Everything posted by PrOxLaMuS©
Why go from EFI to Carbs?
excellent write up baddriver.... Yeh I figured if carbs provided more power, why aren't they still in production for newer cars? All viper's, corvertte's, ferrari's, lamboguini's, porche's, aston martin's, maserati's.... all the newer SuPeR cars have EFI.... and put out much much more power than any old muscle car with carbs. I feel that EFI is much more efficient and powerful, my opinion
What's needed for an R200 4.11 differential swap on an '78 280Z?
I found an 200SX Turbo in a junkyard with an complete R200 4.11 differential. Is this an LSD differential? I decided it would be a great swap for my automatic tranny 280Z. What parts are necessary for a complete swap? I heard that for an 280Z it's a direct bolt on, but is it really? Do I have to mess with the speedometer or need any other parts other than JUST the differential? Also in this junkyard there are several 300ZX turbo's sitting out there. I have read about this swap here... but i'm not sure on the difficulty or ease of the install and things required for the swap.
'78 280Z speaker sizes.. need help :)
.... those subs look just like mine... Even MtX Just need some sound to over-ride those massive 10's sitting in my trunk
'78 280Z speaker sizes.. need help :)
I went to Crutchfield.com to find some aftermarket full component speakers, and I noticed that once I type in my year, make and model, they show what products my car can appropriatly take. Crutchfield says the 280Z has 5" speakers, but I swear I thought that they were 4" speakers. the original owner, (dumb arse) decided to have some shitty speaker guys drill holes the center console and mount 2 other speakers, right by the stereo faceplate to the left and to the right. i don't know how or why, but they are the same as the replaced speakers behind my head, appearing to be original size and shape. So are they 4" speakers or 5"?
Z Front(3/20/03)
Looking for a 260z or a 240z
good lord, now that is one sexy Z ... damn! why are you selling it ?
Real Fairladys on ebay or are they fakes??!!
what are you talking about? are you saying is the car an TRUE Japanese manufactured Fairlady Z, or what?
Why go from EFI to Carbs?
So in an racing situtation, which would you see the most difference?
Why go from EFI to Carbs?
After some research on the net.. especially from this site http://www.geocities.com/zgarage2001/engine.html And it mentions under Part 3 - carburation page, it is basically saying that Carbs are better than EFI? I have also read that on Zcar.com..... Why would Carbs be better or more efficient that EFI?
Need Help W/ Sr20det Conversion!!!!
damn! she own's an GTiR???? you lucky basterds
yeh sorry about that... posted before I looked... the side window louvers are only for ZX's in my Victoria British catalog. my mistake
edit.. hmm dont look too bad
I like that vent looking thing on the quarter window... do they make those for Z's?
that's some freaky arse $^!#
Introduce yourself to the class?
17 years old right here... live in Colorado own an 1991 Sentra GXE and an 1978 280Z I bag groceries, have no kids, and love cars.
Tentatively bougth a '72, tell me how I did?
i just guessed about $3,700 cuz I paid about that much for my 280Z.... with an automatic in mint condition, with only 105,000 miles on it. but either way, it's in great condition! i like it
Tentatively bougth a '72, tell me how I did?
so how much did ya pay? I would say about $3,700?
240sx or 240Z?????
where the hell did it say there was an SR20 engine in it? Can an AWD SR20 powered 240/260/280z be accomplished... it will fit, it can be done.. just need to mount the engine. If an BLueBird can have an SR20DET engine an AWD tranny.. I absoultly sure yoou can simply swap the engine and tranny into a Z.
240 power antenna replacement
or a 280Z... i need one pretty bad
Did 280Z's come with factory sunroofs? For some reason.. I have one
yeh.. when i was looking through Victoria British and other companies.. I noticed... crap... where's all the sunroof weather stripping!??? Grr.. I dunno what to do now..
240sx or 240Z?????
yep.. true.. Nissan SR20DET engines... AWD platforms for common Sentra and Pulsar swaps.... AWD engine.. with AWD tranny that can be used in a FWD platform in an Sentra or SE-R with the original SR20DE tranny. So... the owner could of gotten an SR20DET... BLueBird... Avenir or GTiR engine to power his AWD Z
Did 280Z's come with factory sunroofs? For some reason.. I have one
Did 280Z's come with factory sunroofs? For some reason.. I have one..... Someone of the NissanForums insisted that mine was aftermarket.. and was NEVER an option... is this true?
OMG.... look at this Z :)
anybody know anything about that side scoop/vent? I assume it's all custom, but I would love to have one like that
Types of engines..... need some help..
found a GREAT site about all that stuff... Click on Performance Tips.... Even better page!!!! http://www.geocities.com/zgarage2001/heads.html Nice diagram
Types of engines..... need some help..
no way i could ever afford or attempt to but in an RB series motor. If i were to go 2.0 i would go SR20DET.... but other than that.. i want something fairly simple for my low income 17 year old high-school student as myself to accomplish. Just something with an adiquite amount of difficulty.... good power.... and lots of help if I need it.... (hint: you guys )