modulator does is it converts the RCA audio cables (Red and White like for your TV) to an FM frequency like 88.3 mHZ so I can tune to 88.3 FM and I can hear my movie playing or video games, etc. It plugs directly into your original antennea. This is what I started with.. lots of wires and lots of wires Everything is hooked up and tested so now I can install everything nice and clean. I want a professional look. You have the option to plug everything into the Cigarette Lighter, but instead I hardwired everthing to the fuse bus. Sounds complicated but all you do is simply splice the wire to the Radio or Cig. Lighter cable and solder the wires onto it. Or you can wrap it around the wires and electrical tape it for a secure connection. It's not recommended but it works. This pic shows the connection of the DVD player and the LCD monitor to the RADIO wire right after the fuse bus. I attacthed it to the radio so when I turn on the car to ACC the radio and the DVD player and the LCD monitor turn on all at once, so it doesnt drain power all the time from the battery. More wires CLose up test pic... notice the "Pyle" on the LCD screen... it's my Pyle of $^!# DVD setup

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