Everything posted by PrOxLaMuS©
Website with exhaust video and sound
haha sweet
New Pictures!! Polished valve cover on! Which do you guys prefer?
Welp here are some new pictures of my polished valve cover.. and the evolution of my engine bay.. what do ya guys think?? Stock.. BLACK.. or Polished?!?!
that's a 3 - piece IMSA spoiler on the white Z
New Gunmetal Panasports
ohh my.. a Colorado Z with Panasports!! Looks BEAUTIFUL! WOW
Congrats to WRC's Sebastian Loeb!
such a shame with "Beef".. I was absolutly stunned when I was watching it, I could not believe it. I also felt soo bad for Solberg.. during an interview he just broke down crying and walked away from the camera.. all that hard work.. and a stupid rock threw it all away.. sad day.. but good job.. Mr. Perfect ... oops i mean LOEB.. haha
Breather filter on valve cover
run a filter.. you will be fine =)
JDM Z Nostalgic type videos!
even with a teenie tiny screen it's SOO hard to see.. i want one with better quality! oh i wish!
JDM Z Nostalgic type videos!
wow!! thanks!!
aftermarket dealership option
MSA Air dams???
Here's my old MSA air dam.. DUCTED taped to the front.. haha
put my eibachs on correctly this time
are those 15" Konig Rewinds with ZG flairs?! WOW.. thats what I wanna do.. time to order some Konigs.. hehe
New pics!! Grrr look at my big aluminum teeth!! arggg
.. Dave it's so funny how people call me PROLAX when my name is PROXLAMUS oh well.. haha.. but you know what.. i might not do the GNOSE.. I like the 240Z bumper, and the MSA air dam much better.... i might even get the BRE front lip.. soo.. i dunno..
New pics!! Grrr look at my big aluminum teeth!! arggg
Never.. i will be taking my car to the shop soon... and getting the Gnose professionally installed.. and painted.. If I go GNOSE I am going all out, and getting it done RIGHT
What besides headlites have you used relays for?
Electric Fan
New pics!! Grrr look at my big aluminum teeth!! arggg
in the Gnose?? yeh it's just fiberglass
New pics!! Grrr look at my big aluminum teeth!! arggg
ohh and my plans are the GNOSE!! haha... i need to put it on.. and i am prepping it right now..
New pics!! Grrr look at my big aluminum teeth!! arggg
Ohh and I know Victor Laury is gonna be mad at me.. but my headlight cover FLEW OFF! not the one you gave me, the passenger side, but the drivers side flew off!! .. here are some original pics of the car with the bumper BEFORE
Best link I ever stumbled accross
I found a better link for ya! http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/index.html
New pics!! Grrr look at my big aluminum teeth!! arggg
haha.. here's some pics of the 280Z bumper, bumper shocks, and the front valence and the upper and lower grills completly removed... by car has a nice smile now??
Just purchased a 280zx w/turbo. What to look for?
ohh please stay with the turbo... you would have to be CRAZY if you didn't!!! Trust me! you will LOVE the turbo.. trust me trust me SMoking deal though! damn!
Free 1974 260Z to good home
haha awsome
- VIDEO - A compliation of my 280Z turbo.. at the track, and goofing around
Well as ya guys know I had my old video.. HERE is the NEW ONE!! I scrapped the old one.. and started all over again, don't have hardcore screamo music.. this time a softer band... I also have LESS track time, more of me goofing around, and some interesting editing... going from INSIDE the car, then OUTSIDE.. SOO without further adeu.... 280Z turbo compilation, final! watch the ending!
- VIDEO - A compliation of my 280Z turbo.. at the track, and goofing around
Well as ya guys know I had my old video.. HERE is the NEW ONE!! I scrapped the old one.. and started all over again, don't have hardcore screamo music.. this time a softer band... I also have LESS track time, more of me goofing around, and some interesting editing... going from INSIDE the car, then OUTSIDE.. SOO without further adeu.... 280Z turbo compilation, final! watch the ending!
MSA BRE rear spoiler-heads up
HLS30 needs to chime in here Anyway... is this a fit problem with the FIBERGLASS or Carbon Fiber BRE wing?
1973 240Z Turbo L28 - Melbourne Australia
I would have to agree.. upgrade to a 3.36 or 3.54 you will LOVE IT