Everything posted by PrOxLaMuS©
COSMO Racing Adjustable Coil Over Kit
holy crap... I have 180 lb in front and 205 lb in the back and it's FIRM! 500lb is INSANE!! also.. you have to cut and weld the coilover sleeves to the perch.. not bolt on
Clip of a Rally edition 240Z
thanks! Rally whoo whoo
- VIDEO - My buddy Jim's ThunderZ ... mm tripple carbs
2nd Creek Raceway - Denver Colorado unfortunatly after 20 yrs.. it closed this year.. stupid new neighboorhoods complained enough to shut it down.
- VIDEO - My buddy Jim's ThunderZ ... mm tripple carbs
Hey guys! My buddy Jim sent me an awsome CD full of footage! so I decided to make him an awsome video!! There are 2 versions.. one with softer music for those adults and easy listeners http://videos.streetfire.net/Player.aspx?fileid=5469F920-FD32-4B95-B745-019773D58039 then another with some hardcore punk! haha!! http://videos.streetfire.net/Player.aspx?fileid=7D8BC25C-8072-4A17-AEA0-290E8A8F9E2C
Carbon Canister?
I threw that crap out.. it's ugly and didn't make a difference when I removed it... at all
Race body kits for 76' 280Z?
would anyone be interested in a used 3.0L stroker
would you consider selling it WITHOUT the carbs/intake manifold and headers?! I have been considering building a monster stroker turbo setup... but hell, a Rebello 3.0L with a Holset turbo sounds yummy to me.
wide wheels again :D
your from Australia.. and you speak like a less edumacated folk from da dirty south here in America..
ARP flywheel/clutch bolts?....
you NEED to get Grade 8 (metric) or 10.9 (sae) for those bolts.. dont go any lower
14 by 6.5j Watanabe type B wheels on ebay
well that ended quickly.. damnit i wanted to buy those
Umm.. MegaSquirt tells me 11.2v while running, my voltage guage says +16v!!HELP
they just were not providing a good electrical conduction.. the wires were all old and corroded... Fusible links are basically "old old school" fuses.. when they overload they are designed to melt
The best looking 240z period...
Austin will be running the good ol L28eT
240mm flywheel upgrade.. and a new ACT clutch!
hey guys... finally went ahead and installed my 240mm flywheel and clutch.. i upgraded from a 225mm to a 240mm.. there are reports saying that you NEED the shorter turbo or 2+2 throwout bearing collar... well I got a shorter one.. and I decided to use the n/a 225mm throwout bearing collar.. for a longer "throw" so i have more clutch movement for engagement.. worked out great!! I had to change out the clutch.. because with a 225mm N/A clutch and a modified n/a block with a turbo slapped on and other goodies.. it slipped.. BAD.. i mean.. it slipped at 2 psi over 3,000 RPM in any gear.. esshkk New pedal is firm.. I have to get used to it.. but I love it! This is what happens when you install a throwout bearing backwards This is what I used to hold the flywheel still so I can torque it to specs... 100 ft/lb on the flywheel and 30 ft/lb for the pressure plate.. this is an old CLOTHES HANGER.. bent up.
Loud Vibrating sound in rear! What's the deal?
All of my bolts came loose this week on the driveshaft... whooops... fixed!
Took some early morning shots before work........
are those the 14x7 Konig Rewinds?!?!
Website with exhaust video and sound
actually despite running an open downpipe and the spool of the turbo.. I actually miss the Twice Pipes.. they had such a nice sound.
Website with exhaust video and sound
http://media.putfile.com/280zTwicePipesExhuast http://media.putfile.com/TwicePipesExhuastShortDriveBy http://media.putfile.com/280Z-turbo-compliation-final
Strut assembly ?
they look fine, my Tokico Illuminas did the same thing, they required stupid spacers.... but it works fine. no oil leaking or anything.
New exhaust system & Im not that happy!
http://media.putfile.com/TwicePipesExhuastShortDriveBy http://media.putfile.com/280zTwicePipesExhuast Those are some video's of my exhuast setup =) well my old Twice Pipes exhuast setup
- VIDEO - Ok guys.. finally my HOW TO USE SEA FOAM video is here..
I made this video a long long time ago... if you notice I use the statements : "QUOTE - Vacuum cord" not hose i also use "brake booster line, or whatever the hell it is" and no it does not connect to the MASTER cylinder.. but i was an idiot This is when I first started working on cars.. so bear with me.. But it gets kidna tiring seeing posts with people asking how to use it, or what do I do... or what is Sea Foam.. so I am putting an end to this right now.. Click here to watch HowtoUseSEAFOAM
The best looking 240z period...
ron carter.. not my Z Austin's Z =)
Contemplating a 280z purchase
i bought a "perfect" 280Z with a 3 speed automatic with 106,000 miles for $3,800. Check out my gallery how clean it is... or my website (cardomain on my signature) ohh and I dropped the automatic and got me a 5-speed.. Love it to death
New exhaust system & Im not that happy!
Simple... add a GLASSPACK... that will give it that classic, distinct sound.
The best looking 240z period...
my buddy Austin's car will be the best damn lookin Z out there.. ohh Check out his Gallery.. hehe http://gallery.voodoo-people.com/austin ok.. best "upgraded" restore I have yet to see.. ever
painted valve covers
www.cardomain.com/id/pr0xlamus check out the LAST page